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Thread: Is Yu Yu Hakusho the most overhyped anime of all times?

  1. #1
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Is Yu Yu Hakusho the most overhyped anime of all times?

    [Some light spoilers for Yu Yu Hakusho in case you care]

    So, I needed to talk about this. If youīre a rabid fanboy of Yu Yu Hakusho, please try and let me hear you out.

    Hunter X Hunter is my favorite shounen (itīs really seinen, but whatever)-series ever. I love it and I cried many times during the 2011-version, all those emotions, omg.

    With Togashi being a mean slob (I donīt care if heīs sick: Tell your assistants how the story goes and have them draw, sigh!), I finally got around to watch Yu Yu Hakusho. I had high expectations, because whenever you enter certain discussions, people will claim that Yu Yu Hakusho is easily better than Hunter X Hunter. Iīve seen many agressive YYH-fans attacking those that thought differently.

    So I started watching.
    And I kept watching.
    And I kept watching until the Dark Tournament that many claimed was the best part of the series.
    And I kept watching.

    And it SUCKS.


    Sorry if this offens anyone, but Im at episode 72 currently and watchin this serious has been extremely tiring. As a HXH-fan, Iīll finish it because itīs obvious how the roots for HXH are in this anime. However, it is not good. Itīs really not.

    Whereas HXH is exciting from episode 1 and quickly enters the hunter exam thatīs just one super exciting moment after another (ffs, I kinda want to rewatch it, now that Iīm writing about it ...), YYH starts out incredibly slow. The first, say, 15 episodes are a complete waste of time. Itīs just boring to watch these bland characters. Everyone is wearing those simple retro school outfits, thereīs no variety, theyīre just dressed like normal pupils from that time. Compare that to HXH, where every character boasts charisma and features his very individual design.

    Then you have battles. Omg the battles. Letīs focus on the Dark Tournament here, which is said to be the seriesī highlight: How are any of those fights exciting?! There are NO rules regarding how powerful a character is. There are no clever concepts, no smart abilities either. Itīs just a combination of shounen hero-willpower and out-of-nowhere specialattacks. And thereīs never an even fight. Itīs always "oh no, heīs stronger than me!" - next scene: "Ha, now Iīm stronger than you!" - next scene: "Damn, heīs even stronger now!" , and so on. In HXH, you have both a proper ruleset for basic power such as speed and strenght AND you have an abundance of clever abilities that all have their own rules and limitations. When watching a battle in HXH, you never know who will win, but no matter the outcome, it never feels cheap. In YYH, you know that the heroes will always win and it doesnīt matter how strong the opponent is: shounen hero-willpower trumps everything!!1

    I donīt want to call this a truly bad anime, for one because itīs visibly and older series, for another because it isnīt really bad, itīs just ... when you claim it to be BETTER than HXH, it becomes laughable, entirely ridiculous.

    So thatīs it. Am I wrong? If so, why? Or do you agree that HXH is objectively better? I honestly canīt see it any other way. Calling YYH the better series reeks of blind nostalgia imo.

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  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    HxH is objectively better. This was at most a testing ground and diving board for better ideas from the author.

    That said, I loved this when I was kid. That's they key word. This is a kid's show. HxH is not.
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  3. #3
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I too similarly tried YYH a few years back and dropped it after 10 or so episodes because it didn't catch.

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  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I would advise you to present your findings to the "certain discussions" you mentioned and let us know what defenses or arguments they present, because you are going to find a largely sympathetic crowd here.

  5. #5
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Cant really tell you specific places, since over the years Iīve seen the sentiment in various online forums. What comes to mind is and MAL dicussions.

    Just now I searched a thread and somebody calls HXH overrated, then somebody else "defends" HXH by saying "HXH starts slow, but give it a couple of episodes", like, WTF?! The first 3 episodes of HXH contain more excitement and adventure than the first 30 episodes of YYH.

    If fellow gotwoot members agree that HXH is objectively better, then I guess Iīm happy to find out that Iīm (on that matter) sane and not crazy. Just read another posting in another forum calling the finale of the Dark Tournament "awesome". No, it wasnīt. It was Yuusuke and Toguro standing in front of each other and doing shounen-power ups one after the other, not tactics, not strategy, no rules.

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  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's called nostalgia. The problem with anime fans in general is burnout.

