Didn't see a thread about this game here.
First of all, some cool Blizzard animation/CGI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ09xdxzIJQ
I liked the beta alot, I'll play this game alot, and I'll enjoy it alot.
It's really a perfect game to do some rounds once in a while and it also has an extremely high skill ceiling due to how fast it is and to how difficult some heroes are. So it's a good pick for both hardcore and casual players. Every hero seems viable, some are weaker than others imho, but there is no "shit-tier" or "op-tier/must-have picks" whatsoever, and thats a really important thing.
And even though that would be enough of a reason to buy the game, the animations/emotes/potg-highlights and skins are all so beautiful that it's really fun to look at too.