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Thread: Boku no Hero Academia

  1. #741
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Netflight
    I figure Midoria turns full cowling off for the same reason we don't walk around with training weights on all the time. The constant strain could damage muscles, and be a detriment to his efforts to gradually increase what he can handle.
    I don't buy that. This isn't constant resistance against himself, it's just constant strength. Also, neither All Might nor himself has demonstrated damage to himself at loads they could handle. 10% all day is fine from what i can see. He's stuffed up his body from impacts, not constant use of All For One.

    Quote Originally Posted by Netflight
    his quirk isn't "hard face",
    LMFAO. That was good.

    As for inconsistencies, I'm pretty pissed off at that as well, and now almost tired of being pissed off at it. At one point the story sounded very believable when Izuku mentions that Quirks have a basis in physiology with physical limitations. Sometimes though, we go back to them being magical powers.

    When you think back to it, All For One actually would have had to keep lots of body strengthening quirks and such on hand to deal with the backlashes from other quirks he steals.

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  2. #742
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Inconsistencies can be found in almost any fiction if you look deep enough. I guess it's up to the author's skill as to how deep you have to dig before they bother you.
    I wasn't even looking. It slapped me in the face continuously.

    I'm fine with inconsistencies as long as they don't affect the plot too much. These did. Mystique would've been defeated easily, changing the course of Izuku's predicament. Also, Izuku is supposed to be smart, and it is out of character for him to make all these mistakes. He didn't even have to attack immediately. He should've at least proactively confirmed if that Uraraka was a fake, which he didn't, and opted to turn his back to her.

    About non-violence for the exam, did you forget these kids are hurling gigantic metal objects at each other? That'd kill Todoroki instantly if it hit him... Inflicting direct and controlled violence is far less of a risk than that.

    You see, I'm not even complaining about the ridiculousness of this exam. I mean, the entire Academy concept is absurd, but that's part of the story's central conceit. However, when the central conceit itself is contradicted by the events in the story, it's hard to turn a blind eye.

    If humans can become as tough and strong as hard face (yes, I did complain about that too), why did Izuku despair at having no quirk at the start of the story? He could've just trained hard and become a quirkless hero that can keep up with full cowling and use hard face. He could've also just trained to use Muscle Form, since that apparently isn't a quirk...

    I really like the parts of this story when the hype music is playing. It even gives me goosebumps. That's what keeps me watching, but that's like, 5% of the entire playtime. I gotta watch the rest of it to get to those.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He's stuffed up his body from impacts, not constant use of All For One.
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  3. #743
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    He could've just trained hard and become a quirkless hero that can keep up with full cowling and use hard face.

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  4. #744
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Deku has been depicted when anyone comes close. I'm wondering if in time one of the benefits of activating full cowling 100% of the time will be that he can sense people close to him (range to be defined)
    After all his energy leaps out of his body, so if he can get any feedback from that energy bouncing around...

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  5. #745
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Instead of pushing her off, he should've just grabbed a part of her body, like her elbow which was in reach of his free arm, and crushed it with his fingers.
    Considering these are other heroes, he's PROBABLY not willing to do that.

    He's not even willing to let a rival hero hurt their back in a fall, he's not likely to be okay with breaking their arm.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    First of all, why does Izuku ever turn off his full cowling? Was there ever a drawback established from keeping it on?
    They specifically stated during the sports festival that quirks tire you out as you use them.
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  6. #746
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So he turns it off in the middle of battle while the enemy vanished from view..? That's the worst time he could be turning his power off. Also, using your body tires you out as you use it too. That's not something special to quirks, but you still use your body when you need to.

    Don't they have healer heroes on standby at such a dangerous event? A broken arm is nothing if they can heal Izuku's mangled limbs multiple times.

    Alternatively, he could just grab her wrist, then push off the ground using his super strength on his legs and core muscles, and pin her down instead. Pin moves only work if the opponent is a normal human with the same specs. Heck, I bet I can't even pin down Dwayne Johnson with such a move, much less a superman like Izuku. In fact, he could've probably just freed his held arm normally by putting some energy in it.

    Oh I failed to mention how Izuku went on chatting with a girl on his back without turning on his power for some inexplicable reason.


