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Thread: Goblin Slayer

  1. #181
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, it was a good episode, but I don't agree with the director on having the literal bird's eye view for so long. If it wasn't animated, I'd have thought the video jammed with only the audio continuing to play. Normally it would be just a moment, and when the bird blinks its eye for the first time, the scene would end.

    The fight demonstrated how there are no truly OP characters in that world of theirs. The experienced adventurers might have skills and knowledge, but they aren't walking around with a thousand hit points, being able to ignore the little things.

  2. #182
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The fight demonstrated how there are no truly OP characters in that world of theirs. The experienced adventurers might have skills and knowledge, but they aren't walking around with a thousand hit points, being able to ignore the little things.

    The poison gas scene was amazing as well. It was such an interesting combat scene overall. I simply love the fact that they use tools and ressources and that their ressources aren't basically unlimited like in so many other shows
    It's not just the generic "I'm out of stamina" they have to work with, really everything they do is based on using ressources, whether it's shooting arrows, using weapons, using spells or using consumables.

  3. #183
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hold on. Hold on.

    So you've got the Goblin Champion strangling in hair. He's suffocating. You're almost there.

    Then you let go to take his eye out? I mean, come on man. This guy knows better. WTF was that?

    As for the canary eye view, I felt like that scene should have been a unique ED/Credit scene.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #184
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That was just straight up Mines of Moria.

    Weird that a goblin champion seems to be stronger than an ogre.

  5. #185
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Weird that a goblin champion seems to be stronger than an ogre.
    How do you know?

    Didn't really look like that to me.

  6. #186
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, he seemingly killed Goblin Slayer. And the Ogre...didn't.

  7. #187
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    So you've got the Goblin Champion strangling in hair. He's suffocating. You're almost there.

    Then you let go to take his eye out? I mean, come on man. This guy knows better. WTF was that?
    He realised his strength was failing and he couldn't keep strangling the champion long enough with enough force, plus the champion was ramming him against the wall, making his wounds still worse. Taking out an eye required only a moment, but might be enough to drive the thing away, like it did. He had barely enough strength to stand and take a few steps afterwards, so I'd say his judgement was correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Weird that a goblin champion seems to be stronger than an ogre.
    The goblin champion was nothing compared to the ogre. The ogre was smart enough to talk in human languages, could use magic spells, had crazy regeneration. Maybe the physical strength and size weren't hugely different, hard to say, but the goblin champion was lacking all those other aspects. The same team was losing the fight against the ogre alone, whereas the goblin champion had an army of goblins assisting it. They only survived the ogre fight because of Goblin Slayer's scroll.

  8. #188
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    re: Gob champ vs Ogre,

    DEX means that Goblin Slayer took a straight up hit from both of these guys, and while he recovered just fine post-potion from one, the other still ultimately KO-ed him despite potion.

    As for the eye thing.. I don't know. Goblin Slayer has good judgement, but only when it comes to how best to kill a goblin. Like previously stated, he doesn't fight to fight another day. He's in it to kill these green bastards. It would have been hard to judge how much more time it'd take to strangle a goblin, so by the same token it could have been just a second or two longer of a hold.

    Furthermore, the God who role the dice basically asked him to keep going until it kills him.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #189
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    that episode was so good

    It could have been a good episode, but it had several severe fails:

    - WHY would he attack the champion with hair? As we saw, the champion was completely taken by surprise. Ram any blade into the back of his head and it's done. Sigh

    - That manufactured outrage-scene at the very end. Otakus be like 'ololol they ran out of budget, 2 minutes of bird eye!'. Nah, that's a lame attempt at artificially creating an Endless Eight-reaction, to get people talking about it. They could have added lots of interesting scenes, but nah, static bird eye it was. Fuck them.

    - So ... GS knew about the high probability of a gas attack. He even prepared for it, but ... he tells his comrades about countermeasures in the last possible moment? That entirely defeats the whole 'this is like a pen and paper rpg' shtick. There was no reason not to tell them beforehand.

    - priest girl trying to run up towards the skeleton. I didn't buy that scene at all. She's been with GS long enough by now. Clearly, she knows about the goblins' craftiness. Blindly rushing towards that fake-prisoner makes no sense. No, 'she's just that good hearted' doesn't explain it.

    - This is the worst part of the episode, it was so sad that it almost made me cry: elf girl's boobs - or lack thereof. And I'm not talking about about flat-chestedness. No. There was nothing. Nada. Nichts. Niente. Null. Ffs, she was running around bare-chested after the goblins had retreated and NOBODY CARED. Not even her herself! Because there's NOTHING. Flat chests can be cute, but this was flatter than flat. Biggest tragedy in anime since 'I love Emilia'.

