It looks like you are craving sakuga animation and actual choreography; two things that aren't native to modern, seasonal animation production schedules.

I get sakuga; animation takes time, and the top shelf animators are in high demand with only so much time, but I never understood anime's lack of choreography, even within its "on 24" animation segments. Its like the only actual "creative staff" working on many anime based on manga is the manga's own author. the studio itself is preoccupied translating static manga panels instead of adapting them for animation. Animation offers the opportunity to impose movment and camera work simply not feasable in other mediums, but the anime industry seems content to allow character designs alone do most of the aesthetic building, instead of motion or direction, or even OST.

At the end of the day, theres just not enough talent to go around, and some shows are blessed with an amazing production while others flounder under the circumstance of the industry. All we can do is enjoy what we can, and hope things will get better. Some facets, like Netflix funding shows for batch release, are promising, but so far their original anime, aside from Devilman Crybaby, have been...divisive, if I'm generous.