The fictional Japanese city named Sugomori City is built on reclaimed land. But as the years go by, the city's population is decreasing. One day, Sonosaki tells her classmate Katsuhira: "You have been selected to be a Kiznaiver." The Kizuna System, which allows Katsuhira to share his wounds, connects him to the classmates whose lives and personalities completely differ from his. The Kizuna System is an incomplete system for the implementation of world peace that connects people through wounds. All those who are connected to this system are called Kiznaivers. When one Kiznaiver is wounded, the system divides and transmits the wound among the other Kiznaivers.
So was looking for discussion on this series, and found that pretty much it was non-existent. It's a series from last season Spring 2016, and recently ended. So far I've watched 4 episodes and I'm quite enjoying it. Cool OP, nice character designs, good animation, and interesting characters.
Seems to have a lot of characteristics that usually are enjoyed in this forum, so wonder if anyone has watched it? The story basis is quite out there and a bit weird, but character interactions and relationships are good
Not sure if it'll get better or worse from here, but so far it's a series I can easily recommend it from that standpoint. Something certainly different, at least for me, to watch and refreshing.
Honestly, I would simply ignore the plot description since I think it's irrelevant from what I've seen so far other than a driving force for the interpersonal drama, and I think it's done fairly well so far on that regard. We'll see if it becomes more relevant in future episodes.
Anyways, I hope more people watched this series in this forum, and if not, at least give it a shot. It's 12 episodes long, so not much of an investment all told. Plus, I know this season has been quite bland, so a good opportunity to watch something else.