Episode 17

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Hmm... While now the anime has already sped past the manga, I can still wonder at the scene of Main & Lutz arriving at the temple and how Gil was admonished. It was inferior here in the anime, compared to the manga. I wonder which was is closer to the novel source. If it's this anime, it's no wonder the manga did it differently.

Nevertheless, all in all (especially if I ignore some details in the anime in favour of the manga), Gil's redemption wasn't that bad. At the end of the day, the kid never had anyone who needed him or appreciated anything he did, and then he lost even the little he did have (food, of all things) when he was ordered to serve Main. While it doesn't excuse his rotten behavior earlier, it does explain why he became such, keeping in mind the highest leader around is the utterly corrupt fool, which undoubtedly affects how everything is handled in the place. I'd say Gil's reform wasn't out of place, as soon as he understood that if he does his best, it will actually matter, and it will give him the greatest reward, that is, good food, plus some appreciation. He wasn't actually evil, wasn't ordered by anyone to make things difficult for Main, or anything like that, so it's okay he changed so fast. It seems obvious he didn't work properly in the past (before Main) because he viewed all tasks as punishments and it didn't seem to matter whether he works or not.

Delia is a bit different, though. Maybe she did have a previous experience of abandonment, who knows, but I feel like she turned a new page a bit too easily. But then again, she's an idiot, so what looks like inconsistency in the plot, may actually be valid. There's still the distinct danger that one word the temple head, and she will again do something unnecessary. Because she's too stupid to even recognise her own benefit.