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Thread: Grancrest Senki

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Grancrest Senki

    "In a continent threatened by demons from another dimension called Chaos, the nobility fought back using Crests, which gave them superhuman powers. However, rather than join forces to end Chaos, the nobles instead fought each other to gain more Crest powers and lands. The story focuses on Siluca Meletes, a young mage who scorns the feuding lords for abandoning their people and Theo Cornaro, wandering knight and Crest holder who is trying to liberate his hometown from its tyrant lord. Joining forces, Siluca, Theo and their allies fight together to end the wars between the nobility and end Chaos." -Wikipedia

    Genre: Action, Fantasy
    Links: AniDB | Official

    - - - - - - -

    Based on the first episode, this didn't seem half bad. It reminded me a little bit of Vanadis, which I hope wasn't a false impression. It'll depend on if there's any lording business, I reckon, or if it was merely a title and this will turn into adventure. All in all this did show promise. The male MC wasn't OP at all, but he did have the attitude right, so it's perfectly okay. Although it was quite amusing how his first fight made me think of how anyone's first fight in a fantasy RPG would look like. The female MC is a pretty manipulator. Seeing how C.C. is one of my favourite anime characters, I can't dislike that as long as it otherwise works. It did so far. I especially liked how she nonchalantly summoned the monster for the dude to defeat and get stronger, or die trying. Of course I appreciate the dude isn't brainlessly following her but is at least delivering witty comebacks if nothing else.

    The production values could be a bit higher as it was obvious the studio really had to plan where to invest their yens in this episode. But I guess money is tight everywhere but in North Korea's nuclear weapons program. There were a couple of weird plot elements, or at least the story didn't deliver them perfectly, like the demon lord appearing in the church without anybody doing anything about it. After that it was unexplained why the two countries went back to war when both of their leaders were killed. If only one was, it would have made more sense. You'd think this would have rather urged them to fricking do something about the demons.

    It's interesting I didn't really recognize the VAs of either main character. Not bad to give chances to actors who haven't had major roles by the dozens.

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I definitely recognized the blond as the female lead of Classroom of the Elite, almost instantly.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I definitely recognized the blond as the female lead of Classroom of the Elite, almost instantly.
    Not sure how you did. Other than a split instance here and there, to me the portrayal of this anime's character and Horikita are quite different to the point that the voice doesn't resemble each other to me.

    But if you did do it, cool.

    The dude's VA I could've sworn I heard him before, but seeing his roles I don't think there was any in particular that would've resonated with me enough to make it familiar. His role in Tsuredure Children is the only big maybe, but given the nature of that show, I just don't think that's it. Probably was confusing him with another.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I typically recognize people by voice and not face.

    Her VA has a particular "soft gentle whining" and "tearing" to her voice when she elevates in pitch.

    But once she starts doing narration after the grand hall disaster or whatever it is called, there's absolutely zero doubt. It's softer and not as biting as Horikita, but it is unmistakable. The direction is different, but the key identifiers in her voice are unchanged from her other roles that I've seen.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I typically recognize people by voice and not face.

    Her VA has a particular "soft gentle whining" and "tearing" to her voice when she elevates in pitch.

    But once she starts doing narration after the grand hall disaster or whatever it is called, there's absolutely zero doubt. It's softer and not as biting as Horikita, but it is unmistakable. The direction is different, but the key identifiers in her voice are unchanged from her other roles that I've seen.
    You're correct, in that narration portion it's quite easy to tell.

  6. #6
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    My reply was deleted? All I said was I enjoyed the first episode. :/

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This show could be decent-good.

    The setup was really rushed though but I don't mind.
    They need to up the quality now though.

    It's actually pretty funny how he got his land/castle in an blink of an eye so fast.

    It really reminds me of Vanadis too.

    If only one was, it would have made more sense. You'd think this would have rather urged them to fricking do something about the demons.
    It looked like the princess was disappointed in the weak prince who fainted and allowed their fathers to be killed by the demon. I'm pretty sure that's the reason they are at war again. Maybe their family crests are rather strong and she/they believe the demon can't be stopped with a weakling wielding it. So the princess wants to own both.

