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Thread: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Tensei shitara Slime datta Ken

  1. #621
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    So Rimuru is just stupid then and ignores that?
    He isn't. That's why he's not giving them a chance to retaliate or defend themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Then shut up with your nazi bullshit
    Never. You are "guy who doesn't think Nazis deserve to die" every time you try and highroad someone in an ethical debate from now on.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Yeah. What irks me is that basically the anime attempts to absolve Rimuru from moral dilemma by giving him the bs resurrection option. Oh how convenient, there are 20k soldiers and the resurrection requires 10k. Makes you wonder what Rimuru would have done if it had been only 6000 soldiers. Fly to Falmuth and kill 4000 civilians?
    The fact that there's twice as many as he needs means he ISN'T absolved though. If he kills the full 20k, then it's not just to revive his friends. It's because he's made the decision to utterly annihilate his attackers.

  2. #622
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    Never. You are "guy who doesn't think Nazis deserve to die" every time you try and highroad someone in an ethical debate from now on.
    Uhm...okay, that's true.
    That doesn't mean I defend Nazis though, lol. Neither does it mean I'd forgive them or think they should be free to do what they did. So at least get your facts straight.

    You don't even realize how macabre the death penalty is.
    For example, the one who hanged the Nazis after the Nurnberg Trials was the same guy that decapitated 3000 partisans during the NS-regime. If you don't see the irony nor the hypocrisy in this I can't help you.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 03-21-2021 at 05:19 AM.

  3. #623
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Yeah. What irks me is that basically the anime attempts to absolve Rimuru from moral dilemma by giving him the bs resurrection option.
    The thing is, there is no moral dilemma to begin with. Of course morals are per person thing by definition, so for an ultra pacifist, who would even allow an enemy to kill their family without raising their fist, it might look like one, but that's no universal standard at all. Falmuth attacked unprovoked, performed the first strike targeting not only combatants but civilians as well, destroying civilian property to boot, and at the same time delivered an ultimatum stating they would be back with a larger army to finish the job. Furthermore, they used the anti-monster barrier, which made weaker monsters lethargic and weak, including less likely to recover if wounded. That would equal to using chemical warfare in our world, there's no other suitable comparison.

    The only moral problem would be if the enemy army tried to surrender before getting destroyed, but that surrendering was ignored and killing continued. However, Rimuru's current attack doesn't give them a chance to surrender, so no surrendering soldiers will be killed. That's perfectly normal for warfare. If a troop transport ship is sunk, it's possible everyone aboard is killed. There's nothing strange about it. If you view it as morally wrong, it just means you are a pacifist who doesn't accept the concept of war at all. That would be perfect in world where every country was ruled by such idealistic people. It's not our world, though, nor is it the world of this series.

  4. #624
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    For example, the one who hanged the Nazis after the Nurnberg Trials was the same guy that decapitated 3000 partisans during the NS-regime. If you don't see the irony nor the hypocrisy in this I can't help you.
    No, that's totally hypocritical. But that just means they both deserved to die. Not that neither of them did.

    People who willingly and cruelly participate in mass murder don't deserve to live.

  5. #625
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I step away for a few days and come back to a smoldering crater of a thread, by Gotwoot standards!

    I'll try to catch up a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I don't. That's pure victim-blaming.
    To be clear, I think that both parties can be complicit in a tragedy like this. Falmuth for its leadership's greed, and Rimuru for not heading this situation off before the first attack happened (or even recognizing the possibility). I would certainly place the vast majority of the blame on Falmuth, and I don't sympathize with that nation's soon-to-be fate, but I think it was written this way to serve as a plot set up and consequently a bit of diplomatic potential seems wasted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That's precisely what he's doing: Destroying the whole invading army will send a message nobody can ignore. The threshold of attacking Jura Tempest Federation (or whatever the official name was, I can never remember it) will be considerably higher for anyone. It's exactly how it works in RL as well. When a country is known to possess military might, expansionist countries will think twice before invading, as it might not be worth it. If a country is chaotic and poorly defended, a neighbour will be attracted to attack, just like Russia targeted Ukraine.
    Understood, and agreed. I just feel like the story beats in the show up to this point made more of an effort to seek resolution before things came to blood or more blood. I agree that this will likely to some extent prevent future aggressions from other nations, so some good can certainly come from it. I sit at 'less than ideal, but better than plan C'.

