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Not sure Iīd call Izetta a good anime, yet. Just watched ep 2. I canīt help but constantly think "if this was done by Ghibli, itīd be such a great story". The setting reminds me a lot of Howlīs Castle. But instead of this whimsy, charming story, so far we have characters of the most generic attitude and the animation feels awfully stiff. The fight in the beginning was somewhat annoying. "Oh, theyīre dying, arenīt they?" Yeah, no shit, when you pierce their bodies with 100s of spikes. The setting of this anime is great, but the characters feel like Iīm watching shit like Girls und Panzer. I canīt stand it when Izetta is submissive to Fine, then switches to the most stereotypical "wait a minute, I sense danger. Lemme take care of it!"-mode Iīve ever seen. Itīs like a trope telling you that it is a trope :/