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Thread: Upcoming anime: Summer 2016

  1. #1
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Upcoming anime: Summer 2016


    I'm looking forward to the following:
    Tenkyou no Alderamin - The one I'm looking forward to the most. I've read the first volume of the LN. It has a very smart and devious MC, a generally smart cast of characters, warfare, tactics, politics, brutality. This is gonna be awesome.
    Amaama to Inazuma - I love single dad shows.
    Arslan - Watched the first season, so what the heck.
    Battery - Been a while since I watched a sport show.
    Berserk - A reminder of that thing that I liked a long time ago.
    D Gray Man - I remember liking this.
    Ilya - Magical lolis.
    Handa-kun - I loved Barakamon.
    Mob Psycho 100 - From the mangaka of OPM.
    Orange - I remember reading some of the manga ages ago. A poignant romance with some tragedy mixed in.
    Rewrite - Just to see how they butcher a Key VN.
    Shokugeki no Souma 2 - I didn't watch most of the first season because it ended right where I've read in the manga. This is gonna be fresh content to me, so why not. And food porn.

    So many all girl or all guy cast shows this season. I probably won't watch any of them, especially the cliche shounen power battle ones based off terrible LNs or manga.
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  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'll check out at least the following:

    • Amaama to Inazuma - I've been reading the manga. Jolly stuff. Kid characters being voiced by child actors is always a sign of a serious adaptation.
    • Amanchu - I'll have a look because it's from the author of Aria.
    • Arslan - I did finish the first season.
    • Berserk - Goes without saying.
    • D.Gray Man - I dropped the old show, so perhaps I should give this a chance.
    • Prisma Illya - More Ilya is always welcome.
    • Handa-kun - Barakamon was great.
    • Hatsukoi Monster - I only noticed this now, going through that list. The description sounds so silly. Edit: It's impossible to watch this. Too embarrassing and bizarre.
    • Kono Bijutsu-Bu - I'm reading the manga and finding it amusing.
    • Mon Psycho 100 - Archie or somebody keeps praising it.
    • Tenkyou no Alderamin - Must be good if Shinta so praises it.
    • Rewrite - A great VN. I read somewhere this won't mix and mash routes but will tell a story not specifically in the VN.
    • Shokugeki - For Alice's sake.
    • Zestiria - I wanted to play the game, but only encountered bad reviews. Maybe the anime will be better.

    As always, I'll probably check out even more series and drop quite a few. Especially those generic looking fighting shows that every season boasts.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 07-02-2016 at 02:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    D Gray Man is a sequel, I believe. You can't just pick this one up if you dropped the first one.
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  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Nice, letīs see:

    - Amaama to Inazuma: Sounds nice. I just hope it ends less weird than the last Father-daughter series I watched/read ;>
    - Arslan Senki: I have to finish the first season, yet, but I played the PS4-game and I intend to continue this
    - Battery: Must-see. I love good sports anime and this looks really quality.
    - BERSERK: NUMBER ONE SERIS OF THE SEASON! Fuck the cgi-haters. Iīm looking forward to finally see the later parts animated. Canīt wait to see Serpico and Isidro!
    - Cheer Danshi!!: Lol, sounds hilarious. Might drop it early on, but will give it a try.
    - DAYS: Football anime? Football anime!
    - handa-kun: prequel to Bakaramono, must-see
    - orange: Very interesting plot
    - ReLIFE: Oh, similar plot for orange, but even more interesting.
    - Shoukugeki no Soma: Seasons 2, must-see
    - Jojo
    - Re Zero

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #5
    Berserk - Of course

    Battery - Sports anime, always give a try

    The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Yashasiin! Carnival - Enjoyed the first season, only 8 episodes this one. Not sure what will happen after.

    D.Gray-Man HALLOW - Never finished the first series, was more of a manga reader. But I plan on watching the first series prior to this.

    Mob Psycho 100 - Of course

    Nanatsu no Taizai: Seisen no Shirushi - Honestly, one of the best adventure shounen recently. Not that it's saying much.

    Taboo Tattoo - Read much of the early manga a while back, don't recall how I felt about it. I think I really enjoyed it to begin with, then it got iffy for me. Don't recall much all told.

    Anyways, those are the series I'll be watching for sure to begin with. I'll have to research the rest later.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if I'll be able to enjoy the new Berserk series.. the scenery looks pretty neat, but character animations and the cel shading are *horrible*. I'm pretty sure this will end up looking as if wooden dolls fight each other

    I'm interested and will check out:

    New Game!
    Tales of Zestiria the X (because UFOTABLE)
    Nejimaki seirei senki (the synopsis sounds very cool and it's from Madhouse
    Qualidea Code (for the girls)
    Orange (sounds like an amazing romance story, I have high expectations)
    Mob Psycho 100 (because of OPM)

    And then I'll watch the first few episodes of pretty much everything that will get mentioned here and have a thread... because I trust you guys to make threads whenever something cool shows up, so don't disappoint me.