    All things considered, I would probably be disappointed if this hadn't ended up this way. There is certainly an air of 'justice' in how clinically the fights were framed, and everything we know about that nation and its intents suggested that diplomacy would not have worked. My issue is that the show runners/author assumed we weren't interested in going through the motions of the diplomatic breakdown when we have been conditioned to expect some very obscure minutiae over the episodes like the infrastructure development of Tempest and small cultural artifacts like the hot springs that serve no real purpose... yet this country shaping retribution was rushed in a less than thoughtful way, and it, upon scrutiny, changes my perception of the character in a way that I don't think was intended.

  6. #626
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Understood, and agreed. I just feel like the story beats in the show up to this point made more of an effort to seek resolution before things came to blood or more blood. I agree that this will likely to some extent prevent future aggressions from other nations, so some good can certainly come from it. I sit at 'less than ideal, but better than plan C'.
    I can't deny that. Rimuru had established some foreign relations, but it almost feels half accidentally, which, of course, isn't surprising because this is still an isekai series, which requires a bit of adventure. However, as a head of state, he did spend considerable time teaching foreign children and doing other things that look like they could have been slightly less important than trying to approach all the countries surrounding his own. Furthermore, he pretty much did entirely forget about the whole national defence thing. I suppose in the back of his mind he merely felt like since he's super strong, he has strong friends, and so forth, making it a no-issue. I guess it did work a part of the way since this current attack was combined with Hinata trying to assassinate Rimuru separately. However, it still means, as a whole, Falmuth+the religious organisation didn't consider Jura Tempest a nation capable of defending itself. And they weren't entirely incorrect.

    You could say much of it is due to the other countries' ignorance. It doesn't help Rimuru's "master plan" was to make a random human take the credit for slaying the orc lord. In foreigners' eyes it means apparently Jura Tempest wasn't able to deal with the disaster; an outsider human hero had to do it.

  7. #627
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    To be clear, I think that both parties can be complicit in a tragedy like this. Falmuth for its leadership's greed, and Rimuru for not heading this situation off before the first attack happened (or even recognizing the possibility).
    That just doesn't make any sense to me.

    That's like you're walking down the street, and someone hits you in the head with a rock, and you're like "This is my fault for not wearing a helmet."

    Like, yeah, you COULD have taken precautions. But you shouldn't have to. The precautions only become necessary when someone ELSE does something wrong. But it's still THEIR fault for the wrongdoing, not yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Furthermore, he pretty much did entirely forget about the whole national defence thing.
    Hey man. Everyone loses their first game of Civilization to a random barbarian unit because they were too busy researching Pottery.

  8. #628
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    What just irks me the wrong way: After all is said and done, Rimuru will have murdered at least 20k soldiers AND have had zero losses on his side. That's just not war, it's ... something else. I know you will say "Falmuth bad, they attacked first!!!", but it's still unfair how it'll end. Losses should be on both side, but Rimuru won't have any, and that cheapens the gravity of the whole situation for me.

    Seriously, resurrection is just bs. It always sucks. Even Dragon Ball did it better than this anime.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #629
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    What just irks me the wrong way: After all is said and done, Rimuru will have murdered at least 20k soldiers AND have had zero losses on his side. That's just not war, it's ... something else. I know you will say "Falmuth bad, they attacked first!!!", but it's still unfair how it'll end. Losses should be on both side, but Rimuru won't have any, and that cheapens the gravity of the whole situation for me.