    The shows when you first started watching are "the greatest," you have more tolerance for flaws, and you enjoyed it all because it was fresh. The problem with a lot of anime fans is over time, they lose interest. The later stuff becomes "derivative," "shitty," "ripoff," "poor-man's [fill in blank]," and so on.

    Older anime fans are the most jaded fanbase in existence. There's some real modern gems, but you'd never know it talking to anime fans in their 30s or 40s, or those who have made a job out of it. They seem to only enjoy the meta-fanbase shows out there these days.

    Specifically, regarding shows like HxH and FMA, you have fans who watched the older version of a series that was rebooted and improved, but they are either infested with nostalgia, or burned out to the point that they won't even try it.

    Don't get too wound up about it. It's just older or former anime fans being how they get.

  7. #7
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yay. A reason to sign in. First off, wow Ryll. Reading your post just made me feel bad. At first I was excited because you guys were discussing Yu Yu but damn.

    Okay, I am/was a huge Yu Yu Hakusho fan, still remember all the characters, all their powers, the villains, the plots etc. That said, I watched the show when it was airing and I loved it but I never thought it was good. In all the years since then I have never even considered watching it again and I would not recommend it to anyone. It is one of many many things that you just had to have been a kid in the 90's to enjoy. It is like Power Rangers or VR Troopers or Ninja Turtles or GI Joe or Terry Brooks' Shannara books. I still can't believe they made a tv show based on that, or Dragonlance or any number of other things where you had to have been young and impressionable when you started in order to enjoy this. I still cringe every time I hear the opening of Friends because I can't believe I ever watched that and don't get me started on the damn Transformers franchise. Anyway not going to go off on a tangent about things that were horrible yet entertaining as a child, that people really should just get over. I mean Goosebumps, really???

    So yes Mfauli, in this instance you are not crazy. There is something wrong with those Yu Yu Hakusho fans. The series was meh, about as cut and dry as it gets. The damn games were better. As for HxH, never watched a single episode of either series so can't really say. Read the manga up until that whole chimera ant thing which just took forever to get through and once it was done I simply could not get back into it. So I don't really think too much of HxH either.
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  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Thx for that posting, Abdula. And now: WATCH HXH!!1 :P

    No, but seriously, the anime-version of HXH elevates the story several leagues above what you read in the manga-version. Animations, music, voice-actors, itīs one of those very rare cases where everything comes together. I read parts of the manga, too (beginning and then everything after the anime-ending), I like the manga, too. But the anime is a masterpiece, deserving itīs place next to shows like Death Note and Steins;Gate.

    Anyway, yeah, I can totally see how YYH was kinda fun when you were a kid ANd were watching it as it was airing. Iīīm not sure I would enjoy the Dragon Ball-anime now as much as I did back then, proof being Super, which I follow for nostalgia and curiosity, but wouldnīt ever call it "great".

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  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Already started on the anime. Watched the first 7 episodes last night once I remembered it was on Netflix, as I was only rereading Deadhouse Gates anyway.

    I purposely did not mention Dragonball because of all the things you had to have been a child to enjoy Dragonball is first tier, right up there with Captain Planet. I watched DBZ, could not get through more than a few episodes of GT or Kai and never even bothered with Super. If you like DBZ and want something for nostalgia then the abridged series Team Four Star does is as good as it gets.

    DBZ is yet another series where the games are so much better, if only for the pacing.
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  10. #10
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hm, I wouldnīt say DB is the same tier of "have to had been a kid", because it does two things right: 1.) It features lots of unique, well developed characters, and 2.) it has lots of comedy, which makes it more timeless. Also, it has the benefit of "being first".

    Speaking of Captain Planet ... is it watchable these days? xD I always planned to rewatch it, because I remember this series getting rather interesting, when the fire ring-boy went rogue and left the team, trapped in some terrifiying future. :>

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  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    wow, an anime thread I can join? cool.

    read both mangas, watched YYH (dual audio rips, which had their own problems), watched old HxH.
    I really can't see how someone can compare them.

    there are two (maybe three) decent plot elements in YYH, that's all. just three elements i can look back and say 'boy, that was cool'. I can recount more great moments in the first HxH saga.
    if anything, YYH is similar to bleach (if you didn't know it already), from the plotline, the dragging nature, even some story beats (remember the Ichigo's hair?) and mostly because both of them are landmarks in visual appeal of shonen shows to female audiences.

