A good point. I didn't stop to think about it, the whole place seems so psychedelic, but obviously there has to be some mechanism behind it.
Damn, Sanji should marry this girl no matter what, assuming she's not just an Oscar worthy actress. Where on Earth would he find a better wife?
Indeed. It's definitely a thing where One Piece is so weird all the time that I forget sometimes when something weird happens that it's actually weird.
Like when they first introduced her ship and it talked, I never even thought about it. It wasn't until lots of other things started showing up talking that I realized that it must be some kind of thing going on.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
See! Carrot makes a good lookout! And the Strawhats need a lookout!
She's also such a go-getter.
It would be awesome if she joined the crew. Although Luffy might lose the crown of the most stupid Straw hat if she did. Would Nami's poor head survive yet another fool to look after and keep in check?
Yeah, but unlike those others, she MIGHT be a badass fighter. Between that, and having a skill the crew actually is lacking, she feels more like Paulie than anything.
Also, animal girl services a particular anime fan market.
Currently, the Strawhats are missing two big stereotypical ship roles. Lookout, and helmsman. Carrot would be good with her carrot fueled eyesight and ability to jump a mile into the air(although Violet would have been even better). My hope is that Jinbei turns out to be a skilled helmsman. What with him being a fishman, he might have natural knowledge of how to navigate currents and such.
I think I'll take Jinbei over Carrot, lol.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Jinbei being in the crew. He's the perfect complement to a team of DF users, since he can save everyone if they are drowning, and his ability to manipulate water can nullify a lot of DF enemies.
Last edited by Assertn; Mon, 05-15-2017 at 12:27 PM.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Jinbei would of course be perfect technically, but I wonder if he would fit in. The Straw hats are a weird crew, with each member having their own dream and own ambitions, yet those don't clash at all with the other members' goals. That's why they can function despite having such a irresponsible captain (who doesn't really behave like a captain at all). It's like Luffy always says: They are all his friends. They aren't really his underlings. They are basically just a bunch of buddies sailing around, not a crew following the orders of the captain. Jinbei would also need to be like that: To have something only he wants to do, yet it should still remain compatible with what the others are aiming for.
It seems to me Carrot would pose no problems, she's so brainless and only wanting to do whatever small she wants to do. We have already seen Law is not compatible at all, would Jinbei be different?
Well, Franky is already kinda like that, isn't he? His dream was to make a ship that would be sailed by the pirate king. He already made the ship, now he's just helping Luffy become the pirate king. Ace's wish was for Jinbe to protect Luffy, so this could be Jinbe's motivation. Plus, Jinbe already said that he would want to join the Strawhats once he settles whatever loose ends are holding him back.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Franky is like the perfect honourable businessman: He didn't simply sell a ship as it is, he guarantees it's going to work with no faults by coming along and maintaining it all the time.
To be honest I'd be annoyed if Jinbei joined and his only motivation was to protect Luffy. Whatever chiefly motivates the individual crew members, it shouldn't be another crew member. So, if Jinbei does join, I really hope he has something external he needs to do, and he could do it best as a member of Luffy's crew. Just like all the others.
- - -- - -
Big Mama sure leaves a strong impression in just a few eps of appearance. Although it's not a very good impression. She even managed to kill her own son... Somehow I don't see her as an overly easy person to negotiate with. I wonder if this is a full arc ending with Luffy beating the living daylights out of Big Mama, practically removing one Emperor, or perhaps this is kind of a mini-arc that only gets Sanji back but doesn't yet concentrate so much on fighting the Emperors. In the end the battle against the beast Emperor has already started, on the elephant, and it seems unlikely half of the crew would beat one Emperor, the other half another.
Well, it took Luffy everything he had to defeat Doflamingo, and Doflamingo is definitely not crazy enough to directly oppose a yonkou. However, unless Oda has another time skip in store, Luffy has to reach that point sometime soon, considering he's running out of schichibukai to fight.
At this point I'm expecting one more big power spike from Luffy, that "awakening" thing that Doflamingo and the gaol guards had achieved.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
My expectation is...Luffy will take back Sanji without having a showdown with Mom, and then they head to Zou.
The Strawhat Alliance starts having is giant-ass war with Kaido on Zou, which Mom shows up in the middle of with her own army.
After a huge 3-way battle rivaling the Paramount War, Big Mom and Kaido are defeated, and Law and Kid take their places as Emperors.
In a future arc, the Strawhat Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates face off and Luffy becomes an Emperor after defeating Shanks.
Shanks has already been kind of set up as the ultimate sacrifice to fuel Luffy's battle against Blackbeard, who is, as far as I can tell, the actual final boss of the series.
A good twist would be for Jimbei to not actually be able to join the Strawhats crew and get offed here by big mom, cementing Luffy's declaration of war on her from 100+ episodes ago. I also wouldn't be surprised to hear something like "Big mom was the weakest of the four emperors; thats why she waited for Whitebeard to die before vulturing his claims, and was courting Sanji's family." after Luffy beats her. Also, a hammerhead fishman daughter? Mom sure gets around...
I don't get why Jinbei would agree to this stupid game. He's a fricking pirate, not a feudal vassal or some knight in a shining armour. Just tell Big Mom to screw herself. If he joins Luffy's crew, he'll be automatically Big Mom's enemy, so why bother with inane theatrics just prior to it? Some people have too much honour for their own or anybody's benefit. For crying out loud, he just stopped Big Mom from destroying her own base, and now he's supposed to lose a leg or something if he wants to quit? He should be the one making Big Mom play her own fricking game.
I'm already tired of this arc.
I can only watch them spend so many entire episodes eating candy...
Still, Luffy's "Look at us." response to Nami freaking out over talking animals was priceless.
Sanji eating a lollipop gave me a horrible 4Kids flashback...
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sat, 06-03-2017 at 11:26 PM.