Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
Lol, imagine playing a jrpg, finding a slime, thinking to kill it with one slash of your sword - and it starts pulling off all sorts of crazy moves
I don't need to imagine it after playing Atelier Sophie. Generally speaking I play games quite carefully, but then once I made the mistake of thinking a boss slime is still a slime. How tough can it be?

Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
Well, the end of the ep was a bit of a letdown.
There's not much to be gained from helping those goblins or fighting those weak direwolves.
Sure you can always bend your story into making it useful, or just something you do for fun/compassion.
But as is, it felt as spoilt frames...
Come on, don't look down on the series so early on. Rimuru is a monster himself now, so what's wrong about associating with other monsters? Think of his personality back when he was still a human: He was a dude willing to help his friends, and even gave his life to save them. Clearly not a person only working for his own personal benefit and otherwise ignoring everybody and their distress.