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Thread: Fate Apocrypha

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sorry, you can't beat floor length hair, a permanent air of evil, and yellow slit irises.

  2. #22
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    No one's discussing this? For real? I feel like there's 4 or 5 people left here total

  3. #23
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I read some of the light novel, although the anime is almost caught up to what I know, so I avoid discussing to prevent spoilers. Once it is all caught up, I will actively talk about this.

    For now, just let me complain about the lack of Mordred in the recent episodes. And Jeanne is cute.
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  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It would pretty much be that this series actually failed the 3 episode test for me. I've attempted to keep watching, just out of respect for the franchise, Mordred, and Semiramis, but let's face it, this series is fucking garbage.

    None of the masters are worth caring about, even remotely. Mordred's master is only acceptable because he is just so blasé about it. That's the big fail. I don't really give a shit about any of these characters. Oh no! Cripple sister we're supposed to feel bad for...but don't. Brother, and I don't even remember who he is the master of...wants to help her. Shirou/Gil/Kirei is obviously the master of all the others on the Red (...Black? Do I even give a fuck?) side.

    Ruler? Oh high and mighty self-righteous queen....who I also don't care about and think she's kind of a bitch for believing that she's above any of this, like that has ever happened outside of Prisma Ilya where Kiritsugu and Iri murdered every other participant before the Grail War even started, in order to keep their daughter safe, and a lot of deaths happened anyway.

    Sakura is more charismatic than Ruler is, and that's saying something.

    Super gay, super worthless piece of shit homunculus? Don't care about him either.

    NONE of the characters are remotely engaging in any way! What, pray tell, is there to even discuss?

    Let me explain how I watch this series. I start up an episode, give up after about 7 minutes. I do anything else I can to entertain myself, because the series is so boring and unengaging. Then I watch another 3 to 5 minutes, and give up again. By that time, something else, better, has come out, and I watch that. I reopen the episode to where I left off, and pause it immediately. I do something else again. This pattern repeats for about three days, when Symphogear and Sakura Quest come out. I watch those, and then finally...finally I finish an episode of Fate/Apocrypha.

    edit: Just in case this wasn't clear. NONE of the Masters have any presence at all. They have no personality, no reason to give a single fuck about them, and to be honest, the Servants aren't much better. It is hard to remember their Class in the first place, aside from the obvious Sabers and Archers. The trap Lancer? is the only Servant even worth caring about, because he doesn't give a single fuck...just like me.

  5. #25
    Just caught up. I loved the Fate series and I'm still on the fence about this one. While the first few episodes were fun at best, the latest have started lacking interest for me. The writing is definitely missing a certain drive and though it's nice to see some old names pop up, it's very disconnected from the Fate line IMO. It would've been much more interesting to see say... some of the Fate Zero and Stay Night surviving mages vs ones from the clock tower if they decided to put an end to the Grail Wars.

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The franchise is as milked as it can get.
    I expected it to fail tbh... just like that Grand Order bullshit we were thrown at with.

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I am watching it because it's Fate. Haven't watched Ilya Prism or whatever that series is called.

    It's a bit idiotic they are all throwing their real names around. It's linked to your weakness and strength. And yet they give those names to the freakin enemy. Like Siegfried. He was ordered not to give his name to his allies. The only smart thing his Master did. Then when Lancer of Red attacked, he just gave his name. From the OP you'd think he'd lasted longer but then he just kills himself to help out a wet noodle worth of character.

    The other Masters are basically just sitting in a room in trance or something. Only that would explain why the other Servants just seem to obey Kotomine. Unless he is a Ruler class himself since Jeanne's own summoning is somehow messed up despite being summoned directly by the Grail.

    Right now I'm mostly watching for Mordred and Frankenstein. And any reference to other chars. Like Waver.

  8. #28
    Pretty sure there's a hint in the OP that Siegfried will be revived, I haven't watched this week's but didn't last week show the homunculus starting to get a mark?

    But yeah definitely agreed they're doing a sort of Bleach-esque "you're my enemy, but let me explain to you what my ability is" crap.

    And you might've hit it on the point. There's not enough real conflict. It's all too superficial. The moron just takes your attention away for a bit but the rest... I understand they are working in teams but at least one team could have some real inner conflict. Nothing. All just face value.

    Would be super nice to see Waver jump in, along with the one blondie rich mage, forgot her name. Would be especially nice to see her and Rin have to actually work together. And maybe if the story was tweaked so modern Shirou actually becomes the Servant when summoned, being that the Grail can pull from any time period. That's already 4 solid characters right there with a thousand possible subplots.

    Really poor writing. The more I think about it, the more shameful it is to the Fate name. I watched a bit of the Ilya series and it was fun because it was clearly detached from the rest of the Fate line so you could enjoy it for its own individual story. This Apocrypha is a cheap ripoff. Like the new Karate Kid where Will Smith thought it was cool to put his son in a movie where they learn Kung Fu and not Karate...

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    It showed flashes of him having command seals. Maybe he will summon Siegfried. What better catalyst is there than his own heart? Then again....Ruler has no Master and is incomplete herself so he might take that role.

    Anyway things seem to be moving forwards a bit. Mordred still being best girl. If Arthuria was a lion...then Mordred is just a cat. As clearly seen in the way she plays with that cat.

  10. #30
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm essentially fast-forwarding/skipping these episodes because they're mostly uninteresting, but it turns out the fight sequences are still pretty entertaining. I almost watched Episode 06 in its entirety.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #31
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The fight scenes with Mordred and her master are awesome.
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  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I almost watched Episode 06 in its entirety.
    nuff said...

    i am having some trouble with the explosion sound they are using over and over and over... it sounds cheap and broken... two swords getting hit? explosion... no sound of metal clashing one against the other just an explosion...

  13. #33
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I assumed those are sonic booms from their speed.
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  14. #34
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Yall are crazy for not watching this -- this show is legit af

  15. #35
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Huh? I assume everyone commenting in this thread is watching this. I for one really like it, too.
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  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I dropped it at episode 4 or 5.

    It's wretched. It only makes me want the HF's movies more, to get the taste of pathetic and dull spinoff out of my mouth.

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