    So no, it wasn't a good episode. Passing grade it is. Blindfolded naked head priestess was good. Lizard guy fighting was cool. GS fighting was good, except for the hair stuff. That's it.

    Oh, I forgot a big negative: So let's get this straight: the hero of a series doesn't die in episode 7. It's Eren all over again. But that's why I hated this way too long scene where nothing happened, just the group becrying their 'fallen' companion. It's wasted time. If you don't kill someone for real, don't spend this much time on it. What's more: If he survives, it makes all these people assholes. Because instead of rushing him to get help, they just sat down and waited. Fantastic! Basically: We had to watch a lengthy non-consequential scene PLUS we'll get a dumb deus-ex-machina regeneration next episode. :/

  10. #190
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    None of your points are even remotely severe enough to not call this an excellent episode and my standards are quite high but I refrain from nitpicking since many things are obviously tailored for enjoyment, we aren't looking for absolute realism.

    - That manufactured outrage-scene at the very end. Otakus be like 'ololol they ran out of budget, 2 minutes of bird eye!'. Nah, that's a lame attempt at artificially creating an Endless Eight-reaction, to get people talking about it. They could have added lots of interesting scenes, but nah, static bird eye it was. Fuck them.
    especially this one. It was too long.. but "severe fail"? nah.... 50/50 in terms of birdeye and some city scenes where the "normal life continues" would've been better though.

    - So ... GS knew about the high probability of a gas attack. He even prepared for it, but ... he tells his comrades about countermeasures in the last possible moment? That entirely defeats the whole 'this is like a pen and paper rpg' shtick. There was no reason not to tell them beforehand.
    He brought the bird and explained that it's there to notice the him not going any further with it unless necessary has pretty much been his character since episode 1, has it not? It has nothing to do pen and paper either, at least I don't see how?

    - priest girl trying to run up towards the skeleton. I didn't buy that scene at all.
    I did, I don't know why you wouldn't. That's why she's the priestess/priest girl.

    WHY would he attack the champion with hair? As we saw, the champion was completely taken by surprise. Ram any blade into the back of his head and it's done. Sigh
    But he didn't have "any" blade... and it wouldn't necessarily finish it either - especially if it's a crappy goblin blade. You saw what his dagger did to that Champion... absolutely nothing.
    And he rode that beast and killed like 10 goblins with it

    as for your missing boobs nonsense - can't you enjoy your fanservice during fanservice scenes? It's annoying enough that these scenes even exist, we don't need people begging for them 24/7. In fact. the episode was worse because the goblins decided to rip her clothes apart without doing anything to her. The dwarf made up for it more than enough though.

    On a sidenote:

    Did anyone notice the talking goblin that during GS's enrage scene that was..."mocking"(?) him?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 11-18-2018 at 01:27 PM.

  11. #191
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    - This is the worst part of the episode, it was so sad that it almost made me cry: elf girl's boobs - or lack thereof. And I'm not talking about about flat-chestedness. No. There was nothing. Nada. Nichts. Niente. Null. Ffs, she was running around bare-chested after the goblins had retreated and NOBODY CARED. Not even her herself! Because there's NOTHING. Flat chests can be cute, but this was flatter than flat. Biggest tragedy in anime since 'I love Emilia'.
    In the manga she has something there, though most would still describe that as flat. I haven't read the novel, so I don't know if she's a total pancake or not.

  12. #192
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Kind of a lazy cop out that she didn't get violated. Her clothings are even ripped in a very convenient way. Should have either left her unharmed or gone all the way. Would have been interesting story-wise, too, how she'd deal with being raped. The only prominent rape victim in anime/manga is Cyasca and, well, she vanished from the story. Showing that rape must not necessarily leave to severe trauma would have been interesting. The elf girl is cheerful enough to maybe bear it. Obviously, GS would need to accept her romantic approaches then!

    Look, Kray, I'm not going to bother with a full reply when you dismiss my very valid points with 'that's not severe enough for me'. Maybe it's not 'severe' enough for it to be a bad episode, but praising it as 'great' with so many negatives ... ya know, it's okay to like dumb stuff. I love Star Wars Episode 1 *shrugs*

    But even then, pls tell me why this doesn't count:

    Oh, I forgot a big negative: So let's get this straight: the hero of a series doesn't die in episode 7. It's Eren all over again. But that's why I hated this way too long scene where nothing happened, just the group becrying their 'fallen' companion. It's wasted time. If you don't kill someone for real, don't spend this much time on it. What's more: If he survives, it makes all these people assholes. Because instead of rushing him to get help, they just sat down and waited. Fantastic! Basically: We had to watch a lengthy non-consequential scene PLUS we'll get a dumb deus-ex-machina regeneration next episode. :/

  13. #193
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Oh, I forgot a big negative: So let's get this straight: the hero of a series doesn't die in episode 7.
    Tell that to Gurren Lagann.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I'm not going to bother with a full reply when you dismiss my very valid points with 'that's not severe enough for me'. Maybe it's not 'severe' enough for it to be a bad episode, but praising it as 'great' with so many negatives ...
    A lot of your points are only valid to you.

