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Thread: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Tensei shitara Slime datta Ken

  1. #461
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    What's the timestamp? Don't recall Veldora at all.
    I think his face had a very short appearance as a flashing up/awakening type of thing, can't really remember when that happened exactly either but I kinda remember it happened.
    Would like to know too, couldn't even find it when I was 4x speeding through the episode once more.

  2. #462
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Oh, that's the power he's been using all along? I thought he got some new eating power from the Orc Lord...
    Buff is not quite correct.

    Predator was his original unique skill. That allowed him to pop open and absorb anything in close range, store it, and also mimic it.
    Gluttony is the upgraded skill he acquired after the Great Sage ability to combine the Starving ability to...regenerate and eat anything from the Orc Lord he predated in the end of that battle. Gluttony added the ability to corrode things, and also increased the range on Predator.

    Degenerate he acquired by using Predator on Shizu. It lets him combine skills, or tear aspects of things into different things, but in actuality seems to do whatever the story needs it to do, like protect Shizu from Ifrit for decades.

  3. #463
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Buff is not quite correct.

    Predator was his original unique skill. That allowed him to pop open and absorb anything in close range, store it, and also mimic it.
    Gluttony is the upgraded skill he acquired after the Great Sage ability to combine the Starving ability to...regenerate and eat anything from the Orc Lord he predated in the end of that battle. Gluttony added the ability to corrode things, and also increased the range on Predator.

    Degenerate he acquired by using Predator on Shizu. It lets him combine skills, or tear aspects of things into different things, but in actuality seems to do whatever the story needs it to do, like protect Shizu from Ifrit for decades.
    I stand corrected.

    As for the Veldora face thing, it actually occured as Rimuru was saying goodbye to the school kids. His face popped up when Chloe hugged him, and that prompted him to give her the Shizu mask. Then he left, and got ambushed by Hinata.

    Whatever that prompt was, I'm guessing that the mask gifting was required for some reason. I think we were speculating last season that the big boobed spirit that aided Rimuru when they were spirit gathering was Chloe.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #464
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    What's the timestamp? Don't recall Veldora at all.
    1:57 on SubsPlease version. Earlier than I remembered it being.

  5. #465
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    1:57 on SubsPlease version. Earlier than I remembered it being.
    Got it, I thought it was during the fight.

    Seeing the scene I'm not sure if it has any significance or if it was something the animators chose to show randomly just to illustrate that Rimuru felt something in his "gut" to give Chloe the mask, and used Veldora for that purpose.

  6. #466
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Got it, I thought it was during the fight.

    Seeing the scene I'm not sure if it has any significance or if it was something the animators chose to show randomly just to illustrate that Rimuru felt something in his "gut" to give Chloe the mask, and used Veldora for that purpose.
    Isn't that mask also supressing his magical aura or something?
    I kinda remember something along these lines.
    When he gave it away, maybe Veldora came "out" again, or rather, can be felt and seen again?

  7. #467
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The face happened BEFORE he gave the mask away.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #468
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Isn't that mask also supressing his magical aura or something?
    I kinda remember something along these lines.
    When he gave it away, maybe Veldora came "out" again, or rather, can be felt and seen again?
    Well, he wasn't wearing the mask anyways and he still had it when that scene showed. Maybe it was a demonstration that he could hold back Veldora's aura or something without the need of the mask.

    Not sure if it was aura suppressing, or magicule suppressing (or if they're different things as it is). I don't imagine it's magicule suppressing, since that would handicap him in a fight, but maybe prevents leakage.

  9. #469
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Lol. Fantastic. "He's unlocked his ultimate final form and become a soulless demonspawn!"

    "I made a stupid looking monster clone and hid like fuck!"

    I love you Rimuru. I'm curious to see what he doesn't now that he realizes he's been being naive and needs to get serious.

  10. #470
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Darth Vader forbade disintegrations! Follow the orders, Hinata.

    The two main reasons for war: religion and greed. Jura Tempest Federation was slammed with both.

  11. #471
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Pretty smart of Rimuru though.

    He showed Hinata exactly what she expected to see, a soulless monster that she could obliterate, and he got to witness all her higher level abilities in case there is a next time.

  12. #472
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    So nobody's gonna talk about the town aftermath, eh?

    I find it absolutely bs that no important characters died. Like, how?! The 3 delinquents should have had no problem once the barrier was set up.

    Also Rimuru reacting so 'cool' is just unsatisfactory. Yes, it might be the reasonable approach, but when dozens of your fellow citizens were murdered, more emotions are ok. I had hoped that he transforms into some huge, scary monster and changes his voice, targeting Myulan, showing everyone a glimpse of his true power when every limiter is removed. Ofc, he would have held back last moment, but at least Myulan could have pissed her pants.

    Now nothing will happen and it looks like he'll even forgive Falmuth ('it's basically my fault because merchants prefer my economy over theirs'), :/

    Too 'cool' reactions. I want Rimuru to lash out at least once.

