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Thread: Boku no Hero Academia

  1. #761
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    IQ girl was just bad writing. It sounds like a cool idea on paper, but once you think it through it's a terrible ability in terms of story telling,because it breaks any balance.

  2. #762
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Or at least, it should. But she lost, so it doesn't.

  3. #763
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Which is why it is bad writing. That ability is broken, but somehow it failed majestically, especially the very last part when she grabbed lipidgirl and started babbling instead of hitting her sensitive spots.
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  4. #764
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I attribute that behaviour to "anime time" plus the handcuff.

    IQ girl's downfall was thinking her quirk invincible, thus underestimating her opponents; a common trope in shounen.

    I don't even want to call these "filler" (that scenario and the latest episode), as much as "anime original", simply because this is one another level of quality compared to the filler we grew up with. This could pass as decent anime without the MHA trimmings.

    Do you remember that time the One Piece crew fought a marine with chains between his boats? When Naruto had to fight Tony the tiger? Most of Bleach? To call this bad writing should be contextualized as inferior writing compared to the rest of MHA, though of course we've had disagreements on the that quality as well.

  5. #765
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That specific part (Brain Girl) was bad writing.

    It's unfair to the word "bad" to use it to describe Naruto and Bleach.
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  6. #766
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 59


    All that fuss, because someone told him to fuck off.

    Harden the fuck up.

    As for Todoroki, it's funny. He says that simultaneous activation slows him down, but he's never really mobile when he uses his quirks for attacks anyway. Ice skating would be the only real scenario I remember him moving while doing stuff.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #767
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I really like Gang Orca's design. Mob boss themed hero with an orca head looks cool.

    Squabbling isn't gonna look good on the evaluation; I imagine like when professional athletes get into fights on the field and have to do a big apology after words and/or get fined.

    I like that Todoriki is more mad that he's being directly compared to a negative aspect of his father. That must hit a nerve.

    I also enjoyed when Mineta complained about having to save people at the same time as fending off villains (which is what the scenario warned about anyway), but Eraserhead kind of agreeing with him that this would be difficult for anyone. Sometimes, your job just unfairly sucks; no reason to skirt around it.

  8. #768
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    All that fuss, because someone told him to fuck off.

    Harden the fuck up.
    Right?! That's some Broly-level stupid motivation right there.

  9. #769
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Okay. Was not expecting that Camie twist, but I guess I should have been. So Deku isn't quite as much of a ladies man, because two of his admirers were the same lady.

    This Deku vs. Kacchan confrontation feels so much like Naruto vs. Sasuke on the roof of the hospital. Kacchan just coming off a humiliating failure...

    Also, forgot to say this last week, but Froppy's new camouflage power really undermines Toru's usefulness. It's like "Oh, I have the same power as you, plus a bunch of frog powers."

  10. #770
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Can't stand Sasuke-comparisons. Bakugo is such a badly, incompetently written character. The whole show is so incredibly bland when compared to Naruto which went to great lengths to flesh out its world and, at least in the beginning, present itself in a believable manner. BnHA is just ... a bunch of action figure-toys put against each other to fight fights that have no consequences.

  11. #771
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Sasuke of the worst written characters ever.

    Naruto is a good series in spite of Sasuke, not because of him.

  12. #772
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Can't stand Sasuke-comparisons. Bakugo is such a badly, incompetently written character. The whole show is so incredibly bland when compared to Naruto which went to great lengths to flesh out its world and, at least in the beginning, present itself in a believable manner. BnHA is just ... a bunch of action figure-toys put against each other to fight fights that have no consequences.
    Something something nostalgia bias. I wholeheartedly disagree that Naruto was, for the majority of its run, anything special or of any remarkable quality. It had moments of good-ness, and some genuinely great fights, but it lacked competition in long running Shounen, and its story largely felt like padding. In my opinion, of course.

    Bakugo isn't Sasuke; hes a more compelling character than Sasuke ever was that exhibits emotion and drive beyond 'gotta revenge'. He has actual character problems that hold him back, but other qualities that more or less offset them, and people recognize that fact.

    Fleshing out the world? You mean this whole exam arc for provisional licensing? The visible repercussions of Stain's social media revolution and All Might's retirement changing the entire government's strategy concerning professional heroes isn't world building? Did you want a couple of "hidden" hero villages themed around elements or something? Or perhaps you simply don't like the world being contemporary and want some generic fantasy background for our fighting? Please- Naruto's world building consisted of "ninjas go to ninja school, are hired for jobs (which got mentioned like, what, twice?)... and the world looks like feudal Japan; believe it.

    Bland? That's actually the hardest one to argue, I'll give you that. As a measure of Shounen tropes, BnHA is about standard, but there I would argue that it handles the tropes as well as could be expected. If you can only see these thematic beats (teamwork, friendship, and victory) so many times before getting sick of them, then of course the one(s) you watch before that burn out can seem to have "done them better".

    Action figure fights with no consequences... At least four fights so far would have resulted in death to main characters if lost; so I'm a little hazy on what you mean there. As for the fights themselves, going back to Naruto, I will agree some of those fights were excellent, but those were typically 30+ episodes apart, were surrounded by episodes animated in Powerpoint, and were still very simplistic with telegraphed win conditions that reduced the tactical complexity of the engagements by a large margin, as screen time was spent expounding on said 'win conditions'. Naruto seldom even tried team battles because they would get more complex than the author wanted them to, I would guess. BnHA tries team battles, with its mixed results. I prefer that to "everyone pair off for your fights".

