"The story follows a half-beast mercenary witch-hunter. The half-beast, half-human breed, also known as beastfallen, are thought to be born through witchcraft and are regularly shunned and hunted themselves, but their physical prowess is also appreciated as soldiers and witch-hunters, so that's how he's making his meager living. That is, until he meets a witch calling herself Zero. The witch is looking for a lost grimoire and offers the mercenary a deal he can't ignore despite his deep-rooted hate for witches."
Genres: Fantasy, magic, witches, action.
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This is pretty standard sword and sorcery fantasy. The characters aren't half-bad, though, and the setting is quite grim despite the graphics being nothing like in Berserk. People are hunting witches and burning them nonetheless. It's especially interesting because witches used to live alongside humans not so long ago that a bit older people wouldn't remember it. However, politics shifted quickly and seemingly made the witches the enemy of humanity. Of course it's not like the witches would have simply accepted it without fighting back. In that way this depicts the human nature realistically: Those in power can't afford to suffer the presence of possibly uncontrollable witches, so they need to be removed.
And no, I didn't photoshop in the line in the screenshot. Back in the day I heard Skyrim was quite popular in Japan as well. Unless that line was created by the translator or HS, of course. My Japanese isn't good enough to know from the soundtrack.