    Seriously, resurrection is just bs. It always sucks. Even Dragon Ball did it better than this anime.
    No one has been in favor of the resurrection mechanic, but not going to lose sleep over it. Other than that, who cares about arbitrary "fairness"? You mess with the bull, you get the horns.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 09:13 AM.

  10. #630
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    That just doesn't make any sense to me.

    That's like you're walking down the street, and someone hits you in the head with a rock, and you're like "This is my fault for not wearing a helmet."

    Like, yeah, you COULD have taken precautions. But you shouldn't have to. The precautions only become necessary when someone ELSE does something wrong. But it's still THEIR fault for the wrongdoing, not yours.
    I get where you are coming from, and our difference here seems more one of philosophy. In your example, I would not say "This is my fault for not wearing a helmet", I would say "In hindsight, this is somewhat my fault for not wearing a helmet or observing people around me in possession of both rocks and intent to harm." I believe it is more beneficial in the long run to plan for the worst, even if the worst is sometimes unknowable. That is unreasonable, but many people still buy/pay for insurance because of what can be at stake.

    That is simply me as an individual. I expect a person in a leadership role (or a group of people/monsters in that role) to exercise that principal on a national scale. To not is at least a slight negligence. Of course you cannot account for every little thing, but the intents of a half dozen different countries you share a continent with should be something you keep track of; especially when you have a dedicated Ninja squad.

    But this is not real life and even this story itself hasn't had that level of detail portrayed thus far, so it is unreasonable for me to expect it now. My issue was that without it, Rimuru's attack just seemed one sided to the rank and file who were killed ignorant of their plight. If I recall, they were summoned and 'responding to' a citizen claiming to having been attacked by a monster. I can't believe they were all in on the act; some are just soldiers with awful luck to be deployed here, as some were pillagers. A mix of good and bad. The leadership itself is what could have used retribution, specifically because Rimuru is a shape-shifting potential bridge between humans (he was one) and monsters (he is one). I selfishly wanted the story to go in that direction. That's all.

  11. #631
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Who the hell are these demons?! Did I forget another arc like I did with the Kobold?

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    What just irks me the wrong way: After all is said and done, Rimuru will have murdered at least 20k soldiers AND have had zero losses on his side.
    I'm curious if the success rate for the spell applies to the spell as a whole, or each target it's cast on.

    Cause if it's individual, than there the chance that even if it works on some of them(obviously the important ones), but some of the generic gobbos don't come back.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Seriously, resurrection is just bs. It always sucks.
    I have a problem with costless resurrection.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Even Dragon Ball did it better than this anime.
    I feel like the whole "one time bonus for becoming a Demon Lord" feels extra contrived.

    I think I'd like it better if it was just "this is a spell that costs 1000 souls to cast". So it's always an option, but the cost is huge.

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    In your example, I would not say "This is my fault for not wearing a helmet", I would say "In hindsight, this is somewhat my fault for not wearing a helmet or observing people around me in possession of both rocks and intent to harm." I believe it is more beneficial in the long run to plan for the worst, even if the worst is sometimes unknowable.
    Oh, it is 100% percent the smart and responsible thing to do to prepare for those things. But I don't believe NOT preparing for those things in any way puts you at fault.

    This isn't, like, something that just happens naturally at random. It's not failing to bring an umbrella on a cloudy day. It's a thing that is only brought about by the fault of someone ELSE.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 01:42 PM.

  12. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Who the hell are these demons?! Did I forget another arc like I did with the Kobold?
    Haven't watched the new episode, but Rimuru summoned some demons (or was it one?) for the fairy Ramiris when he was saving his students. I think he gave her a mecha for the demon to reside in or some such.

    Another demon appears in the last episode of the first season, which was a flashback episode of Shizu, and during the last 3 episodes of the OVA (the first 2 episodes are just fanservice). May be worth it to look back into these episodes, particularly if you haven't watched them and have time to spare. The last episode of last season is a standalone story, so could be good to rewatch.

