The first fictional loli that made me fall for her

I mean, in Mfauli's sig, he labeled Rem as a loli, and she is quite popular for her boobs. Also she is 17 when the show started.

I just realized that his sig implies that he has already fallen for a real-life loli because he went out of his way to say fictional. But then again, maybe he was making a distinction between real and fictional people because they are different... oh wait...

@Mfauli - I've repeated it many times, so this will be the last. I am not making any judgment about the content. I only wanted to clarify that the word pedophilia is very misunderstood and loaded, and it is better to use less loaded and more accurate words for mostly benign things. Using the term mistakenly hurts actual innocent pedophiles (yes they exist), people who just like fanservice but are not pedophiles at all, and the general public who are still misinformed about the actual definition of pedophilia, a disorder that has specific criteria (not a label for child molesters). I generally agree with your stance on fanservice. I never mentioned censorship.

Surprising to some, most people who do molest children aren't diagnosed as pedophiles. They do it because their target is very vulnerable and they can easily get away with it and/or they are drunk/drugged. A lot of it also goes unreported because of shame, fear of retaliation, disbelief, and the fact that the molester is or related to the guardian of the child. This is especially true in developing countries and rural/isolated areas.