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Jinbei would of course be perfect technically, but I wonder if he would fit in. The Straw hats are a weird crew, with each member having their own dream and own ambitions, yet those don't clash at all with the other members' goals. That's why they can function despite having such a irresponsible captain (who doesn't really behave like a captain at all). It's like Luffy always says: They are all his friends. They aren't really his underlings. They are basically just a bunch of buddies sailing around, not a crew following the orders of the captain. Jinbei would also need to be like that: To have something only he wants to do, yet it should still remain compatible with what the others are aiming for.
It seems to me Carrot would pose no problems, she's so brainless and only wanting to do whatever small she wants to do. We have already seen Law is not compatible at all, would Jinbei be different?