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Thread: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Tensei shitara Slime datta Ken

  1. #481
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If a quick, limited strike was the plan, it's better to stick to the plan. There were multiple variables involved. They couldn't be 100% sure Hinata would be able to slay Rimuru. They wouldn't actually know with absolute certainty there would be no disastrous surprises they could never imagine waiting for them if they spent too much time in the city with the limited group of knights and the three summoned lunatics. This all in addition to what Ryll already said.

  2. #482
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Although it also means, if there is a next time, Hinata won't simply believe any seemingly successful move of hers is going to finish Rimuru off.
    Unless she doesn't realize it's a trick and thinks he just resurrected or something.

  3. #483
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 32

    - - - -

    The punishment was to experience her heart being destroyed for three seconds. Judging by her behavior, she barely felt anything. It was Youm who seemed to suffer much more.

    The pacing of the series should have been such that the episode would have ended with Rimuru standing next to Shion's corpse alone. That way the audience would have actually thought, for a week, that she and the others are gone for good. Of course there was the talk about the chances being low and whatnot, but come on. But then again, this isn't really that kind of a series.

  4. #484
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wrong anime.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #485
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Wrong anime.
    All these isekai series...

  6. #486
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I...can't imagine Rimuru actually killing 10k people. Even if they are assholes.

    Wouldn't it be easier to just eat a Demon Lord? Like, specifically the one that's fucking with you?

  7. #487
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Do these authors not realize how INCREDIBLY shit, cheap and lame it is to 'kill' characters only to bring them back immediately?! For a few minutes I truly thought 'hey, respect, they actually did something of consequence'. And then fairy-tale-outta-my-ass. :/

    I can already hear you guys defend that shit, shinta already did, but no, this time you're objectively wrong. "Wrong anime"?! Bad writing is bad, no matter where it happens.

    Also I agree with Darth, there's no where Rimuru is gonna kill 20k people. It's such a shit tease, because everyone knows it'll end with a happy end.

  8. #488
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I can already hear you guys defend that shit, shinta already did, but no, this time you're objectively wrong. "Wrong anime"?! Bad writing is bad, no matter where it happens.
    His post doesn't refer to that. I accidentally made my post in the Spider thread, and Shinta commented on that, saying it's the wrong anime. I moved the posts here. My mistake, that one. Sorry about that.

  9. #489
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    His post doesn't refer to that. I accidentally made my post in the Spider thread, and Shinta commented on that, saying it's the wrong anime. I moved the posts here. My mistake, that one. Sorry about that.

    Ah, ok. Sorry then.

  10. #490
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I prefer real deaths too.

    More DEATHS!
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  11. #491
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Episode 32

    - - - -

    The punishment was to experience her heart being destroyed for three seconds. Judging by her behavior, she barely felt anything. It was Youm who seemed to suffer much more.

    The pacing of the series should have been such that the episode would have ended with Rimuru standing next to Shion's corpse alone. That way the audience would have actually thought, for a week, that she and the others are gone for good. Of course there was the talk about the chances being low and whatnot, but come on. But then again, this isn't really that kind of a series.
    Agreed, not a fan of bringing people back to life, but it's within the expected parameters of this series. Not going to get hung up on that, but in return they better follow through on their promise of utter destruction of their enemies. Blood needs to be shed.

    And yeah, poor Youm. Rimuru should've done it with her alone, not in his presence (title of your sex tape).

    Also, was the fairy tale about Milim? She looked like her.

  12. #492
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Agreed, not a fan of bringing people back to life, but it's within the expected parameters of this series. Not going to get hung up on that, but in return they better follow through on their promise of utter destruction of their enemies. Blood needs to be shed.

    And yeah, poor Youm. Rimuru should've done it with her alone, not in his presence (title of your sex tape).

    Also, was the fairy tale about Milim? She looked like her.
    While I'm not a fan of bringing the dead back to life, if their death was as boring as this, I'm all for it.
    I mean, it really sucked hard.
    A "main"-side character like her deserves a better ending.

    Like... imagine Boromir dying to an arrow when nobody was there to witness it.
    Yes, they had a fight that featured her and all that, but even that got interrupted and it turned into a lame ass cav-charge scene which wasn't even shown on camera

  13. #493
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    While I'm not a fan of bringing the dead back to life, if their death was as boring as this, I'm all for it.
    I mean, it really sucked hard.
    A "main"-side character like her deserves a better ending.

    Like... imagine Boromir dying to an arrow when nobody was there to witness it.
    Yes, they had a fight that featured her and all that, but even that got interrupted and it turned into a lame ass cav-charge scene which wasn't even shown on camera
    Unfortunately, too many writers share that line of thinking . :/

    I find nothing more boring than deaths that only occur with huge fanfare and drama leading up to the death. That's why we have this dilemma where all tv series place the death of important characters at the season finale, making it wholly predictable and thus lame.

