What can she do? Nothing.
She just needs to wait until she's older and Tsumugi asks daddy to marry her.
What can she do? Nothing.
She just needs to wait until she's older and Tsumugi asks daddy to marry her.
Kotori is lucky as long as Kouhei remains dense. He's so proper that if he noticed he's developing deeper feelings for a student of his own school, he would end the meetings immediately or only agree on them if there were lots of people present. When she's no longer a high school student things could change.
But thatīs what would be interesting to watch, wouldnīt it, Kraco? We donīt need 13 episodes of happy cooking. We need actual plot progression.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
You need 13 episodes of happy cooking and parenting, with a side of knife-phobia resolution. No drama please.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
This is a cooking centered show, so I very much doubt we will get development that stops the cooking. Which is just fine for me.
Mfauli is so complicated. First he wants this to stay away from romance, now he wants that romance subplot to develop.
Stop, stop, stoooop! :P
I never said I didnīt want it. I said itīs weird. And it is. Which is WHY I want itIf this ends as a cooking show, then itīd have been a waste of time imo. I want something more exciting, and this subtle romance plot is exciting. But it has to materialize before itīs over. Iīm not even demanding that the final episode ends with Kotori and him lying in bed. Just something like him realizing her feelings and smiling in response. The End. That would be nice.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm fine with it staying platonic, but I do want some form of concrete confirmation from Kotori that she likes him and will likely stay that way. I can easily imagine them getting together post anime with that. Without it, it's like we're half imagining this romance subplot anyway. I mean, Kotori is blushing 100% of the time, making it look like she is in heat every second, including the ones she's with the teacher.
Think about it. If her face looked like this all the time:
we wouldn't think she's romantically interested even with her worrying about his health and family issues.
Named or otherwise significant girls in this show are blushed all the time, aren't they? Kotori's friend is, a kindergarten teacher is, the kids themselves don't even need to be mentioned. Alas, the moms of the other kids aren't anymore able to do it 100% of the time.
Yeah, that's why Kotori needs some sort of visible confirmation of her feelings so we can confirm the pairing's finality.
People can sexualize anything:
Last edited by shinta|hikari; Tue, 08-23-2016 at 08:26 AM.
lewd! damn u, shinta
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
episode 9 is out
Good episode overall.
What I wanna see more of is the teacherīs thoughts and emotions. We sometimes get a glimpse of whatīs going through his head, but itīs always very quick and short. He appears to be living for Tsumugiīs sake alone, having no life on his own. He even declined a rare invitation from his best friend.
I feel like thatīs the most interesting plot element. Tsumugi is a stupid, albeit funny child. Thereīs not much to be had other than observing her day-to-day adventures. Kotori-chan is a possible flag for the teacher, but sheīs too passive. It all hinges on him himself to do something that makes for some exciting plot progression. Iīm not necessarily expecting him to say "omg, I need to make Kotori-chan my new wife!". But with how this episode ended, itīd be nice if he came to the general realization that itīd be a good thing to find a new mother for Tsumugi. Which then cooooooould lead to some more development with Kotori-chan. Althouh that mother they shared the white circle with at the Kindergarten was quite a looker, too ;>
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm quite content with just that.Thereīs not much to be had other than observing her day-to-day adventures
Kotori-Chan recharges my life. Seeing slow development is fine as well.
Last episode had her refuse to replace mum's bag. This episode she's happy enough for dad to keep cooking mum's dish.
Slow hints of them getting on with life is A-ok. Don't push this into weird territory.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Kotori or Tsumugi recharges your life? Your pronouns confuse me.
Also, don't worry. I'm certain this will go into weird territory one way or another. Japan yo.
Only 3 episodes to go according to AniDB. This wouldn't have time to head into any weird territory. The manga hasn't done that either, and I hope it never will.
Manga? I read Kotori admitted to having the hots for her teach in the source.
Did you just really spoil the story? Mentioning manga spoilers? Come on :/ Really shitty.
And I wouldnīt need it to reach into weird territory. Just some plot progression. I hate "monster of the week"-shows. Iīd be content if the anime ended with the teacher coming to the realization that his life isnīt over just because his wife died.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Huh? What did I spoil? All I'm saying is that so far the manga hasn't done Usagi Drops. But then again, the manga isn't that much ahead of the anime, so there's still plenty of time for an ending that would ruin everything.
But, yeah, sorry if I spoiled your fun when you were eagerly expecting Kouhei to get incestous with Tsumugi before the end of the anime season. Or whatever else weird things you wanted.
Lol, Iīm not expecting incest, rest assured. But your posting basically spoils that there wonīt be anything happening between Kouhei and Kotori any time soon. Which I didnīt want to know.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court