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Thread: So I'm a Spider, So What? - Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

  1. #401
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They've established that Oka knows about all her students as her special ability. But she can't say why or how she knows.

    She used it to gather as many as she could to the school.

  2. #402
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This is so funny. We got a long, long stretch of cheap human side romcom, but then Kumoko's great battle against one of the worst opponents was handled like that.

    I didn't think about it for a moment when reading the manga, but watching Kumoko and D's conversation actually made me think this whole thing is nothing but a light novel manuscript/web novel being written by one of the classmates. That person would use all the students in the class, plus the teacher, as characters, to write cheap isekai fantasy. She would even include herself as the mysterious D, who's not an official administrator of the isekai but still in control, as the novel author obviously would be. As the author she would like to have fun writing, which she expressed in the conversation. Since she needed all the classmates to somehow get isekaied in the story, she's responsible, just like she said. It would be quite a fourth wall breaking novel, with the author actually conversing with the characters, but why not. I'm sure that has been done before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    They've established that Oka knows about all her students as her special ability. But she can't say why or how she knows.

    She used it to gather as many as she could to the school.
    I wouldn't even trust anything Oka says. Half of the deep stuff she bothers to tell the other reincarnators could be lies. She could fully knowingly be telling them someone is dead, despite it being false. For her own reasons. She clearly holds herself above them. I doubt it's only because she was their teacher (what kind of reason would that be anyway after they all died and reincarnated?). But, like I said before, she possibly learned so terrible things about the world that it completely reshaped her values. Like if you learned you live in the Matrix, you couldn't anymore go on like you used to. You could only pretend to do so at most. If some friend of yours complained to you about how his girlfriend did this or that, could you really give a shit when you know you are, in reality, all biological batteries hooked up to a giant machine, dreaming of an endless dream, nothing more?

  3. #403
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Wakaba being dead is just Oka's assumption (who is human. Not sure why you'd say she isn't. Just because she got elf ears? Elves are humanoinds).
    Humanoid and human aren't the same thing. Elves are humanoid, but not human.

  4. #404
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manually changing this text
    I have to you manually change my name to DEX when you quote me?
    "Manually change" isn't quite right. More like when I wish to quote part of someone's post, I just copy the text then manually add the [quote=blahblah] tags around it - and I abbreviate because I'm lazy. I think at one stage I was using DE, but there was once a Request-A-Name-Change here and I think you specifically wanted an "X" at the end of DarkEnder.. so I make conscious effort to add that in.

    If I'm actually responding to a post in its entirety then I use the actual quote button. I also copy/paste text when I wish to quote multiple people.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 05-01-2021 at 01:12 AM.

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  5. #405
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    "Manually change" isn't quite right. More like when I wish to quote part of someone's post, I just copy the text then manually add the tags around it - and I abbreviate because I'm lazy.
    Huh...weird. I use the Reply With Quote button and then cut the parts I don't want.

  6. #406
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Humanoid and human aren't the same thing. Elves are humanoid, but not human.
    I know, but counting Oka together with a spider and a dragon just doesnt make sense imo.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #407
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    You guys probably talked about it already but... why exactly did the animation quality drop to literally below shit-tier and almost unfinished/rough sketches-tier?

    It's not like it was fantastic during the first 12 episodes, but this is nearly unwatchable from ep13 onwards.

    Did the studio burn up or something?
    Or is this what's going to happen to all animes now due to Covid?

    The human-story parts are especially bad. Without proper animation, this show's awful presenation/writing is reaching the surface way quicker than usual, because there is nothing to distract you from that. And once again, the human-story parts are especially bad - I'm having trouble ignoring stuff I'd usually not have any trouble with.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 05-05-2021 at 03:04 PM.

  8. #408
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 17


    It's hard not to love floating Kumoko head using magic to instagib predators and chilling on the ocean surface thinking about her next big strategy.

    I guess parallel minds might be one of the most powerful abilities? The mental/soul attack is unstoppable too without killing the original? Super OP, moreso than Immortality. Body leapt from Mother and hit Demon Lord Ariel just because she was checking on Mother.

    I think we can guess what the vestiges are, since they all know what a reincarnation means, act the same way (burning My Home down is instant death, otherwise they just ignore travelers? rofl), and Kumoko was thinking of a way to provide a safe harbor for her soul...Aozaki Touko Strategy but they're not hibernating.