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    My reply was deleted? All I said was I enjoyed the first episode. :/
    I don't see any deleted messages. Might have been some random glitch.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    It looked like the princess was disappointed in the weak prince who fainted and allowed their fathers to be killed by the demon. I'm pretty sure that's the reason they are at war again. Maybe their family crests are rather strong and she/they believe the demon can't be stopped with a weakling wielding it. So the princess wants to own both.
    I didn't consider that. It might be possible. Now that you mentioned it, that prince didn't exactly act like a macho man. Nevertheless, I still think it's pretty strange to start to hate the prince more than the demons who murdered their fathers. It's like the nobles in that world have accepted that the chaos element causes disasters left and right and don't even try to do anything about it. Kind of like the USA had decided to do nothing after the 9/11.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    My reply was deleted? All I said was I enjoyed the first episode. :/
    I don't see any deletions either.

    The one things I didn't care all that much, or at least wish the elaborate or explain better was how the new knight came about with the monster summoned. I mean, it feels like a very cheap way to get strong to me.

  10. #10
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    @ Kraco and Munso

    Ohh ok. Must be a glitch.

    Hopefully they don't lose this pacing. I never noticed she is the voice of Horikita. I should enjoy this more now.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    The one things I didn't care all that much, or at least wish the elaborate or explain better was how the new knight came about with the monster summoned. I mean, it feels like a very cheap way to get strong to me.
    I guess it depends on how much the crest matters. His crest didn't grow too much, though. The kings, or whatever they were, had huge crests but they were worth nothing against that randomly spawning demon king. So, it could be a cheap way (if you are willing to bet your life fighting chaos monsters), but we don't know if the powerup is cheap as well.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I guess it depends on how much the crest matters. His crest didn't grow too much, though. The kings, or whatever they were, had huge crests but they were worth nothing against that randomly spawning demon king. So, it could be a cheap way (if you are willing to bet your life fighting chaos monsters), but we don't know if the powerup is cheap as well.
    Just seems like all you have to do is get a mage to spawn monsters for you and you'll instantly get stronger and stronger by absorbing the core.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But like RPGs, you probably need to fight way bigger things to get stronger at higher levels. Maybe mages can't randomly summon dragons and demons.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Could she even control the thing summoned this time? If she could summon something truly powerful, but the dude couldn't defeat it, would the monster them wander off wherever, possibly laying waste to some village? On the other hand, if she could control even the likes of dragons, she would be too OP for the story.

    All in all, I'd like to think there's a limit to what she can summon. It would be a pretty doomed world if any fledgling mage could summon humongous monsters.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I don't think she could control it. Only dragging it out of the chaos.

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's a quick part of the scene where it starts to look like he's way out of his depth and gets his ass tossed. She pulls her wand thing up and drops her smirk. 14:16.

    I believe that implies she had the means to put it down if he wasn't living up to her expectations as a useful pawn. She wasn't about to let him die if he was a failure.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe she would have put him down, to save him from the fate of getting eaten alive by the monster. That would be merciful.

  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    There's a quick part of the scene where it starts to look like he's way out of his depth and gets his ass tossed. She pulls her wand thing up and drops her smirk. 14:16.

    I believe that implies she had the means to put it down if he wasn't living up to her expectations as a useful pawn. She wasn't about to let him die if he was a failure.
    I'd say he was out of his depth. He's kind of lucky that his sword struck a killing blow. Who's to say that a two headed dog didn't have two hearts.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what to think of the MC telling Siluca he will simply follow her instructions. He has his own ideals and ambitions, so shouldn't he be chasing those? At least he should ride out and check the three villages to see they aren't pestered by monsters or other troubles. Considering he met Siluca by sticking his nose into other people's business due to his sense of justice, it doesn't make much sense he would now turn completely passive.

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