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Thread: Classroom of the Elite: Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

  1. #81
    I'm hoping for more myself. Series is too up and down, with the down being waaaay down, but it has interesting aspects to it, and I love the main character.

    Final lines of the finale were great, hope we get more in the future. I'm doubtful on it, but we'll see.

  2. #82
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Ayanokoji is defective in an interesting way, not an edge-lord-y one. Bring on season 2, please.

  3. #83
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    Anyone else liking season 2 thus far? 2 episodes in and seems boring compared to the first season. I understand they're correcting the first season during this second season. Feels slow IMO.

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    This isn't far off course from the first season, to me. Lots of talking heads and thinly veiled threats as the games play out so we can have a 'trick' reveal at the end when it turns out class D made out like bandits. There will likely be a few fake out tricks that misdirect us in the meantime, but I expect the crux of the turnaround to be some off-hand rule applied in a 'clever' way.

    Slow? Yes. Slower than the first season? Not for me so far.

  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the first episode much more than the second and I'm currently watching the third.
    But it's pretty much the same, or rather, how I remembered it.
    What I don't get in general is how hyped this show is (relatively).
    The first season didn't seem like something groundbreaking to me. The guessing and quizzing is pretty fun though.
    But I sure as hell did forget about most characters. I know that the big booba girl is a bitch and I do know that this has already been established, so the pseudo "ah nvm tehee I'm so shy"-moment in episode 2 felt a bit weird, because MC knows how messed up she is.

    edit: I just realized that half the girls are booba-girls. I meant the short haired one in the same class.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-18-2022 at 11:16 AM.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    This isn't far off course from the first season, to me. Lots of talking heads and thinly veiled threats as the games play out so we can have a 'trick' reveal at the end when it turns out class D made out like bandits. There will likely be a few fake out tricks that misdirect us in the meantime, but I expect the crux of the turnaround to be some off-hand rule applied in a 'clever' way.

    Slow? Yes. Slower than the first season? Not for me so far.
    I can understand your POV.

    This third episode felt better pacing, I enjoyed this episode.

    @KrayZ33 I agree I find the quizzes and testing to be very fun and entertaining.

  7. #87
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    The story elements of episode three were more interesting for sure, including the bullying. They had me when B-class girl called Ayanokoji's phone to expose the lie. Even the fleeting feeling of 'oh no' was sufficient to make the scene exciting, despite it winding up as another off-screen trap. The biggest surprise to me was that class C didn't get beat out somehow and everything went according to their plan? I didn't really follow the explanation, if there was one, so I hope we get another exposition dump about what happened next episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    What I don't get in general is how hyped this show is (relatively).


    edit: I just realized that half the girls are booba-girls. I meant the short haired one in the same class.
    Mystery solved. I re-watched s1 with a friend before this season started, and was embarrassed twofold at both the amount of chest and butt shots in this show, and that I about forgot them in only a few years.

  8. #88
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    The biggest surprise to me was that class C didn't get beat out somehow and everything went according to their plan? I didn't really follow the explanation, if there was one, so I hope we get another exposition dump about what happened next episode.
    The explanation was given and is straightforward. C leader just discovered all VIPs by collecting all the phones from everyone. As for the group Horikita was in, he found out who the VIP was by reading Horikita's expressions. With knowledge of who the VIPs are, he can easily make sure C wins the game.

    It's interesting that B-Blonde already knows it isn't Horikita but Ayanokouji himself who is the brains behind Class D. She seems way more competent that people give her credit for.
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  9. #89
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Thanks. I forgot that he collected the phones. I'm surprised that such a simple plan went off without a hitch. I guess it's supposed to reinforce how absolute his power is within that class.

  10. #90
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    She seems way more competent that people give her credit for.
    Because she portrays herself as a soft-hearted, "let's all get along," character just like Kushida in Class D, but unlike Kushida who is perpetually a selfish bitch, Ichinose has a very specific goal and understands that she can be even more successful if she works with others from time to time. She seems to hate Class A as much as Class D hates all the others.

  11. #91
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    S2 Eps 4


    This season has been a bit boring and more impenetrable than the previous. The VIP arc was really boring, and at no point where there any clues for the audience to figure it out. By the time we learned that Karuizawa was one of the VIPs, we'd long forgotten any names of the other students in their group. If they actually gave us all of them (I legit don't remember). We never knew anyone else in Kushida's group either. Of course Kushida was the traitor. It's just some dreadful asspull of a test.

    So far, this arc is a little bit better, because we already see Ayanokouji utilizing Karuizawa, his intent to educate and improve Horikita, and also hopefully punish Kushida for actively undermining Class D for personal gain.

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Punishing Kushida is the most interesting possibility by far. I've been wondering when they would circle back around to her 'damage' and pull her into the harem... er, fold.

