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Thread: Rewrite

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    "Kotarō Tennōji, Kotori Kanbe, and Haruhiko Yoshino live peacefully in Kazamatsuri, a city where civilization and greenery coexist. During the annual Harvest Festival, rumors of unidentified creatures are spreading, and Kotarō's body starts experiencing inexplicable phenomenons, forcing him to seek help from Akane Senri, chair of occult research club. However, neither Kotarō nor anyone else has yet realized the connection." -ANN

    Genres: comedy, drama, fantasy, romance, visual novel
    Episodes: 13
    Links: AniDB | ANN | Official

    - -- - -- - - -

    One of the series I was looking forward to, as soon as I learned an anime will be made. The original visual novel is one of the best I've read. According to news, this might not be the worst kind of mix and mash show either, instead going for a single route, albeit somewhat confusingly the route might be one not in the game. It's a Key visual novel, so it obviously carries Key's fine tradition of goofy characters, weird humour, deep story, and excellent music. Watching this double length first episode, I'd say the production values seem quite average, but perhaps they will get the job done.

    The episode count seems to be 13. Maybe because of that it feels like some of the comedy has been cut. It's a pity since it was excellent. I hope the following eps will still retain some of it at least. The game is a long one and the pace thus isn't hurried, which naturally didn't carry over to this anime with its limited episode count. Thus this episode already felt really hurried.

    Still, it was super nice to hear the splendid music again and see the characters.

  2. #2
    I only really liked maybe 2 arcs of the VN. I also didn't like the final arc at all, so I have low expectations for what they're trying to accomplish here.
    Chiwa Saito is great in this role (VA for Kotori). Best girl?
    Chihaya is pretty funny too.

    Having played the game, I'm sure I'll enjoy the anime well enough. Not sure if I'd recommend it yet though.

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Question: I watched episode 1 because I read on MAL in a user review that "a lot of idiots drop the series as a standard moe-harem show, but itīs actually on par with Steins;Gate". Naturally, Steins;Gate is top tier, and I wouldnīt want to miss out on a series with similar quality. However, this first 45-minute episode was nothing like that. Moe-blob character design, typical weird magic story, and so on. Hence my question, if the "twist" or whatever youīd call it is still coming, or if the show remains pretty much the same as it is presented in this first episode?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who knows. The VN was really long, and the routes were remarkably different from each other. Like I said in the OP, it also had high amounts of humour. I can already say after this first episode the anime is falling far behind the VN in this title's case. It's by no means a regular high school dating sim kind of VN, though, but the school will still play a big role, so I don't think this can be compared to Steins;Gate, which is more adult.

    If you don't like what you are seeing, you probably shouldn't watch. The moe girl design present in every single Key visual novel certainly isn't going anywhere.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4 - HS

    - - - - - - - --

    It looks like the anime intends to cover at least the basics of all the girls, even if it looks rushed and haphazard. I wish it didn't try to do that as there probably would be enough common material to build their characters without, but I guess it can't be helped anymore.

  6. #6
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Having read the VN, I've decided to drop this. There's nothing in it that has any extra value compared to the source. It only serves to damage my memory of it.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS

    - -- - - - -

    It feels like that if the anime will diverge from the VN paths, it's probably starting now. Assuming the flimsy info was correct and this will boast a route not from the game. But who knows. I'll keep watching this nonetheless. It's nice to see some of the VN scenes animated and hear the music again.

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Question: Iīve still only watched the super-long episode 1. Since itīs at episode 7 now: Is this a must-see anime? What I mean is if it has a real quality to it that makes it worth watching, like Re Zero or Amaama or Mob Psycho.

    Or is it just some cute moe-blob stuff with magic induced? Not trying to hate, but I had to force myself through ep 1. Did so because I heard comparisons to Steins;Gate.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah, unfortunately I wouldn't call this a must-see show. I'm quite disappointed by this, although seeing how it was only getting 13 eps, I should have anticipated it. I'm only watching this to see some of the VN scenes animated and because, according to the early info, this would end with a route not in the game. I'm curious to see what that might be. Just so that you know, the Rewrite VN has the most varied routes of any VN I've played.

    If this had had the usual Key quality, had been two cours long, and had followed a single route from the game, I might have called this a must-see. But now this is just a curiosity that will do a poor job of telling what the VN was all about and an equally poor job of being a stand-alone anime.

  10. #10
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Crap show.
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  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 13 Final - HS

    - - --- -

    As expected, this didn't miraculously get excellent towards the end. Apparently a second season is already confirmed, which makes me wonder why they didn't just animate properly a single route from the VN, instead of this. It's not like this ending wouldn't have been in atmosphere similar to some the VN did have, but in the end this was still a chop shop anime cutting and mixing different routes and adding new stuff to hold it all together. I'll still watch the second season as well. Who knows, maybe it'll be better since it doesn't anymore need to spend episodes on half-assed character introductions.

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