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I still cant get over previous episodeīs nipple attack by Miyata. She EXPOSES her nipple, in front of the audience, where her FATHER is sitting, watching. Then slams the opponent to the ground with said nipple. All the while having a giant rip in her swimsuit pants, which, by all logical means, must have exposed her vaiana, too. w t f?! That entire chain of sequences had me feel that thereīs a definite lack of embarrassment and self-awareness on the side of the girls, namely Miyata. Ofc, nobody in the audience seemed to mind, neither negatively nor positively. It was ... weird.
A world where a young girl can show her pussy and nipples to the world and nobody minds. Dunno ... *shrugs*
On to the latest episode. OUCH @ the drill boobs. Thatīs goota hurt! And fuck, when GATE OF BOOTYLON started, I got reminded of Neon Genesis Evangelion, holy hell lol.