  13. #473
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also Rimuru reacting so 'cool' is just unsatisfactory.
    No. It was perfect. A lesser character would have gone berzerker at that moment, but Rimuru recovers his composure and tries to get all the information he can before making a decision.

    If he'd gone cliché rage mode, he wouldn't be learning about Clayman right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    at least Myulan could have pissed her pants.
    She wouldn't have done shit. She was clearly expecting to die.

  14. #474
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post


    Lol. Fantastic. "He's unlocked his ultimate final form and become a soulless demonspawn!"

    "I made a stupid looking monster clone and hid like fuck!"

    I love you Rimuru. I'm curious to see what he doesn't now that he realizes he's been being naive and needs to get serious.
    I want to re-read this battle in the LN, for some reason I was under the impression that he had sacrificed his skill to die, as in permanently. But maybe I just fooled myself, since I'm pretty sure he's kept using Gluttony afterwards and I didn't pay much attention LOL.

    Need a reading comprehension 101 class again. Or maybe it had poor translations...

  15. #475
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Pretty smart of Rimuru though.

    He showed Hinata exactly what she expected to see, a soulless monster that she could obliterate, and he got to witness all her higher level abilities in case there is a next time.
    Although it also means, if there is a next time, Hinata won't simply believe any seemingly successful move of hers is going to finish Rimuru off.

  16. #476
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also Rimuru reacting so 'cool' is just unsatisfactory.
    Rimuru is clearly enraged. The subtle fist clench is a reaction we've never seen from him. He underestimated humanity in this world, and is finally seeing the horrible things humans are capable of, and how his misguided Japanese-centric civilized rules have hurt people he cares about.

    But he's also a ruler. He's taken advice from the dwarf king on being an effective ruler.

    He has to present a calm and collected face in front of his citizens. He owes it to them to think about this responsibly. Rimuru has to maintain an image of control in order to make the best decisions on their behalf. It's just usually been stupid shit like what clothing or building style to create. Now it is "Do I make humans our enemies so that the people I'm responsible for don't die on their knees trying to protect their kids?"

    It's a one of the good reason why I kinda hate Overlord. Ainz' attitude gets adjusted all the time to be in line with his persona by the system itself. Rimuru doesn't get that "benefit."

  17. #477
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Looks like he at least destroyed the rainbow sword.

    The loss to Tempest is displayed, but I agree that a few 'named' character deaths (or at least one) would have driven the point home more effectively; though the few characters kept off screen were likely to perpetuate the fear of their deaths (to the audience) until it was revealed they were simply being treated elsewhere. Any loss of life is going to bother him, but the audience wasn't as endeared to those nameless citizens as to the core cast (who could use some slight pruning). That said, I don't disapprove of the scenario as a whole, and am glad Rimuru got to learn this lesson at a relatively low cost, since the attackers willingly withdrew before more damage could be done.

    My criticisms have been met and assuaged, so now my interest if fully focused on the coming political navigation.

  18. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Looks like he at least destroyed the rainbow sword.

    The loss to Tempest is displayed, but I agree that a few 'named' character deaths (or at least one) would have driven the point home more effectively; though the few characters kept off screen were likely to perpetuate the fear of their deaths (to the audience) until it was revealed they were simply being treated elsewhere. Any loss of life is going to bother him, but the audience wasn't as endeared to those nameless citizens as to the core cast (who could use some slight pruning). That said, I don't disapprove of the scenario as a whole, and am glad Rimuru got to learn this lesson at a relatively low cost, since the attackers willingly withdrew before more damage could be done.

    My criticisms have been met and assuaged, so now my interest if fully focused on the coming political navigation.
    My only real problem is, why leave at all? Why not continue with the attack if they've already been successful and can already justify their attack as it is. Not sure what they gain by retreating and giving them a week, particularly if part of the plan was to keep Rimuru away through all this (not that they managed it). Unless they counted on Hinata already killing him, assuming all are in the know.

  19. #479
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    My only real problem is, why leave at all? Why not continue with the attack if they've already been successful and can already justify their attack as it is. Not sure what they gain by retreating and giving them a week, particularly if part of the plan was to keep Rimuru away through all this (not that they managed it). Unless they counted on Hinata already killing him, assuming all are in the know.
    I assume they want to "peacefully" have Tempest surrender and subjugate themselves to the king directly so they can take the entire city and roads as Falmuth Territory. Everyone else will be a "monster" and killed outright.

    Then they'd probably treat the sworn monsters as slave laborers.

    It lets them continue to operate under the pretense that this wasn't an invasion, but a counter-attack that earned them reparations.

  20. #480
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Their farce is that a human got hurt, so the knights "saved them", and now they're going to consult with the Church to work out whether monsters should be allowed to do their thing. That's why they're faking their bureaucratic process. They're going to make this "official".

    edit: Ryll has answered.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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