    + leftovers of course.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm not sure if I'll be able to enjoy the new Berserk series.. the scenery looks pretty neat, but character animations and the cel shading are *horrible*. I'm pretty sure this will end up looking as if wooden dolls fight each other

    I'm interested and will check out:

    New Game!
    Tales of Zestiria the X (because UFOTABLE)
    Nejimaki seirei senki (the synopsis sounds very cool and it's from Madhouse
    Qualidea Code (for the girls)
    Orange (sounds like an amazing romance story, I have high expectations)
    Mob Psycho 100 (because of OPM)

    And then I'll watch the first few episodes of pretty much everything that will get mentioned here and have a thread... because I trust you guys to make threads whenever something cool shows up, so don't disappoint me.

    + leftovers of course.
    Considering Berserk, did you manage to watch the newest movie trilogy? I'd imagine it'd be like that.

    Not my favorite type of animation, but I've learned to get used to it.

    Edit: I'll be amending this. Just watched the latest trailer and honestly the art looks like pure shit to me. Hopefully it'll look better once the full release is out, but very disappointing to see how it looks.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 06-29-2016 at 10:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I watched Taboo Tatoo yesterday. Really weird, and frankly off-putting animation style. It looks like an animated manga, if that makes sense. Like the cutscenes you see in some cheapter video games at times, with noticable paralax scrolling and stuff. Didnīt like that. Story wasnīt any special either, but that wasnīt the main problem.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I had a look at a short episode anime called Bananya yesterday. Now I now why people in the anime industry shouldn't use LSD. I won't be watching further episodes.

  10. #10
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I thought Taboo Tattoo had great action sequences though. The choreography clearly showed an understanding of martial arts, not just manga combat.
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  11. #11
    This season seems to hav a lot of "reverse time/time travel-warning" like stories. Must be that time of the decade...

    Basically im only looking forward to Berserk. Will try both sports shows, but neither looks promising, and maybe the 91 days one, just a gamble I doubt it is a "serious/adult" aproach to mafia and prohibition time.

    Each year my otaku flame, wich never was very bright, dies a little bit more.
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  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's because your watching anime for all the wrong reasons.

    I'm here for the moe, loli, and waki.

    Kidding aside, changing your face to look younger with pills and letters from the future are very, very different. One doesn't even involve time travel in the least.
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  13. #13
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Tbh while watching ReLIFE I kept thinking "why arenīt these kind of stories much more common?!". It allows for a myriad of different plotlines, it appeals to older anime-fans, and itīs really easy to write a compelling story. Personally Iīd love to have a similar "time rewind"-story where a, say, 45 yo guy turns back to his 16 yo self and FULLY takes advantage of his knowledge. Could be a bit darker, too.

    Also @shinta: "kidding aside" - no. you werenīt kidding!

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #14
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You're right, but I wanted to reserve some deniability.

    Has anyone seen Hybrid X Heart? You guys gotta watch it. It's a must see that you can't unsee.
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  15. #15
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Late last night I did a quick screening of that day's new shows... And discarded that one quickly...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #16
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Fuck this anime season. It's riddled with BL!?

    At least we have this:

    Loli + Waki + Lily.

    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 07-06-2016 at 01:34 PM.
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  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    At least we have this:

    Loli + Waki + Lily.
    This Ilya season launched quite promisingly.

  18. #18
    I had to look the meaning of waki. Now I regret doing it. Sharing this forum with you guys is gonna tarnish my reputation when the NSA digs my past out.

    The pills to look younger arent propper time travel but somehow shares the essence about "going back in time / reversing time". MMO and time travel shows are the trends of the decade so far. Dont argue with me on that.
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  19. #19
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think other world stories deserve that crown (Grimgal, Gate, Konosuba, Re:Zero, just to name a few). It's 100x more prevalent in LNs. It got so bad it was banned in a short story contest in Japan.

    Time travel stories aren't nearly as prevalent in anime as you think.
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  20. #20
    I dont watch much anime so I will believe in you on that regard. Maybe its me that just stumbled on a handful of them among the few series I usually check.

    Boku dake, Re:zero, Occult academy, Steins, Haruhi, Madoka and now these 2 new ones come to mind in the last 5 or so years.

    On another note I watched the Berserk trailer and I get the feeling the CGI are the same engine, without the downgrade for 30 fps 1080p of the console, that the new game they are launching. Didnt like it at all, the trailer.
    Last edited by Edort4; Thu, 07-07-2016 at 04:49 AM.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

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