Macross Delta is set in the year 2067, 8 years after the events of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier. As the galaxy is plagued by the Var Syndrome (ヴァールシンドローム Vāru Shindorōmu), a mysterious phenomena that turns people berserk without any apparent cause, a team of talented idols, the Walküre, uses the power of their songs to calm down the infected, assisted by the Delta Squadron, a team of experienced Valkyrie pilots, while facing the interference from the mysterious Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team of the Windermere Kingdom (Kingdom of the Wind) (ウィンダミア王国(風の王国) Windamia Ōkoku (Kaze no Ōkoku)).
Episode 3 is out.
So what I finally figured out after watching the latest episode is the meaning behind the hand signal that the idols keep making. It was shaped into a W, so at first I thought it meant Walküre, the name of their idol group. Three episodes later, I figured out it actually means waki, and that's a good thing.
Last edited by shinta|hikari; Mon, 04-25-2016 at 03:33 PM.