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Thread: Alderamin on the Sky

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yatori was already far above Ikta in combat skill in this flashback. Ikta could barely fight at all. It looked like he learned to use the crossbow in this very episode. Yatori has probably been learning the sword as soon as she could stand, and was much better with the crossbow as well. They both got much better since then, but I'm not sure you could say there were closer back then. It's just that they both were nothing but children.

  2. #62
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, Ikta is a totally Lelouch type. Comically unable to fight in exchange for being psychic.
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  3. #63
    Episode 6:

    Some entertaining scenes, but overall an underwhelming episode overshadowed by a lack of follow-up to what occured 2 episodes ago (training exercise results and princess kidnapping) + a dumb spider scene.

  4. #64
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That spider scene was dumb as hell. I wanted the spider to bite the officer as soon as it dropped, making it reasonable for him to run to the infirmary or something. The way it happened, he just disappeared into thin air.

    Yatori is imba. She wasn't even parrying the hulk's sword. She was blocking it with one hand! Her muscles must be made of alloy or something.

    Ikta's perverse attitude is entertaining as always. It serves as a good contrast to his kiddy male friends. I do wonder though. What if Ikta actually came onto Yatori? How would that end?
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  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That spider scene was dumb as hell. I wanted the spider to bite the officer as soon as it dropped, making it reasonable for him to run to the infirmary or something. The way it happened, he just disappeared into thin air.

    Yatori is imba. She wasn't even parrying the hulk's sword. She was blocking it with one hand! Her muscles must be made of alloy or something.

    Ikta's perverse attitude is entertaining as always. It serves as a good contrast to his kiddy male friends. I do wonder though. What if Ikta actually came onto Yatori? How would that end?
    Maybe we'll see in a flashback? Can't imagine he hasn't put on the moves by now in some fashion.

    As for the spider, I'm more pissed at the whole shake the whole brick building to drop a spider directly on a solider's face...

  6. #66
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, a connected wooden structure would've made more sense. The creators depended too much on the viewers being idiots in that scene.
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  7. #67
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Ikta's perverse attitude is entertaining as always. It serves as a good contrast to his kiddy male friends. I do wonder though. What if Ikta actually came onto Yatori? How would that end?
    I think Yatori would just take it stoically, bash him on the head, then demand he marries her if he's so keen toward her, while wondering if his laziness would produce inferior Igsem heirs.

    She does respect him, after all.

    Ikta's pervy gaze does bring up a good point: there is some realistic variation in the character designs.

    Matthew being a fatty is obvious enough, but the girls are balanced appropriately as well. This isn't a series were the only way to differentiate female characters is by their hair color, though their faces are all a bit on the samey side. It becomes a lot more obvious when Ikta calls out Haro's curves...the female characters all have unique body shapes, and they're not typical anime caricatures, they're actually proportionate and possibly even intelligently thought out.

    - Haro has big boobs, true, but her shoulders are also the widest of the main cast, which makes her look correctly and realistically proportioned for being so well endowed, which matches the principles of anatomy.
    - Yatori has narrower shoulders, but still wider than similarly-endowed girls because she's tall and is meant to be a sword fighter, so she holds them high.
    - The princess is a loli, because she is a loli, and her shoulders and hips are still in a straight line, in line with not having hit puberty.
    - Suya, the bitchy girl with wild hair, has narrow hips and even narrower shoulders, which plays into her insecurities as a character. They're permanently held in tension.
    - Ikta's mother has very low shoulders, and wider hips.

    And so on. Even look at the background characters when Kanna is getting chewed out by that scumbag. The only ones that are copy-paste are the ones behind the window.

    It's pretty rare to see that in a series. I'm not sure which is more rare, variation at all, or mostly-realistic anatomical proportions.

  8. #68
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding proportions, my 5'3" wife had F cup boobs that really didn't feet her shoulder width proportionally.
    She had them reduced because she had problems with her back and posture. For a 52kg woman, they had to take out 800 g on the left and 700 on the right for a C cup end result that now fit her proportions. Yup, almost 3% of her total body weight was in there and in the end she's still a nice C cup.
    So even if the average has some proportions, some exceptions do exist

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  9. #69
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I reckon the spider scene was so stupid in order to free Ikta from any responsibility, as opposed to actively throwing the thing at the officer. It would have worked better if they had bothered to make Ikta guide the officer into running head first into a web with the spider in the middle of it, or any other more plausible scenario. This is so obvious that it's hard to imagine the original novel would have played it like this. After all, words on paper don't cost anything, unlike animation frames.

