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Thread: Alderamin on the Sky

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Yeah exactly... I get it that Ikta is trying to get this "you need to look at this from a different side"-thing going. But it seems so unfinished and the author tries really hard to make Ikta someone very special, just because he knows "science" (yet he never actually did any science himself outside of shaking containers).

    What I'm saying is, he isn't really using knowledge about chemistry or physics for example. He's calculating, but that's something commanders should be anyway and from what we know so far, they were and are commanders that can do "nearly" (because he's MC) good as him.

    I can't give the correct example right now.. you'd expect something like "Idiocracy" or No Game No Life... or that Yuusha-series where the demon princess introduced potatoes and all that kind of stuff.
    Basically, it feels like he's supposed to use science to get an advantage in combat. But he isn't using science at all.

  2. #82
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Kraco - The main difference here is magic. Magic might have allowed them to reach the current level of civilization without needing science as much as we did.

    @Krayz - Maybe we haven't gotten to that part yet. Ikta has only ever tactically defeated idiotic allies so far. Either way, his thinking is quite revolutionary for his time in the context of the story. Take note that students in his class were impressed by his speech about real time tactics, which is pretty much common sense if you think about it.

    Our modern day lens give us an unfair advantage to say what is or what isn't right for their time/setting. Remember that people didn't even think about gravity until Newton saw an apple fall. We basically take science for granted because it's so commonplace and practically expected nowadays, but that wasn't always the case.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 08-21-2016 at 07:28 AM.
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  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I understand that, but the people in his time don't fit that description in my book. The students actually *are* the problem because it's very unlikely that they never heard of science (and the way they act whenever he mentions it tells me that they really haven't) and that itself seems so unreal. Whether Magic and Spirit exist doesn't really change that, as Mages are often regarded as Scholars in most fantasy series anyway and they are basically the academics.

    Like you used to say (allow me to change some words here): "If they haven't shown it yet, then it's bad writing" or " Show, don't tell"
    If they really wanted to use that plot-device, I'm sure they had plenty of opportunities to do so since we are already 8 episodes in.
    As for Newton, it's not like they didn't think about gravitiy before, they just couldn't explain and proof it, ballistics however is something that has to do with it too and they were already on that ever since the invention of catapults (or even before that).

    Right now, at this point in time, this plot line is absolutely pointless and feels out of place. Which is why I dislike it so far. That being said, I'm actually all for a revalation in that regard - which wouldn't change how I'd view the story telling on that topic so far, but at least future references will make more sense then.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 08-21-2016 at 01:28 PM.

  4. #84
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They need to use the word LOGIC instead of Science.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #85
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - HS

    - - - - - -

    An excellent episode. I have nothing to complain about. This didn't particularly need any masterful plans from Ikta, only realising what the tools and troops he has available can do when put to proper use. But of course that alone requires a steady mind, unlike the higher officers showed.

    Cruelty of war was depicted well. That forced wait of two days despite knowing it more than likely means they will arrive hopelessly late was an exquisite detail. Having established characters die is also necessary to make a meaningful war series. On a more general level I quite enjoy watching Ikta command troops, including naturally Yatori. The dynamics between those two really are interesting with Yatori keeping Ikta in check under non-military circumstances, whenever she's present, but it's not like she would be shadowing him all the time, so he has plenty of opportunities to pull off lazy or amorous stunts when she's not there. However, when shit hits the fan, she's the first to follow Ikta's orders perfectly.

    This is ubdoubtly one of the strongest shows this season, despite the whole science word thing.

  6. #86
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Goodbye, attractive unexpected young widow. You deserved better, because you knew better.

    I'm gonna be pissed if this series is only 12 episodes and doesn't at least get a second season.

  7. #87
    Awesome episode, have nothing to say beyond that. Sad about death.

  8. #88
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This has enough novels for an impending 2nd cour. Want more? Buy the BDs. I know I won't. Coz I'm fucking cheap.

    I'm 96.341 percent sure Ikta was based off or at least influenced by Yang Wen Li. If he had command of the entire battalion from the start, surprise widow wouldn't have had to die.

    The only thing I felt was missing in this episode was Yatori comforting Ikta. He comforted her when she went berserk. The least she could do is offer a shoulder when he lost his one and only junior scientist.

    The science and technology advancement concept begins to take shape. The concept of snipers was basically invented by Ikta and his green-haired friend. This story will basically revolve around how Ikta's group revolutionizes the art of war as they try to survive their superiors' idiocy.
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  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    This has enough novels for an impending 2nd cour. Want more? Buy the BDs. I know I won't. Coz I'm fucking cheap.

