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Thread: Upcoming Winter Anime 2016 - Letīs revive this forum!!1

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  1. #1
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Upcoming Winter Anime 2016 - Letīs revive this forum!!1

    Well, as the title implies, itīs been awefully quiet in here for a while. Maybe the next season can change that with better anime? Who knows. It was always bound to be a worse season without any proper loli waki for shinta. And there wasnīt a show where I could have a controverse contrarian opinion either.

    Hereīs the overview for the upcoming Winter season:


    Series that Iīm interested in:

    - Akibaīs Trip - tbh this looks rather cheap. But I LOVED the PSVita-game, finished it on every route and every difficulty. Gotta give this anime a try.
    - Chaos; Child (Is this also from the Robotics-, Steinsgate- author? Anyway, Chaos; Head is one of my favorite anime and this sounds intriguing. Maybe my most wanted of the season)
    - Fuuka (a love triangle, eh? Itīs been quite a while since I watched a romantic anime, so Iīm in the mood for this)
    - Gintama (if thereīs new Gintama, I will watch it)
    - KonoSuba S2 (sigh, oh well, Iīll watch it. This anime would be so much fun if the hero just got to bang at least ONE of the girls. But no, another case of eternal blue balls. Whatever. Maybe the story will get somewhere this time. And more Megumin is always okay)
    - Masamune-kun no Revenge (I started reading this manga because of the interesting plot (YES BECAUSE I CAN SOMEWHAT RELATE, BLAH!!!), but I only remember that it fell rather flat in terms of its premise. Maybe the anime does a better job)
    - Seiren (there is no plot description, but the artstyle on the poster alone looks quality. Will give ep1 a try)

    Thatīs it for "new" anime. Will of course continue watching Iron-Blooded Orphans. I also need to watch All-Out!, heard it turned out great after the rather lame first episode. And I completely forgot about San-Gatsu no Lion.

    My most wanted for 2017 continue to be the BLAME!-movie and Evangelion 4.0

    EDIT: Fuck the world. Itīs "Winter 2017" of course. Some mod pls change it ;>
    Last edited by MFauli; Fri, 12-16-2016 at 07:03 PM.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #2
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kuzu no Honkai sparks my interest, along with Masamune-Kun. Hopefully Kuzu actually has real drama.

    Granblue Fantasy - just to see what it's all about. Bahamut was a pretty good adaptation, so here's hoping.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #3
    The current season was actually quite good, with maybe 7-8 great shows depending on your tastes. Unfortunately, I've just been behind on most things with my anime buddy, so I won't go looking at forum posts.

    For this coming Winter, I can't say I'm super excited just looking at the lineup:


    I also liked the Akiba's Strip game, but I am not confident Gonzo can deliver a good anime.

    Chaos;Child, I'm a little down on 5pb after Robotics;Notes and Occultic;Nine being pretty meh. I don't remember Chaos;Head being that amazing either, so my expectations are kind of low.

    Demi-chan should be cute. I read the manga.

    Granblue sounds like trash, but it has A-1 behind it so at least it won't look awful. After Bahamut turning out good, I'll give anything a shot.

    Kyoto's running a slice-of-life comedy with a dragon maid? I'll watch it, but expectations are not high with that setup.

    Definitely in on Konosuba 2. Let's get some more Megumin.

    Little Witch, I would be more excited if the 2nd movie wasn't kind of horrible. Maybe with a show they'll have more time to actually make it interesting.

    Rakugo 2 - totally in for this one. Rakugo was great last time.

    Tales 2 - ufotable is drawing something, I'll be there.

    Youjo Senki - Yuuki Aoi as an evil-looking youjo military commander? This sounds great.


    That's it for new stuff (though continuing we really only have Sangatsu and Gundam that are worth keeping up with).
    Anything I didn't mention I have very low expectations for, but of course I always try to watch just about everything.

    I'll be sorely missing not getting more of Ajin, FlipFlappers, Girlish, Eupho, Izetta, Keijo, Mahou Keikaku, and Yuri On Ice.

  4. #4
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well, I had to drop gundam, Izetta and other supposedly great shows because I can't stand some forms of violence and because they were becoming noisy and took too much of a toll on my very low vital energy...
    Rakugo 2 should be nice
    konosuba if they can keep the good jokes and maintain a minimum visual quality level
    Yowamushi, why not

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #5
    With each passing day I have less free (alone) time and its getting pretty expensive to catch my attention even for a 20 minutes per week series. Last season no show made it past ep 4 even when I had high hopes for a couple of them.