    Female MC physically abusing the male MC is such a tired trope that most of the time I would prefer series without it, but at the very least it's more than likely Yatori herself was punished continuously in such a manner back home when the Igsem were bringing her up as a human weapon.

    As long as Ikta keeps hitting on girls, things will stay jolly, nevertheless.

  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS

    -- - --

    So, who's the man holding the strings in the shadows? I wouldn't count so easily on the Lieutenan General, as it seems to me he wouldn't be in a position to secretly train and brainwash locals to act as freedom fighters. He might be collaborating with the actual culprit, though. It seems to me the neighbouring enemy country lilely isn't behind it, despite this certainly being of great benefit to them, at least for the time being.

    It'll be interesting to see how Ikta is going to solve this, assuming he will.

  11. #71
    I just love how at any time the story can get plenty graphic violent.

  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I really, really dislike this "for science!" bullshit that's going on in this show.
    It makes absolutely no sense for "science" to be something "new" or "strange" or whatever it's supposed to be. Otherwise this show is really great.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I really, really dislike this "for science!" bullshit that's going on in this show.
    It makes absolutely no sense for "science" to be something "new" or "strange" or whatever it's supposed to be. Otherwise this show is really great.
    Yeah, agree... It's the least interesting part of the show for sure.

  14. #74
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe they use magic to produce everything? I think their rifles are powered by their spirits, right?

    I think their point is the current civilization and thinking in the show are pre-scientific revolution.
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  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    They have canons, blackpowder is clearly a thing. At least people in the military should know about inventions and science, the whole setting and their military clothing suggest that they are somewhere between where we were during the 17th - 19th century.

    Of course science isn't "science" during that time and a lot of things were actually stupid and wrong, but it's not like are anywhere near the medieval age anymore. The availability of books (and guns) suggests that it's at least ~1600+
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 08-20-2016 at 06:36 PM.

  16. #76
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe that's the only thing the "science" thing is trying to point out? People practice it, but they don't know it is called "science" and aren't that efficient about it.

    That gives Ikta an edge over everyone else because he knows the scientific method.
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  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I don't know about that, it seems like the literacy rate is quite high so they visited schools, even military academies, so they *are* actually practicing science each day. They even have dedicated medic squads.

    It's kinda as if he runs around saying "I'm actually a scholar" and people are like "Wtf is a scholar".
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 08-20-2016 at 07:19 PM.

  18. #78
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's kinda like how people figured out that washing your hands before operating on someone or delivering a baby reduces the risk of death significantly without knowing about bacteria. They practice it but don't really put that much effort into knowing why that happens.

    The "science" Ikta talks about here is the why, is my guess. Also, it's not like they haven't known about science while enjoying decent civilization for centuries. Maybe they really are at the starting period for their scientific revolution, and Ikta's teacher is one of the people to contribute to that.

    The other thing is, the proven existence of magic may have made people lazy when it comes to developing science as a study. Gods actually exist and have visible effects on their lives, after all.
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  19. #79
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The other thing is, the proven existence of magic may have made people lazy when it comes to developing science as a study. Gods actually exist and have visible effects on their lives, after all.
    I think the episode tried to tell us that in their world, they have 4 kind of spirits, but that the God and religion thing is a creation by the Empire. That's why they have to anihilate that tribe that directly idolates spirits without using the Empire's population control religion.

    As for science, my take on this is that the corrupted empire is controlling it so that only practical applications get out, but they keep scholars and theories in over protected areas.
    Ikta's teacher probably is a former empire scholar who decided to reclaim his freedom and started teaching without the Empire's control...

    Although different, feels a bit like a Napoleonian setting.

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  20. #80
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Modern science could be said to have started from Renaissance, albeit very slowly. No matter how you look at this show's world, it's much more tidy, clean, advanced, organized, and civilized than the end of middle ages. It reminds me of the 19th century, all in all, with a bit of 20th century considering how women can have a direct influence in the society. Science in the 19th century was already getting as a big a thing as it has been during our times.

    In my personal opinion the science stuff in the series is a somewhat clumsy attempt to create a contrast between modern thinking and religion. But it's clumsy, as if the author was afraid of Isis and didn't want to say too much.

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