  14. #194
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    A lot of your points are only valid to you.
    Nothing I mentioned is a lie.

  15. #195
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Nothing I mentioned is a lie.
    But you categorized them all as fails, which not everyone will agree that they are.

  16. #196
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post

    Look, Kray, I'm not going to bother with a full reply when you dismiss my very valid points with 'that's not severe enough for me'. Maybe it's not 'severe' enough for it to be a bad episode, but praising it as 'great' with so many negatives ... ya know, it's okay to like dumb stuff. I love Star Wars Episode 1 *shrugs*
    Well, it's not dumb - they clearly overdid the drama in that scene in my opinion too, but that doesn't make the whole episode a fail. I'm not that retarded to believe that. The episode could've been 30 seconds short and that scene would've been better/good.

    But even then, pls tell me why this doesn't count:
    If you have a problem with that, then that is on your own.
    I didn't have a problem with Eren "dying" in Attack on Titan, in fact it was probably the best scene in the whole show.
    Just because you can't handle reuinions or something does once again not mean the episode is bad.
    The viewer, the characters, everyone acted accordingly when Eren died and when he got out of that Titan and Mikasa went to get him, it was probably the highlight of that show.

    And "spending much time" on it? They dedicated 1 minute to it so far and we've already seen ~ 150 minutes of this show, that means they've dedicated 0,5% - oh gee....

    *all* of your points are, as always, overdone - factually wrong - and make me cringe.

    This is what I got out of this scene:

    GS is DEAD and he went out with a bang. Whatever happens in the next episode is on the next episode, not this one, as it's the next episode that has to make it believable or rather solve this issue. I don't know whether or not this world is "RPG" enough for resurrection magic, I don't believe it exist without a cost. I'd be dissapointed if it's something that can be done just like that. But again - that would be something to discuss about in the next episode(s)

    Nothing I mentioned is a lie.
    actually... not even that is true.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 11-19-2018 at 04:53 AM.

  17. #197
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I thought it was honestly quite clear that the birds eye scene was meant to have rolling credits overlaying on top, but just didn't happen.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #198
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    actually... not even that is true.
    So you're just an asshole. Alright, got it.

  19. #199
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Mfauli is just saying it's not a great episode but not a bad one. Krayz might have interpreted it as the episode itself being a fail, when only parts of it were, per Mfauli.

    Just translating here.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #200
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    So you're just an asshole. Alright, got it.
    No - you are just flat out not stating the truth. I already explained why but here it is again.

    It's Eren all over again. But that's why I hated this way too long scene where nothing happened, just the group becrying their 'fallen' companion. It's wasted time. If you don't kill someone for real, don't spend this much time on it.
    define: "this much time" ?

    1 minute is too much for a "fake" deathscene?

    - That manufactured outrage-scene at the very end. Otakus be like 'ololol they ran out of budget, 2 minutes of bird eye!'. Nah, that's a lame attempt at artificially creating an Endless Eight-reaction, to get people talking about it. They could have added lots of interesting scenes, but nah, static bird eye it was. Fuck them.
    In 1 minute? No.

    Also "Fuck them"? Okay tough guy, didn't drink your milk today? How about you start growing up.
    It's been years already. At some point in time you should've crossed the line in your life where you stop being a complete asshole on the internet and become more rational.

    - WHY would he attack the champion with hair? As we saw, the champion was completely taken by surprise. Ram any blade into the back of his head and it's done. Sigh
    It's not done by a simple stab with the sword there is simply no way that this beast would've died in one hit, no matter where you hit it... but that's beside the point, he didn't even have one - he jumped him with whatever was available, showing his craftiness which is exactly what this show portrayed him as. On top of that, it added a lot of power to the scene itself.

    He even prepared for it, but ... he tells his comrades about countermeasures in the last possible moment? That entirely defeats the whole 'this is like a pen and paper rpg' shtick. There was no reason not to tell them beforehand.
    Not only did he mention the reason why he brought it, it doesn't defeat the pen and paper nature of this show either.

    but hey I dismissed your point simply by saying "that's not severe enough for me, duh", right?

    btw, will you go back to trolling now, just like last time?

    @ shinta:
    edit: I honestly don't think so.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 11-19-2018 at 10:21 AM.

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