    This time I will set my bar low. Right now from that chart only curious about Onihei & Acca.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  6. #6
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    @Edort, have you tried watching Ajin? A lot of people are dismissing it because of the animation stye, but itīs really the most amazing, mature, well-handled story right now. And it has the best villain in a long time, while also featuring an interesting hero. Iīd definitely agree that anime with truly great stories are rare currently, but Ajin is definitely an exception here. If you can get over the "itīs computer graphics, ew".

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Konosuba of course
    also interested in "Masamune-kun no Revenge"
    Gran Blue
    and most of all Little Witch Academia.

    Current season was horrible for me, I'm only watching Gundam.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Fuck yeah Konosuba!

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    For me sure bets are (in addition to a couple of continuations from this season):

    Demi-chan - I've read what's out of the manga and it's nice.
    Konosuba 2 - Explosion!
    Tales of Zestiria 2 - For whatever reason I liked it quite a lot.
    Rewrite 2 - The anime wasn't that good, but whatever. Gotta finish it.

    Will at least check out:

    Granblue Fantasy - Maybe it's similar to Zestiria...
    Little Witch Academia

    And some others, most likely.

  10. #10
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Every season I tell myself, "Next season will be better. Next season will finally have at least one really good anime again".

    Rarely does this ever happen.

    Make Anime Great Again plz

  11. #11
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    Every season I tell myself, "Next season will be better. Next season will finally have at least one really good anime again".

    Rarely does this ever happen.

    Make Anime Great Again plz
    I know that feeling. However I have learned that those seasons without an obvious hit-candidate more often deliver a bunch of unexpected gems. I remember how last season everybody was stoked for Kabaneri. And it turned out to be a piece of shit, leaving us with Re Zero ... which turned out to be really good.

    I have almost no idea about most of those anime of this upcoming season, but thatīs why the potential for unexpected greatness is so high.

    Just be more open and watch lots of "episode 1"s to see whatīs promising.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #12
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    Make Anime Great Again plz
    We can't have new One Punch Man EVERY season and have it still be great.

  13. #13
    I just watched the preview for Youjo Senki, and now I'm looking forward to it even more.
    Seems like a similar setting to Izetta, except this time we're getting evil genius Izetta instead of naive Izetta. Both sides seem to have magic available, too.

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I just watched the preview for Youjo Senki, and now I'm looking forward to it even more.
    Seems like a similar setting to Izetta, except this time we're getting evil genius Izetta instead of naive Izetta. Both sides seem to have magic available, too.
    Perhaps I should have a look at it, then. I'm a few eps behind on Izetta with no idea if I can finish it. I got progressively more disappointed by every ep after the halfway point. If a youjo can replace a well-endowed successfully, why not.

  15. #15
    seems like a weak season for me... only digimon tri and sword art online movie... with the left over of gundam...

    i cant stand the school days nor the "sports" anime anymore...

  16. #16
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    If it were actual "School Days" anime, iīd be all over it :P

    But yeah, school stories are too many. Itīs why anime like Udon are nice, simply featuring a guy whoīs neither pupil nor student, but isnīt focusing on his work place either. (Although Souta has like the easiest job in the world the way it was presented)

    What I want most is anime that feature adult heroes (age 30+ :P) that arenīt tropey "wiseman" or "stupid middle-aged men". On the villain side, Satou from Ajin was great. But Iīd like more such heroes. Itīd be especially interesting to have an adult heroe be surrounded by typical young side-characters, too. Anything that shakes up old concepts.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I can understand the japanese and their love for school animes.

    I'm at the point where I wish that I could turn 14-16 again and enjoy school life. Shit was so much fun. And school-comedy kinda satisfy me because of that.

    The only problem though is that most of them aren't so good and have some supernatural shit in it :/
    And not the good type, like Haruhi. But very often this "we are training for the next demon invasion"-kind of school thing.

  18. #18
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Some school stories are good, like Re:Life.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  19. #19
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    ReLife was good because it put an adult into the mix.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #20
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Story has to be good/enjoyable. Setting is second to that.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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