Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
But kinda like what I asked in another thread long ago, just what are were you expecting from this show? I certainly didn't expect anything more than just a for fun show + some action out of Slime based of the first episodes and that's what I've got.
Season 1 was a lighthearted, but grounded medieval fantasy SimCity. I liked that. Most of what we saw made sense, and the show avoided any moral dilemmas to keep it "clean".

Then comes season 2. Mylan was a lazily written character. The plan to rile up the army against Tempest was lazy. The three evil otherworlders were lazily written. Then Tempest people die, but instantly: "I've heard of a way to ressurrect people!". Then, and this is where I snapped, Rimuru immediately agrees to killing 20000 people. Then after he does, no remorse at all. Then a super strong demon is summoned that apparently was introduced in some OVA and that killed the only remaining "strong" human enemy, the wizard that took over the, already, meaningless otherworlder. This is where I started calling this "full-Overlord", which some people her still refuse to understand why. And now Milim destroys entire landscapes and it's highly unlikely that she'll see any just punishment for what she did. None of that is "grounded" anymore like season 1. It's bs contrievance after bs contrievance and our "hero" has lost all of his empathy for those that aren't his close friends. I expected more season 1. What I got was every other cheap isekai anime.

Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
Why exactly would she be attacking the Beast Kingdom if she didn't have any reason for it? Are you saying Milim attacking the place just for laughs, still giving them a whole week to evacuate before the attack, would be better writing? Now it looks like she's manipulated, but maybe she's not and there's some other reason. She's a bloody demon lord, so I don't quite know why you think Milim attacking some place would be so outrageous anyway.
Kraco, I dont care about "why". I care about "so what?". What will be the consequences of her ENORMOUS evil doings? I'd actually prefer if she was doing it just for shits and giggles, because then there'd be no excuse and she surely would receive punishment. But the way it's done ... no casualties, probably manipulated ... yeah, Rimuru will "save" her and she'll even be presented as the victim of whoever manipulated her. And that's shit writing.

Where does it stop? Maybe the one who's manipulating her was being manipulated by someone else? Maybe that somebody was a victim of his upbringing? Does free will exist?! Duh ...!11

Can you imagine watching Record of Lodoss War, someone destroying a town, and everyone being like "oh you, pinky promise that you wont do it again, ok?" ? :/

"But that's not the type of story this is lol, your expectation is off" - "Shit" is not a type of story ...