    I'm 96.341 percent sure Ikta was based off or at least influenced by Yang Wen Li. If he had command of the entire battalion from the start, surprise widow wouldn't have had to die.

    The only thing I felt was missing in this episode was Yatori comforting Ikta. He comforted her when she went berserk. The least she could do is offer a shoulder when he lost his one and only junior scientist.
    That assumes Yatori knew of her, I'm pretty sure they never met of was introduced to the group. Also, there was barely time to introduce a "comforting" scene.

    Also, bonus points for mentioning the ever awesome:

  10. #90
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was hoping Yatori knew Ikta well enough to realize he was fundamentally damaged based on his expression. I mean, he looked more serious than ever when he turned around. I'm not looking for romance (ok, that's a lie, I am). I just want there to be something for Ikta in the childhood friend relationship. Yatori seems to be benefiting oodles form it at this point.
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  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I was hoping Yatori knew Ikta well enough to realize he was fundamentally damaged based on his expression. I mean, he looked more serious than ever when he turned around. I'm not looking for romance (ok, that's a lie, I am). I just want there to be something for Ikta in the childhood friend relationship. Yatori seems to be benefiting oodles form it at this point.
    Again, there wasn't time. The moment Ikta turned around, the episode ended right there. Also, he never knelt besides a body, he simply picked up the bandana and that's it. So, in all the circumstances of what went on in the scene + episode time constraints, you're asking a bit too much from Yatori.

    As it is, we'll never get to see what occurred or didn't occur given the pace this series jumps from events to events.

  12. #92
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's my point. The constraint you speak of is not set in stone. If the makers wanted Yatori to comfort Ikta, they could've squeezed in a minute of screen time for it. Cutting a few seconds from the numerous charging scenes in the episode would've sufficed. My complaint is more centered on the source material. It's likely Yatori simply never comforted Ikta in the novel, so timing in the anime series is actually irrelevant.
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  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The only thing I felt was missing in this episode was Yatori comforting Ikta. He comforted her when she went berserk. The least she could do is offer a shoulder when he lost his one and only junior scientist.
    That's an interesting detail you mention. If I was asked whether Yatori would have done it even if there had been a minute left of the episode, I couldn't have given an answer. Are their relationship such? Ikta is treated as an exceptionally mature and independent genius character. How easy is to comfort such a person? Yatori has accepted what Ikta is and has created herself a behavior pattern in his company, which includes stopping him from expressing his more uninhibited quirks, but comforting him would be pretty much the opposite of that. Not to mention Yatori herself is a perfectly built human killing machine. It makes more sense Ikta (who's good at treating women in any case) is able to bring Yatori's humanity back when she's falled too deep into the killing mood. Would such a killer be able to comfort someone in turn is another question.

    Now, I'm not saying it would be out of character. I'm saying I wouldn't know before it happened.

  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    @shinta: Did Yatori even know Ikta was fond of Kanna before he said so? All she saw was him holding a bloody ribbon, one that only he would recognize.

    I don't blame the directors for wanting to end the episode on that exact note, without giving room for Yatori to comfort him if she does or not.

  15. #95
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The question is if someone like Ikta even wants to be comforted in such a situation right away.. I sure wouldn't want that And I honestly believe that it would've ruined the scene. The fact that he didn't collapse and cry pretty much tells us and her that this wasn't the time.

  16. #96
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It also shows that he has the strength to overcome all of the emotions rushing when he discovers Kanna's corpse, even if he might have saved her at the expense of his troops... We'll probably have him go on, after the harsh reality of imperfect choices he will continue to face in the future.
    One could argue that Kanna was that close to him, but it's still hard to swallow for him.

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  17. #97
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I agree with Ryll. The point was to spotlight Ikta's human side. This sacrifice affects him personally.

    When they show him next time without regretting his choice it will show that he's not selfish either.

    Injecting Yatori's concern there lessens the impact and draws focus to their dynamics instead of Ikta's suffering and burden.

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  18. #98
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I wish they could've shown her attempting to ask him about why he became emo all of a sudden, then thinking better of it and stopping. An aborted hand reach animation would've done the trick.

    That way, you get the Ikta development and Yatori development without losing the focus of the final scene. Currently, it's like Yatori is either dense or didn't give a damn. The sudden change in Ikta's behavior was pretty obvious.
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  19. #99
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That way, you get the Ikta development and Yatori development without losing the focus of the final scene. Currently, it's like Yatori is either dense or didn't give a damn. The sudden change in Ikta's behavior was pretty obvious.
    Yatori saw that too

    and also, naaah... it's probably you alone who judged the scene like this, in all honesty.

  20. #100
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And your point is? I just have stricter standards. "It's okay" is not enough if it could be easily improved.
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