    I guess some people can say YYH is 'better' because it's more grounded in it's own world and doesn't invent more and more concepts. but that's entierly true, they still had the weird video games arc (oh, there's another great part there, make it four good bits, although this one was replicated by toriko). they still rushed the final arc and lost steam after the dark tournament.
    the fights were the usual shonen fest, can't hold it against the show, that's just the genre.

    I'm going to side with the popular opinion of gotwoot, and say that people who think YYH is better than HxH are delusional from nostalgia, or trying to pick a fight and flame an argument.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    How would you compare it to a contemporary, like Flame of Recca?

    Manga to manga and anime to anime, of course.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I prefer Recca because of Fuuko('s boobs).
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  14. #14
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Specifically, regarding shows like HxH and FMA, you have fans who watched the older version of a series that was rebooted and improved, but they are either infested with nostalgia, or burned out to the point that they won't even try it.
    I still think the first part of the old FMA is better than the same material in the new one. Brotherhood really rushes through the part that was already covered in the original series. And there's a lot of really important stuff there that doesn't deserve to be hurried through.

    Hughs death is one of the most important things to happen in that series, and in Brotherhood it doesn't even feel like a huge deal because you barely even get to know that character before he dies.

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You have to watch both to be honest. Brotherhood assumes you have seen the first and deliberately rushes through the arcs that were accurately covered by the first anime, or skips them entirely.

  16. #16
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Hm, I wouldnīt say DB is the same tier of "have to had been a kid", because it does two things right: 1.) It features lots of unique, well developed characters, and 2.) it has lots of comedy, which makes it more timeless. Also, it has the benefit of "being first".
    I feel like that is kind of a stretch. DBZ had lots of characters but few of them were actually well developed. As for its comedic value and timelessness the same can be said of Popeye the sailor man.

    Don't know how serious you are about the Captain Planet thing because it is just like Super Friends. Whether it is watchable is based on how nostalgic you are and your tolerance for bad visuals because it is not pretty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
    wow, an anime thread I can join? cool.

    if anything, YYH is similar to bleach (if you didn't know it already), from the plotline, the dragging nature, even some story beats (remember the Ichigo's hair?) and mostly because both of them are landmarks in visual appeal of shonen shows to female audiences.
    Yeah I know the feeling.

    I didn't make the comparison before but now that you have I absolutely agree with you that Bleach is very much like YYH. Both hinted at possible hidden depth that never materialized.

    HXH is several times better, I've always viewed it as a combination of Black Cat and One Piece, which happen to be two of my favorites.
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  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    You have to watch both to be honest. Brotherhood assumes you have seen the first and deliberately rushes through the arcs that were accurately covered by the first anime, or skips them entirely.
    I agree, but for that reason I don't consider Brotherhood to be the inherently superior series.

  18. #18
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Interesting. I only saw Brotherhood, because my friend just told me to watch that. I donīt feel like going back NOW, but maybe if I ever decide to rewatch the whole thing, itīs something to keep in mind.

    status report: at YYH episode 83. God, this is really dragging currently. The whole "territory" thing. bleh. Iīd rather rewatch HXH :/

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  19. #19
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    as for flame of recca compared to YYH, i think it's just a question of which flavor of 'tournament shonen' you prefer:
    ninja energy blasts or demon energy blasts.
    Token evil teammate or Token female and token kid.
    evil father or evil mother and brother.
    Recca is shorter and makes less of a mess of the world. while YYH is a bit larger in terms of the world around us.
    YYH has the aweful territory (fullbring) arc, but it also has some great moments which recca doesn't have.

    I prefer Recca because i value the overall story conclusion which i felt made better sense than YYH's 'twist', but I did like YYH characters better and i do appreciate the courage in subverting the expectations in the demon tournament.

    both lose to HxH, of course.
    but if you must watch Flame of recca, you might as well watch MAR, which was much more interesting in it's setting and had a great vibe, and maybe Mixim 12, but I never got to finish that one.

  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    at episode 87. phew, this is so hard to watch. The tournament at least had the benefit of ... being a tournament. But the fight against Sensui right is sooo boring. I donīt care one bit about it.

    But Iīm almost done now.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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