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Thread: Gamers!

  1. #1


    Keita Amano is a lonely young man who loves video games; Karen Tendō is the beautiful president of the video game club; Chiaki Hoshinomori constantly fights with Keita; and Tasuku Uehara puts on a facade of being satisfied with his life in the real world, but he in truth loves video games.

    Watched the first 2 episodes of Gamers! and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it. Overall nothing all that great at the onset, but it has a couple of gimmicks and a few twists to the usual that has made this an entertaining watch so far.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    It at least avoids the usual trope where these type of shows elevate competitive gaming as a very noble cause. He likes derpy, low skill games and wants to play them at his own pace. Don't understand the sudden romantic obsession by main girl, though, except to provide that bare-minimum of game otaku pandering?

    Second dude felt more like a protagonist than the actual protagonist, though, so there's that going for it in the unique department.

  3. #3
    Can't disagree with anything you've said, and not sure as well where her obsession is coming from.

    Episode 3 is out, and there are some interesting developments I think which should make for some fun situations. Not sure where this is heading just yet outside of the comedic situations, but enjoying it thoroughly so far... more than I thought I would.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I wonder if it is intentional that I don't like the main character after discovering that his worthless pride in how he games, as hinted at in episode 2, is fully actualized to such a degree as to be socially crippling. It's painful to watch him and seaweed argue in a "we actually can't be friends" kind of way over something so honestly stupid. Maybe it's just because I can't relate. After all, I'm the kind of person that won't argue anything to the death because I'm just not that excitable, but I can't reconcile the setup for this joke about "gamer's pride".

    And you know what? Shame on me for trying when I'm supposed to be enjoying an otaku-centric love-comedy (I guess?) show.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I wonder if it is intentional that I don't like the main character after discovering that his worthless pride in how he games, as hinted at in episode 2, is fully actualized to such a degree as to be socially crippling. It's painful to watch him and seaweed argue in a "we actually can't be friends" kind of way over something so honestly stupid. Maybe it's just because I can't relate. After all, I'm the kind of person that won't argue anything to the death because I'm just not that excitable, but I can't reconcile the setup for this joke about "gamer's pride".

    And you know what? Shame on me for trying when I'm supposed to be enjoying an otaku-centric love-comedy (I guess?) show.
    Well, I don't actually care about the MC... I just find the whole thing amusing as heck. Yes, certainly, it's natural for me to want to root for the MC because that's the natural thing when you're following a story, but those faux feelings aside, yeah he's not likable at all LOL.

    Episode 4 is out:

    Change of pace episode, we got to see just about everything from Karen's POV which was a welcomed sight. She's become too much of a joke. Funny moments aside, it makes her character unlikeable. So this was quite welcomed in particular with Keita and her sharing a lot of screen time. Of course, the other characters weren't featured... hope this is balanced better going forward.

    I'm don't know if I'm the only one that sees it this way, but the way the series is presented and structured for some reason keeps reminding me of Durarara!!.

    Episodes 5 and 6:

    Wow, this series is becoming the epitome of misunderstanding after misunderstandings. Some are very amusing, but hard to me as a viewers of trying to root for everyone and seeing them lead the way towards a disaster. Nice ending on episode 6 though.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 08-31-2017 at 06:40 PM.

  6. #6
    No one else caring for watching this? =(

  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm up to date. Fun stuff so far. The misunderstandings remind me of School Rumble.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I'm up to date. Fun stuff so far. The misunderstandings remind me of School Rumble.
    Now that you mention it, you're completely right. I don't recall much of School Rumble at this point, other than it was incredibly fun, but there was indeed an element of misunderstanding that this series is capitalizing on.

    This last episode was quite fun with the board game.

  9. #9
    Thank goodness they're finally clearing up a few misunderstandings.

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I watched all of it today.

    The show was okay, it was kinda hilarious how everything added up to another misunderstanding.
    My favorite episode was the "The game of Life"-episode.

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