    Without watching the latest episode yet, not sure which demons we're talking about. And I'm not sure if a demon appears during the first episode of the season, as a recap maybe?
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 01:40 PM.

  13. #633
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    As a colorblind person, does Rimuru look any different as a Demon Slime? Is he, like, purple now or something?

    I'm kinda curious if the "gift" for everyone that didn't die was that they get to evolve again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Without watching the latest episode yet, not sure which demons we're talking about
    Ah shit, was I the first person to talk about this episode? Sorry for not labeling it.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 01:49 PM.

  14. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    As a colorblind person, does Rimuru look any different as a Demon Slime? Is he, like, purple now or something?

    Ah shit, was I the first person to talk about this episode? Sorry for not labeling it.
    Well, I checked to see if there was a new one first to make sure what you were referring to. As I read the LN, I can read the post freely before watching the episodes regardless, but hope my answer gives you an idea, that indeed you've probably missed some demon appearances. I personally had also forgotten about them, but recalled them when I watched the OVAs prior to this season and did a bit of a refresher of the final episodes.

    In fact, I recalled the last episode of the first season, but thought it was another series altogether LOL. I thought it was an episode from Grancrest Senki when I was trying to figure out where I had watched a certain scene before.

  15. #635
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    I'm curious if the success rate for the spell applies to the spell as a whole, or each target it's cast on.

    Cause if it's individual, than there the chance that even if it works on some of them(obviously the important ones), but some of the generic gobbos don't come back.
    Applies to the whole spell, not individually. That won't matter anyway, because 3.14% was the success rate pre-Demon Lord. Post Dmon Lord it's 100%.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #636
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ok, fuck Rimuru.

    You guys will relativate and excuse his actions again, but I don't care at this point. Rimuru is fucking evil and I hope he receives some urgently needed punishment soon. WTF ...

    Murdering these soldiers was just evil. He killed two soldiers that visibly gave up, throwing their weapons away. Then he killed another thousands using the merciless-kills (what a convenient skills ...) again with them long having given up. You can make whatever excuse you want, even in actual war that would be considered a war crime, even in medieval times. These soldiers posed no more danger and had zero will to harm Rimuru nor his town anymore. He could have killed the king and the priest, that would have been fair. The soldiers? Fuck Rimuru.

    And it's just lame how overpowered all the monsters are compared to humans. Wasn't the body-switcher supposed to be the strongest human wizard or so?

    And I have no idea who this arch demon is and why he wants to serve Rimuru when he's so strong himself.

    The level up was also ... too much. I'm tired of isekai heroes receiving so many powerful upgrades in such short amount of time. It's okay in Kumoko, because that's what the anime is about, but here? Just feels like bad writing.

    Anyway ... oof. I'm not rooting for Rimuru anymore. Humans are clearly the underdog, so I hope they can get some victory in in the future. And guess what: Considering with what ease Rimuru and that arc demon killed everyone, Falmuth and the priest were proven right. If Rimuru happened to be not a peaceful monster (lol), then humans would be fucked. So taking preventive measure to eradicate monster towns is entirely justified. Otherwise it'd be a ticking time bomb for when a less peaceful monster takes over Rimuru's place (assuming Rimuru isn't immortal ...).

    Yeah, for me, this whole encounter was a role-reversal. Rimuru isn't the underdog trying to find his place in this world anymore. He's a grave danger for all of mankind. Good luck to anyone who dares oppose this terrifyingly powerful tyran.

    And now pls quote my post and tell me how wrong I am and whatever. Fuck Rimuru. I'm angry.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #637
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Anyway ... oof. I'm not rooting for Rimuru anymore. Humans are clearly the underdog, so I hope they can get some victory in in the future. And guess what: Considering with what ease Rimuru and that arc demon killed everyone, Falmuth and the priest were proven right. If Rimuru happened to be not a peaceful monster (lol), then humans would be fucked. So taking preventive measure to eradicate monster towns is entirely justified. Otherwise it'd be a ticking time bomb for when a less peaceful monster takes over Rimuru's place (assuming Rimuru isn't immortal ...).
    And now pls quote my post and tell me how wrong I am and whatever. Fuck Rimuru. I'm angry.
    I swear to god you don't even pay attention to the majority of the episodes' actual content.