    Glad the vestiges were dunking on Shun's group. They are weak. They're only making it through because of Fei and Shun's title.

    Hugo, Fei, and Sofia are all so much more powerful than the rest of the reincarnations, outside of Kumoko herself who is on a more extreme level, considering she's already become a legend as terrifying as Ariel herself.

  9. #409
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I guess parallel minds might be one of the most powerful abilities? The mental/soul attack is unstoppable too without killing the original? Super OP, moreso than Immortality. Body leapt from Mother and hit Demon Lord Ariel just because she was checking on Mother.
    It's in combination with Kumoko's own heresy nullification. Her soul can't be attacked through normal means (although looks like the massive abyss magic still works), so her parallel minds can continue their silent work, no matter what the victim would try. If the demon lord annihilated the queen taratect with abyss magic, would the parallel minds be destroyed with it, though?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I think we can guess what the vestiges are
    You reckon that as long as one of them exists, Kumoko can come back whenever she wants to?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Hugo, Fei, and Sofia are all so much more powerful than the rest of the reincarnations, outside of Kumoko herself who is on a more extreme level, considering she's already become a legend as terrifying as Ariel herself.
    I felt pretty good to see Kumoko getting a little bit of recognition, finally, in the 15 years after timeline.

  10. #410
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Things Im wondering about:

    1.) So ... is Kumoko actually none of the students, but that small spider in the upper corner of the classroom?!

    2.) How will she ever defend against an instant-outtanowhere cut-into-tiny-pieces attack?!

    3.) It's kinda funny how all the strongest foes in this world seem to be ... spiders? We have queen spider aka Kumoko's mom who rules over a certain area. THen we have spider demon overlord who rules over her area. And of course we have Kumoko who's a new contender amongst those two. I wonder if we'll see any rivals of other monster species, or even humans on their level.

    4.) I REALLY wanna know why Fei is that strong. Did she sneak outside every night and fight wild monsters madly?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #411
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    4.) I REALLY wanna know why Fei is that strong. Did she sneak outside every night and fight wild monsters madly?
    She was born a dragon, that seemed to be a big deal. Then she made a pact with a hero. That's the second big leap.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    1.) So ... is Kumoko actually none of the students, but that small spider in the upper corner of the classroom?!
    Despite many "perspective views" from the 1st episode being that of the spider, this flashback from Kumoko directly contradicts that:

    So unless this was actually wrong, and Kumoko in fact shouldn't be remembering herself going home to play video games, we can say that Kumoko was a person. She commented on things like wanting to eat rice etc before. A spider going into a backpack every day to school/home is possible, but a bit of a stretch unless the human somehow allowed it.

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  12. #412
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    No that we know she can make tons of clones/offspring, trying to guess which future encounter is what seems pointless.

    I like that the humans recognize that the Legendary Monster doesn't attack first.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    1.) So ... is Kumoko actually none of the students, but that small spider in the upper corner of the classroom?
    Unless a mindless insect can absorb all the pop/nerd culture knowledge she possesses, I wouldn't think so. Feels like another red herring.

  13. #413
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    2.) How will she ever defend against an instant-outtanowhere cut-into-tiny-pieces attack?!
    A good start would be to be more cautious and aware. Now the parallel minds tried to warn her, but instead of doing anything, she was just: "Eeh? What's that? There's a monster stronger than mother? Give me a break, surely such a thing wouldn't exist and even if it did, why would it target me? Nah, you are probably wrong. Let's look for more fruits."

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    4.) I REALLY wanna know why Fei is that strong. Did she sneak outside every night and fight wild monsters madly?
    Not only did Fei get strong fast, but she can already assume a perfectly fine humanoid form. How long has Kumoko dreamed of that, and worked for it, risking her life countless times, yet, as far as we have seen, she still looks 100% like a giant spider? I guess 15 years later she ought to have reached a different point, but she has gone through multiple evolutions in the original timeline, and is still perfectly spider, zero humanoid. Fei basically went through a couple of evolutions, during both of which she was little better than a lapdog, and voilą!

