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Nah, they are doing scenes like that one in pretty much every single episode.
That's all there is to Tataras skill in the first place.
He can read the partner he's dancing with, immitate what he has seen and also understand the execution. The "Sharingan"-scene was pretty much the first dance only as far as I can remember.
This Ep (1) was him learning it faster than Chinatsu, who thought that she's actually pretty good at picking things up herself
Last Ep (2) it was him following Kaga..yumi something.
The Ep (3) before was him reading Chinatsu and be her shadow
The Ep (4) before that was him following like a boss for the first time
The Ep (5) before that was him analysing Sengoku-sans dance to near perfection
and the Ep (6) before that he was dancing with Mako.