    Let's talk about Falmuth. Their leadership are full of evil fucks who summon children from other worlds and steal their unique skills through human sacrifice. Humans born in this world do not have unique skills. Otherworlders do. That's a large part of the whole reason Rimuru is so OP, he came over with THREE, including the most broken of those three: Wise One -> Great Sage -> Raphael.

    The knight douchebag had one, he was going to use it to gather all the remaining soldiers and use them as human shields sacrificial pawns so the four leaders could escape. That means he's already killed some kids for theirs. Rimuru killed him before he could activate it.

    The king and priest separately both tried to sell each other out to save their skins. The mage played dead and tried to sneak away. The king, up to the very moment that Rimuru tore his arm off, displayed arrogance that he could outsmart and outplay another nation's leader, and on top of that, was going to demand reparations for his own failed invasion as being "merciful."

    The king even badmouthed the smaller nation that Rimuru had already made peace with. The one he had been embargoing to make them collapse. The one Rimuru set up a completely peaceful trade deal (and even drastically beneficial to them over Tempest) all the way back in episode 2 and 3. He was desperate to survive, and then remembered that Rimuru must be stupid for being happy that he had a trade deal with Blumund.

    As a consolation: I am greatly disappointed they didn't cover the side chapter of the manga that occurs during Megiddo from the human POV.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Who the hell are these demons?! Did I forget another arc like I did with the Kobold?
    You didn't miss anything. This is the first time we've seen these guys. You had the same reaction I did when reading the manga. They're not set up, properly, which is odd for this series, and come out of nowhere.

    I do appreciate that some of the Harvest Festival did some balancing on Rimuru in exchange for other broken as fuck powers.
    - Raphael is Great Sage, powered up and physically able to manifest. She's voiced by the same VA that's been doing Great Sage this whole time.
    - Degenerate (Shizue's broken AF power to split and recombine portions of skills into new skills) is gone to upgrade Great Sage. Which failed to upgrade without the sacrifice an infinite number of times as graphically depicted.
    - Merciless is gone as soon as it came, to upgrade Gluttony to the magicule-devouring void power used in the resurrections.
    - Rimuru is likely now immune or at least drastically resistance to Hinata's equally OP soul-slaying bullshit
    - He summoned three higher-level demons, and now two are annihilated to power up the resurrections.

  18. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    You didn't miss anything. This is the first time we've seen these guys. You had the same reaction I did when reading the manga. They're not set up, properly, which is odd for this series, and come out of nowhere.
    Nope, read my previous post. The Archdemon/Primordial at least has appeared a few times. In episode 23, he mentions that he committed a mistake when Rimuru finally summoned a demon (for Ramiris), he intented to be summoned himself but the other demon got in his way (his family as he called it). Later in episode 24 we get a flashback episode of Shizu and she meets this demon. So that at the very least shows us a connection between Rimuru and this demon via Shizu. Not sure if that's in part why he wants to serve him or not.

    He once again appears within the last 3 episodes of the OVAs. I think he also appears in one of the first episodes of this season, but that haven't bothered to confirm.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    As a colorblind person, does Rimuru look any different as a Demon Slime? Is he, like, purple now or something?
    He looks a darker shade of blue, but not sure if that will remain after the evolution is completed (if it isn't yet).
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 05:53 PM.

  19. #639
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Applies to the whole spell, not individually. That won't matter anyway, because 3.14% was the success rate pre-Demon Lord. Post Dmon Lord it's 100%.
    Well, he didn't actually say that it was 100%, but you're probably right.