    Also, why did Shoto become so weak? Wasn't his only weakness the fact that he refused to use his fire power to negate the self-freezing effect of using his ice? Why is he suddenly afraid of running out of gas now that he can just freely alternate between the two powers?
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 07-29-2018 at 04:28 PM.
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  7. #747

  8. #748
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So true...
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  9. #749
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Again though, what shounen protagonist isn't these days.

    Fucking Asta has like 3 girls with crushes on him and he is...THE WORST.

  10. #750
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Who is Asta?
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  11. #751
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Who is Asta?
    Black Clover MC... subpar anime that tries to steal from Naruto, HxH and others but does it badly and MC's voice acting is so irking it goes under your skin...

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  12. #752
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 56


    I thought Naval Laser was the fake transforming girl for a long time during that episode.

    His quirk is a bit shit, but it'd combo well with Invisible Girl's light warp if she ends up controlling it well.

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  13. #753
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Its almost unfair that an invisible person's power up would be to make themselves into a flashbang. Now you can't see anything!

    I like that meat-guy was voiced by hachiman from RomCom Snafu, because his monologues reminded me of that character.

    Aoyama might be my favorite student character in this show, twinkling and all, so some development is good to see.

  14. #754
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Netflight
    Its almost unfair that an invisible person's power up would be to make themselves into a flashbang. Now you can't see anything!
    While it makes sense for her to be able to bend light, it makes no sense for her to be able to produce more light than is actually hitting her body.

    She should really function as like a magnifying glass in that she can concentrate light around her to blind one particular spot, as opposed to a flashbang.

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  15. #755
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Heh, maybe she is doing just that, but to everybody's eyes at once (multiple prism beams), though that sounds unwieldy.

  16. #756
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Is it possible she had a flashbang grenade as part of her equipment, and that the flash was not her quirk at all ?

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  17. #757
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That'd render herself blinded though, or at the very least stunned and deafened by the impact since the flash came from her.

    I loved this episode because it featured the heart warming yet blood pumping elements that make this show great. Great enough to overlook a lot of the flaws in battle and power logic.

    Like, how dumb can those ninjas be to think Todoroki would wield a torch in the middle of a smokescreen he created himself..? What's the use of a torch there anyway?

    Why the heck did Bakugo not use his mobility (he can fly) to get behind meatman and surround him since it was 2 on 1 (on a narrow path too)? That's basic strategy. He didn't need to protect lightning dude, who can back away and generate electricity around him. He needed to defeat the enemy to save everyone else.

    Why did enemies taped to the ground suddenly stop fighting? They have quirks, and it's extremely unlikely all of them became powerless just because they are pinned down...

    Going back one episode, why did that IQ girl think that lipid girl would be abandoned by her team? She was just one door away. If her default IQ is 150, she should know the most logical answer is to bust open the door and save her. They had more than enough targets to all pass, IQ girl's targets added.
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  18. #758
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Going back one episode, why did that IQ girl think that lipid girl would be abandoned by her team? She was just one door away. If her default IQ is 150, she should know the most logical answer is to bust open the door and save her. They had more than enough targets to all pass, IQ girl's targets added.
    It's "stupid" but also not really stupid.

    We dismiss things especially when it goes against our values. Things that are "unthinkable" are obvious to those who see things or value things that way. She's just pidgeonholed herself into thinking they would value self-preservation above all.

    Maybe it's to do with the tea. :S

    To those of us more worldly, I agree that not seeing her friends coming in was sort of..naive.

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  19. #759
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    She did not include failsafe methods for that possibility.
    Of course she can't have perfect attack and defense in her plans, but she at least needs to think of proper actions even in that case.

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  20. #760
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm not even talking about values. It's a simple loss versus gain calculation. What do they gain if they try to save lipidgirl? They might actually save her and get a few more targets after ganging up on the remaining enemy. What do they lose? Nothing. Sure there is risk in going after an unknown enemy, but there is even more risk in turning their back on it and focusing on qualifying by pressing their balls on sensitive spots.

    Her strange surprise could've been cut out if she didn't bother explaining her actions to lipidgirl, which also made no sense. If the director wanted to show her reasoning, they could've made it internal monologue, thus releasing it from the shackles of timing.
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