    Guess what's still the most shocking, impactful death in fiction to me? Kuririn's first death, during the original Dragon Ball. The heroes just had finished the tournament successfully, everyone's happy and going to party with a feast. Goku remembers that he forgot some (his dragon ball iirc), but Kuririn's like 'im gonna get it for you, you go enjoy the food, goku!'. And then ... nothing. Suddenly, Goku got a bad feeling. He runs back to where his stuff ought to be, and there it is: Kuririn lying on the ground. Goku goes up to him, then with audible, visible shock says: 'Kuririn is dead ...'.

    I still get sad goosebumps when i remember that scene. An off-screen death of a major character. And it was like a punch to the gut. And because the writing was so good, it also lead directly into the next major arc.

    I wished more deaths in fiction would ve handled that way. The sensationalist, dramstic death is just theatre. The casual death on the side? That's the kind of death that feels real and threatening.

  14. #494
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I agree with Kraco that Shion's death was really badly timed in terms of direction and planning. It should have been at the end of one of the episodes, preferably the last one.

    The shitty part is they subtly telegraphed it beautifully last episode. We had comments here saying "nobody important died, lame," but they were very carefully not telling Rimuru about Shion specifically. The clingiest, neediest of the oni, who quickly snaps him up and holds him under her boobs at every opportunity. The oni he had to take with him to visit the dwarves because she'd misbehave.

    Geld and Benimaru clearly infuriated but not specifically saying why, everyone cutting off Rigurd as he was about to painfully blurt it out, the report that Hakuoro and Gobta were being treated by Shuna when we knew that Shion was badly injured from her own fights, etc. Specifically all avoiding bringing Shion up, and deflecting Rimuru's attention each time someone came close. Really well done, they just failed to close and time it properly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Agreed, not a fan of bringing people back to life, but it's within the expected parameters of this series. Not going to get hung up on that, but in return they better follow through on their promise of utter destruction of their enemies. Blood needs to be shed.

    Also, was the fairy tale about Milim? She looked like her.
    The neat part is that they've also set this up painstakingly, though the details are spread out far enough that it obviously looks like Eren is sweeping in as a deus ex machina. She's not, aside from the reveal that she's an elf, which actually closes the trail of breadcrumbs:

    - Eren and her two dumbasses clearly haven't fit correctly into the series for a long time. They hang around in Jura forest or other countries, usually nearly dying in the forest, but they're all over the map. Her being "connected" to the royal family kinda implies she's low-grade royalty, but doesn't that also sort of mean their party has been spying for the elves this entire time? That explains why they're all over the place, and frequently seen hanging around the newest nation on the continent.
    - Last season, with the kids, they visited Ramiris' cave to get spirits to control the children's unbalanced issues that would eventually kill them. But there's a casual comment in there about where Ramiris' cave is. Deep in elven territory, where the elves wouldn't be too happy about them visiting without permission. Rimuru brushes it off, saying they won't be there too long (not knowing about Ramiris at the time).
    - Ramiris is the demon lord (so she says) of the fairies, but more importantly has a huge influence on spirits.
    - High ranking elves know about Ramiris, as Eren's fairy tale indicates.

    That's 100% Milim in the fairy tale about the dragon (she's the twin-tailed dragon demon lord, after all), and that's absolutely Ramiris as the fairy queen. Same braided hair, just in a long single one instead of her two pigtails, and she's bigger (which adds many more questions about her specifically). Ramiris' boasting about who she is starts to make a lot more sense.

    Elves, specifically the royals, knowing about spirit-related magic has been set up since the school arc, so Eren being revealed as a princess of some type, would also have the potential to consider that the souls were currently trapped.

    This series is full of stuff that seems like it was retconned on the spot, but actually has a lot of setup that appears disconnected until it all clicks into place.

    I was slightly off remembering after checking last season. Ramiris' cave is in Ulgrasia Republic, where their residents have intimate knowledge of the cave as a ritual. They're the ones stated as deeply connected to spirit magic. Ulgrasia Republic trades with the elves because their nation surrounds Ulgrasia, except by the sea. That was why Rimuru and the kids teleported there.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 03-02-2021 at 07:42 PM.

  15. #495
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    You remember a lot more details than I do, because I assumed Youm's party and Eren's party were the same group. I didn't realize there were TWO groups of human adventurers bumbling around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Also, was the fairy tale about Milim? She looked like her.
    It was CLEARLY Milim.

    Guess she's half dragon.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Like... imagine Boromir dying to an arrow when nobody was there to witness it.
    Well, they DID do that to Balin.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Wed, 03-03-2021 at 12:17 AM.

  16. #496
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Unfortunately, too many writers share that line of thinking . :/

    I find nothing more boring than deaths that only occur with huge fanfare and drama leading up to the death. That's why we have this dilemma where all tv series place the death of important characters at the season finale, making it wholly predictable and thus lame.

    Guess what's still the most shocking, impactful death in fiction to me? Kuririn's first death, during the original Dragon Ball. The heroes just had finished the tournament successfully, everyone's happy and going to party with a feast. Goku remembers that he forgot some (his dragon ball iirc), but Kuririn's like 'im gonna get it for you, you go enjoy the food, goku!'. And then ... nothing. Suddenly, Goku got a bad feeling. He runs back to where his stuff ought to be, and there it is: Kuririn lying on the ground. Goku goes up to him, then with audible, visible shock says: 'Kuririn is dead ...'.