    If it was 100% they shoulda just made it so that them coming back to life wasn't a spell at all. It was just their "gift" for being tied to Rimuru.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Murdering these soldiers was just evil. He killed two soldiers that visibly gave up, throwing their weapons away. Then he killed another thousands using the merciless-kills (what a convenient skills ...) again with them long having given up. You can make whatever excuse you want, even in actual war that would be considered a war crime, even in medieval times.
    Technically all correct.

    But, he was seemingly never going to be merciful anyway, because he needed their lived to undo the damage they'd already caused. Which, if completely wiping out an enemy's military magically undid all the casualties they caused in the real world, it probably be considered reparations, not a war crime.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    If Rimuru happened to be not a peaceful monster (lol), then humans would be fucked. So taking preventive measure to eradicate monster towns is entirely justified. Otherwise it'd be a ticking time bomb for when a less peaceful monster takes over Rimuru's place (assuming Rimuru isn't immortal ...).
    By that logic, literally the exact opposite is also true. Humans could assassinate their leader and murder a bunch of their people at any time. Monsters are entirely justified in wiping out humans, because their kingdoms are ticking time bombs for when some "destroy all monsters" religion pops up in one.

    The only difference is they're the underdog, and that somehow makes it okay for them to be the aggressor to you. Especially hypocritical because they didn't think they WERE the underdog. Falmuth thought they were invincible and there was no way they could lose. So this isn't a case of a plucky underdog rising up against a superior foe, this is the story of an asshole bully swinging his dick around and getting it ripped off.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Yeah, for me, this whole encounter was a role-reversal. Rimuru isn't the underdog trying to find his place in this world anymore. He's a grave danger for all of mankind.
    Literally only a danger because they MADE him a danger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I do appreciate that some of the Harvest Festival did some balancing on Rimuru in exchange for other broken as fuck powers.
    Although it does come off a bit as the writer going "I don't need this power anymore. I'm never gonna have him use it again, I can get rid of it and use it as an excuse to give him a new power instead."

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    - He summoned three higher-level demons, and now two are annihilated to power up the resurrections.
    Which I was like "Hey man, that's not cool. Those guys were totally happy to be working for you. Melt your evil prisoners down instead."

    I'm a little worried about this last demon cause he seems happy to be doing the evil shit and clearly thinks Rimuru is going to be this awesome evil master in the future. But I think he's going to be disappointed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    He looks a darker shade of blue, but not sure if that will remain after the evolution is completed (if it isn't yet).
    He should have cute little bat wings.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 03-23-2021 at 06:26 PM.

  20. #640
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I swear to god you don't even pay attention to the majority of the episodes' actual content.

    Let's talk about Falmuth. Their leadership are full of evil fucks who summon children from other worlds and steal their unique skills through human sacrifice. Humans born in this world do not have unique skills. Otherworlders do. That's a large part of the whole reason Rimuru is so OP, he came over with THREE, including the most broken of those three: Wise One -> Great Sage -> Raphael.

    The knight douchebag had one, he was going to use it to gather all the remaining soldiers and use them as human shields sacrificial pawns so the four leaders could escape. That means he's already killed some kids for theirs. Rimuru killed him before he could activate it.

    The king and priest separately both tried to sell each other out to save their skins. The mage played dead and tried to sneak away. The king, up to the very moment that Rimuru tore his arm off, displayed arrogance that he could outsmart and outplay another nation's leader, and on top of that, was going to demand reparations for his own failed invasion as being "merciful."

    The king even badmouthed the smaller nation that Rimuru had already made peace with. The one he had been embargoing to make them collapse. The one Rimuru set up a completely peaceful trade deal (and even drastically beneficial to them over Tempest) all the way back in episode 2 and 3. He was desperate to survive, and then remembered that Rimuru must be stupid for being happy that he had a trade deal with Blumund.
    Maybe you should read my postings properly before replying. I literally said that killing the king and the priest would have been okay. Why are you going to great lengths explaining to me why killing them was okay? I ALREADY THINK SO, TOO.


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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