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Unless a mindless insect can absorb all the pop/nerd culture knowledge she possesses, I wouldn't think so. Feels like another red herring.
    If D indeed was among the students, I would say it's possible she just noticed the spider in the classroom and that gave her the brilliant idea of resurrecting one of the students as a spider monster, instead of something more glorious and better for the mental health of the student. Although that being said, giant spiders, once sufficiently developed, aren't any losers in that world. But still, a human wouldn't likely love to be turned into one.

  14. #414
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    If D indeed was among the students, I would say it's possible she just noticed the spider in the classroom and that gave her the brilliant idea of resurrecting one of the students as a spider monster, instead of something more glorious and better for the mental health of the student. Although that being said, giant spiders, once sufficiently developed, aren't any losers in that world. But still, a human wouldn't likely love to be turned into one.
    D told Kumoko that she turned students into the form they most closely resembled, even though most remained humans.

    She turned "Spooky" into a beautiful vampire girl, so I don't really feel bad about the callousness she's treating the other students with now. It doesn't seem like she was directly bullied, but they all sort of hated her and ostracized her. The end result is the same, but now she's the beautiful and powerful one. D is a bit of a sadist who does things for her own entertainment, so that all follows.

    Fei was a bully, so it kind of made sense to turn her into a lapdog type dragon. Only by helping others and not existing solely for her own gain did she begin the path to regain a humanoid form. The only reason she's with the rest of her classmates is because the humans who burned Kumoko's first home down grabbed it for its value. She started in the Labyrinth and might have otherwise been raised by Kumoko.

    Kumoko's reactions indicate she was a loner and a gamer, so D put her in an ∞ Climax Mode reincarnation spot where she gets to become increasingly more powerful, and always has some level of challenge? That meant the Labyrinth, and there's no human babies down there. Just Kumoko and Fei.

  15. #415
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Not only did Fei get strong fast, but she can already assume a perfectly fine humanoid form. How long has Kumoko dreamed of that, and worked for it, risking her life countless times, yet, as far as we have seen, she still looks 100% like a giant spider?
    I think the difference is Kumoko is trying to EVOLVE into a humanoid form.

    Fei is just using some kinda shapeshift spell/ability. She's still technically a non-humanoid dragon.

  16. #416
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I think the difference is Kumoko is trying to EVOLVE into a humanoid form.

    Fei is just using some kinda shapeshift spell/ability. She's still technically a non-humanoid dragon.
    A very good point.

  17. #417
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Finally got around to watching the episode.

    So with the scene at the beginning of the episode, it's confirmed that Kumoko is the white girl that killed the previous hero. Demon Lord reminisced about Kumoko and then the scene cut directly to white girl, with a shot of the two of them filling the screen.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #418
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Finally got around to watching the episode.

    So with the scene at the beginning of the episode, it's confirmed that Kumoko is the white girl that killed the previous hero. Demon Lord reminisced about Kumoko and then the scene cut directly to white girl, with a shot of the two of them filling the screen.
    I guess she must be connected to Kumoko in one way or another, but how exactly is another question. It seems impossible Kumoko would have merely started working for the Demon Lord, seeing how the demon lord wanted Kumoko dead. The Demon Lord said she's ruling over all the spider monsters, so I reckon she won't suffer a specimen not under her control. Is the white woman then something under her control? Logic would dictate so. It could be a "thing" Kumoko arranged to fool the Demon Lord, to make the Demon Lord believe she cracked Kumoko and now Kumoko's under her control like all the other spider monsters. Or she's something else and the author or the anime director is merely trolling by showing her like that.

  19. #419
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    So with the scene at the beginning of the episode, it's confirmed that Kumoko is the white girl that killed the previous hero.
    You have a weird definition of "confirmed".

    They've hinted way harder at other characters previously who have turned out to not be Kumoko. She could easily be just ANOTHER red herring, now that they've removed the Demon King as a suspect.

    For all we know, she could be one of Kumoko's remnants that evolved beyond the others.

  20. #420
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I like that the demon lord now is on borrowed time, and has to hunt down Kumoko's floating head before she herself gets mind-devoured. Some good tension and stakes there. Funny that the old adventurer considered even talking to the vestiges as provocative enough to put them in danger, and punches the hero for it. Wasn't he ready to die for the cause last episode when his 'cowardly' son wouldn't guide the party, or was that the alcohol talking? He also confirmed that Kumoko sometimes heals people? Glad he said that, because it's never been shown on screen.

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