    I still get sad goosebumps when i remember that scene. An off-screen death of a major character. And it was like a punch to the gut. And because the writing was so good, it also lead directly into the next major arc.

    I wished more deaths in fiction would ve handled that way. The sensationalist, dramstic death is just theatre. The casual death on the side? That's the kind of death that feels real and threatening.
    Nah, the deaths of Zabuza, Haku and Jiraiya for example were certainly not boring.

    No one seemed to actually care that Shion is dead, not even the oni tribe.

    It hasn't even been a full night after the attack from what I could tell.
    She got way too little build up for her death to actually matter in the first place, at least for the viewer, although that is probably true for just about everyone in Rimuru's town.
    Not sure if I'd be bothered by anyone dying. They are basically cultists and not much more.

    So perhaps her death wasn't what was "bad", evereything else around it was.
    Can't remember the last time I felt so little when a side character died, I'm being honest here... and she was probably my "favorite" (if you want to call it that) out of the bunch
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 03-03-2021 at 01:59 PM.

  17. #497
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    No one seemed to actually care that Shion is dead, not even the oni tribe.
    - Benimaru trying to kill Myulan doesn't count? He is holding back because Youm and the other wolf dude were protecting her though.
    -Shuuna has spent the last 24 hours trying to keep Gobta and Hakouoro from dying (did he even know she had died while he was unconscious?). Gobta didn't know his buddy was dead, so Shuuna certainly didn't tell them while she was caring for them.
    - Who knows where the smith guy is though...

    I think they cared, they just didn't show us anything.

  18. #498
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    As Ryll said, bad things happening to Shion were telegraphed last episode.

    I didn't expect her to die permemently in this series at all when we saw her.

    And Rimuru is just going to give all those 20k soldiers an artificial heart with Myulan's help with the magical logistics side. I was hoping he'd kill them all. What'd be more interesting is what he'd do had Myulan NOT been resurrected.. I suspect he'd go ahead with the plan to kill them all, but now we'll never see him do it.

    I wonder if Milim remembers all that fairy tail stuff. Also, she might be attacking the other kingdom because she thinks they're connected to her tragedy or something.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #499
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    - Benimaru trying to kill Myulan doesn't count? He is holding back because Youm and the other wolf dude were protecting her though.
    It really doesn't in my opinion, Myulan was the de-facto enemy inside their city that caused this mess. She isn't even human and thus doesn't fall into the "don't hurt human" rule which was established. I didn't relate him wanting to get rid of her to Shion's death in any way whatsoever, although that is probably the case. The thing is, this show didn't show it as such.
    Them saying he lost his cool when he regained it in less than half a second after hearing Rimuru's voice once really doesn't make me think he is "enraged" or bothered a whole lot in the first place.

    We obviously *know* he is bothered, but it just wasn't portrayed well enough.

    -Shuuna has spent the last 24 hours trying to keep Gobta and Hakouoro from dying (did he even know she had died while he was unconscious?). Gobta didn't know his buddy was dead, so Shuuna certainly didn't tell them while she was caring for them.
    But Shuuna didn't seem to care much either.

    I think they cared, they just didn't show us anything.
    which is the problem.

    As you mentioned, they might have messed up the timing and such. I think there are several factors that lead me to believe that this whole issue has been mostly a non issue.

    on another note:
    I honestly hope that Rimuru will act similar to Ains from Overlord and will lose all connection the the human mind at some point.

    Because killing 20.000 out of revenge or to revive a 100 doesn't seem like a fair trade
    It's difficult to explain this.
    Morally speaking it doesn't seem right, even if I take into account that they are marching in to kill and destroy. They are part of the army, it's not like they have a choice.
    Who knows, maybe they even have reason to believe that monsters are bad (because they actually are since they attack others. Hell, even the monster nation has patrols to clear out monsters.)

    Not sure if this is the right thing to do from my point of view, at least with so little emotional attachment to it all.
    I sure as heck at least hope he won't act all holy about this.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 03-04-2021 at 05:11 AM.

  20. #500
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Because killing 20.000 out of revenge or to revive a 100 doesn't seem like a fair trade
    It's difficult to explain this.
    Morally speaking it doesn't seem right, even if I take into account that they are marching in to kill and destroy. They are part of the army, it's not like they have a choice.
    You can call it extreme plot convenience that there just happens to be a human enemy army marching in to invade when Rimuru needs thousands of human sacrifices. Of course it's all related since the deaths Rimuru needs to deal with were caused by the preliminary strike by that human side, but nonetheless the whole moral side is pretty much reduced to zero. You are doing nothing wrong if you defeat an invading enemy army. In fact, you are doing things wrong if you don't defeat it, from a leadership point of view. Rimuru is responsible for the nation and people he's overseeing, so it's his moral obligation to defend them.

    Imagine the same situation if there was no invading army and Rimuru would need to select a random town in a human country to annihilate, for the sake of becoming a demon lord. That would make him like Ains from Overlord.

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