    Sorry to call you out specifically, MFauli, but sometimes you make very interesting critiques about BnHA, and I feel compelled to challenge them. I would love to hear more of your thoughts.

  13. #773
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Welcome back Mfauli.

    Naruto is mostly terrible. But I think Mfauli's main complaint is that people don't die in MHA, whereas they do in Naruto... after hundreds of episodes.
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  14. #774
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Something something nostalgia bias. I wholeheartedly disagree that Naruto was, for the majority of its run, anything special or of any remarkable quality. It had moments of good-ness, and some genuinely great fights, but it lacked competition in long running Shounen, and its story largely felt like padding. In my opinion, of course.

    Bakugo isn't Sasuke; hes a more compelling character than Sasuke ever was that exhibits emotion and drive beyond 'gotta revenge'. He has actual character problems that hold him back, but other qualities that more or less offset them, and people recognize that fact.

    Fleshing out the world? You mean this whole exam arc for provisional licensing? The visible repercussions of Stain's social media revolution and All Might's retirement changing the entire government's strategy concerning professional heroes isn't world building? Did you want a couple of "hidden" hero villages themed around elements or something? Or perhaps you simply don't like the world being contemporary and want some generic fantasy background for our fighting? Please- Naruto's world building consisted of "ninjas go to ninja school, are hired for jobs (which got mentioned like, what, twice?)... and the world looks like feudal Japan; believe it.

    Bland? That's actually the hardest one to argue, I'll give you that. As a measure of Shounen tropes, BnHA is about standard, but there I would argue that it handles the tropes as well as could be expected. If you can only see these thematic beats (teamwork, friendship, and victory) so many times before getting sick of them, then of course the one(s) you watch before that burn out can seem to have "done them better".

    Action figure fights with no consequences... At least four fights so far would have resulted in death to main characters if lost; so I'm a little hazy on what you mean there. As for the fights themselves, going back to Naruto, I will agree some of those fights were excellent, but those were typically 30+ episodes apart, were surrounded by episodes animated in Powerpoint, and were still very simplistic with telegraphed win conditions that reduced the tactical complexity of the engagements by a large margin, as screen time was spent expounding on said 'win conditions'. Naruto seldom even tried team battles because they would get more complex than the author wanted them to, I would guess. BnHA tries team battles, with its mixed results. I prefer that to "everyone pair off for your fights".

    Sorry to call you out specifically, MFauli, but sometimes you make very interesting critiques about BnHA, and I feel compelled to challenge them. I would love to hear more of your thoughts.
    I don't think it'd be fruitful to debate much, because I fundamentally disagree. Imo BnHA is a bland, shallow shounen-series that got lucky to release at the perfect moment in time. It's story is all about training and exams/encounters.

    Meanwhile, Naruto goes into great detail to show its creative, unique world and isn't afraid of taking time. You criticize that there's more episodes in-between battles (it's way less than 30 lol), but I'd praise exactly that. It builds up suspense. Yeah, it took forever to see Gaara go all out during the Konoha Infiltration-arc, but it was all the more exciting when it happened. And that's ignoring the countless smaller fights that made sure to avoid mindless power brawls and instead focused on creative appliance of abilities.

    And again, Naruto's story is so much richer because of all the stuff that happens outside of battles and exams. BnHA simply doesn't exist outside of the specific situation at hand.

    If you or anyone prefers BnHA, go for it. But I have a hard time seeing someone praising Bakugo. Look, I hated Sasuke back then. But I was able to hate him, because he was so well written (for a shounen anime). Bakugo is just a perma-angry loudmouth. Nothing about him is interesting. He's only relevant to the story really because he used to bully Deku.

  15. #775
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Welcome back Mfauli.

    Naruto is mostly terrible. But I think Mfauli's main complaint is that people don't die in MHA, whereas they do in Naruto... after hundreds of episodes.
    In Naruto I at least always had the feeling someone *could* hypothetically die (oh boy, I was so scared when Shikamaru fought Hidan ...). In BnHA even the 'evil' villains feel like Looney Toon-characters. Just in theclast episode we learnt that this one girl was actually a transformed villain. We haven't seen it yet, but let's take a guess: is the original girl still alive? Why, if course! Because the evil villains in BnHA do not kill. :/

  16. #776
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Bakugo is just a perma-angry loudmouth. Nothing about him is interesting.
    That's what makes him interesting. He has the demeanor of typical shounen rival villain, but actually still wants to be a hero.

    Like, if Bakugo was as one dimensional as Sasuke, then when the villains offered to have him join he would have accepted. Because the villains look at him and go "Oh, this guy is a Sasuke-archetype." But he's not. His motivations are more complex than blind revenge or surpassing his rival.

  17. #777
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Bakugo isn't even capable of complex ideas like revenge.

  18. #778
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    What, exactly, is complex about revenge? "You hurt me, so I'm going to hurt you." Its one of the most primitive thought processes I can imagine. Children grasp it just fine.

    Bakugo deduced the meaning behind Deku's crying at All Might's declaration. He refused to goof off like kids with his friends in the in the first episode because he knew it could hamper his ability to get into UA if they were caught; clear forethought. Bakugo has shown high cognitive function multiple times in the series.

  19. #779
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I do enjoy how Bakugo's circle of cronies is slowly expanding as more people get used to him. First hardening guy, now lightning guy.

  20. #780
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Bakugo is a bully.
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