    For how capable she supposedly is, Horikita is surprisingly socially retarded. Ayanokouji has his work cut our for him to herd these cats into class A.

  13. #93
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Horikita is a typical book-smart character. It just so happens she is also athletic, but she has 0 social acuity and terrible EQ.
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  14. #94
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I had serious trouble with the names and who was what and who is who.
    When they talked about characters off-screen I was hardly able to put a face to most of the names...

    Not sure if I'm at fault or if the anime could've helped out with a flashback (just a face) or something.

    teaching Horikita common courtesy was really weird too, almost childish.
    "See what happens if *you* can't keep up? Durr"
    To some degree I could understand since her character is like that... but that was... overdone and something you'd teach a 4 year old or something. "Stop pushing the other child, or see what happens if someone pushes you and how that feels"

    And the the test in episode 1-3 wasn't that entertaining either.
    The only possible candidate was the Karuizawa and that's because there was basically no interaction with anyone else but her and basically nothing has been shown other than her odd behaviour and the odd way of questioning she did when she asked if MC is the VIP.
    So the first guess the viewer could do was her... and then no one else came up and it so happens that she ended up being it.

    Just imagine reading a book about a murder and there are 10 possible culprits... but the whole book is basically about that 1 and you never get to hear anything about the other 9.... who would you think did it.

  15. #95
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ayanokouji himself was the red herring in the previous arc.

    Horikita seems like she has very little experience with people superior than her, so she probably, like a child, did not understand how it felt like to be the weaker person in a group. Ayanokouji basically showed her her place.

    Why is Ayanokouji's grip strength so strong, though? For what purpose would he train it while intentionally keeping himself slim?
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  16. #96
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Ayanokouji himself was the red herring in the previous arc.
    In the arc before the VIP test or during the VIP test?
    Because Ayanokouji was basically out as soon as the VIP test started. At least for the viewer until any evidence whatsoever shows up that he could've faked something, which never happened.

    edit: and even if he could, it wouldn't have made sense.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 07-26-2022 at 12:55 PM.

  17. #97
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Why is Ayanokouji's grip strength so strong, though? For what purpose would he train it while intentionally keeping himself slim?
    Because he's an elite among elites. They haven't really touched on it since visual hints in the previous season, but he doesn't have a normal upbringing. Their homeroom teacher knows it too, by the way she treats him. I wouldn't say he's superhuman, but it comes off like he knows exactly what muscles to maximize a specific physical action, has the level of control that someone who can twitch their specific muscles can do, and probably can willfully break past the point where normal people subconsciously know not to hurt themselves (punch too hard, mothers lifting cars off their children, etc.).

    It's interesting that he has no frame of reference.

    The red-head guy might have intentionally tricked Ayanokouji (I honestly wouldn't put it past him, considering some of the other Class D members who hide their particularly skills), but to date the series has played him off as a musclehead idiot.

  18. #98
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Episode 5


    gotta say I'm only really interested in MCs schemes...
    Female MC "not wanting to cause trouble for her brother" is so absurd in this case, I had trouble getting behind such a childish set-up and it's only possible due to that weird condition she set upon herself.

    And yikes...
    at the end, right before the music started playing, if you go by sound, she turned around and starting limping forward, yet the animation didn't even show her doing anything... just her face staring towards the direction of her brother.

  19. #99
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This series is really starting to lose me, and surprisingly fast.

    Kushida working for Ryuen to support Class C's schemes is infuriating, but I guess that's what she's there to do, be a self-serving antagonist of the worst variety.

    Horikita is unlikeable, useless, and incredibly stupid. I get that Ayanokouji is trying to actually wise her up as payback for using her as his first pawn, but I struggle to understand why she never learns anything. I guess it makes sense after all why she's in Class D. She truly is a reject. It's annoying she gets so much focus compared to the other, more interesting girls in the class (and that includes Kushida).

    I can sort of see what Ayanokouji wants to do by making Class D fail incredibly badly here, since in general they are still a very disjointed class and unifying them by fear (as Class C does) or by pride (as Class A does) isn't going to work on their collection of fuckups, fodder, and misfits. But Horikita just fucked that up too, by falling for Ryuen's shit again. She had also deduced that Kushida is the traitor with the same evidence Ayanokouji did, so why would she trust her at all? She could have easily excused herself to go find the hothead guy like she was supposed to.

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    It's still plenty interesting to me, if slow. I expect the 'twist' this time is that Ayanokoji is the person who leaked the class participation roster, but is not the specific 'traitor'. He wants to corner that traitor and have them remain a traitor to feed Class C pivotally bad intel down the line.

    Horikita is coming off as far less capable than her haughty attitude lets on as we see more of her and her brother complex. Sudo is the biggest embarrassment for me. Watching his tantrums is selling me on information I've known for a dozen episodes (he falls for provocation every time). He needs less screen time.

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