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Thread: Boku no Hero Academia

  1. #621
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    I think you guys should just stop watching action/adventure shounen altogether.
    HXH is shounen, too, and didn't suck :/

  2. #622
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    HXH is shounen, too, and didn't suck :/
    The exception to the rule, which also at times fell into the same pitfalls you're complaining here about.

    I thought the fight in this episode was quite exciting, BS and all that, but the emotion that came through as the action was being developed was very good.

  3. #623
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't know man, using an arm despite it being broken (and having lost mechanical integrity) is like Sunrising from the dead. We overlook it mostly, but it's still a shit move.

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  4. #624
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I don't mind the way the arm thing played out so long as there is a price to pay down the road. His second 100% smash was weakened enough that he got trapped because the arm was broke by the first. That checks out. The turnaround was a combination of the kid's distraction and shounen resolve. It was not tactically satisfying, but to outright dismiss for that it is to dismiss other similar shounen power ups like Gon's nen-puberty, Rock Lee's effort, or every time Ippo stood back up, and I can't bring myself to do that. What kind of trick was he supposed to use against a discount All Might if not overpowering strength in that situation?

    All Might overdid it in season one and got reduced by it, Midoria did the same thing in the tournament and has a crooked hand now, so I expect a similar fallout for this stunt. I'm actually more impressed that this whole fight was a single episode. Apparently, we've got things to do and places to go.

    As far as the villain's victories, it is implied that the corpse guy ate Ragdoll (one of the pussycats), so that's a loss, right? We don't know what Dabi did to Aizawa. The Big-lipped dude seems to gain his striking strength by creating an attraction between an object (the stick) and a person, so someone right next to the stick has no room to build up the momentum for the lethal blow, if I'm spit-balling why he asn't killed her yet, along with the nebulous "anime time".

    I'm still loving what MHA has to offer and don't feel that it has betrayed any expectations I've built for it yet.

  5. #625
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Gon's spontaneous growth basically killed him/rendered him powerless. I'm sure Midoriya won't face any such consequences. Also Gon's growth happened towards the end of the anime and after he had mastered various nen-techniques. Midoriya is still a beginner, who got a powerup because ... because. It's similar to Ruffy's bs upgrade when he used gear 2 without any prior mention.

    Rock Lee and Ippo are both boxers/martial artists who dedicated their life to their sports. It fits that they'd have a specially firm will.

    Tbh if this season ends without some real accomplishiments for the villains (and I mean dead heroes, yes. And dead heroes that aren't All Migh, because his death is way too predictable), I'll drop this anime. S1 had me hooked, S2 already was lackluster.

  6. #626
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Gon's spontaneous growth basically killed him/rendered him powerless. I'm sure Midoriya won't face any such consequences. Also Gon's growth happened towards the end of the anime and after he had mastered various nen-techniques. Midoriya is still a beginner, who got a powerup because ... because. It's similar to Ruffy's bs upgrade when he used gear 2 without any prior mention.

    Rock Lee and Ippo are both boxers/martial artists who dedicated their life to their sports. It fits that they'd have a specially firm will.

    Tbh if this season ends without some real accomplishiments for the villains (and I mean dead heroes, yes. And dead heroes that aren't All Migh, because his death is way too predictable), I'll drop this anime. S1 had me hooked, S2 already was lackluster.
    Why are you assuming Midoriya won't face any consequences when he HAS faced consequences in similar situations? While it may end up being true, you really have a terrible habit of jumping into conclusions prematurely.

    Also, I don't think the assumption that his "power-up" is out of nowhere, if we can even call it that. We already know that One-for-All in essence has a baggage of power passed down from people who have carried before him. In fact, prior to his shout we saw some of the foreshadowing that led to this supposed "power-up". We've already seen him seemingly access the presence of previous users to get out of jams in the past (not saying that's what happened here, but again it can fit).

    Also, I think we're taking the 1,000,000% very literally. Obviously he didn't do such a thing or he would've destroyed the whole mountain at minimum. In my opinion it was nonsense he shouted at heat of the battle to illustrate that he was putting everything he had into it damn the consequences to go along with the new Delaware-Detroit combo with a mixture of nice adrenaline.

  7. #627
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And villains accomplish anything AGAIN.
    Did I miss an episode? Isn't only 1 of the 10 villains down?

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I don't mind the way the arm thing played out so long as there is a price to pay down the road.
    Indeed. His hand is still all scarred up from when he had to double use his fingers against Todoroki. And healing girl specifically said she wouldn't heal injuries like that anymore.

  8. #628
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Healing Girl only said that to stop him from doing reckless things. This case is clearly an exception. If he didn't push himself, both he and the kid would be dead.
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  9. #629
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    He shouldn't actually have an arm anymore.

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  10. #630
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wait, why?
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  11. #631
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He shouldn't actually have an arm anymore.
    That'd make sense and be an actual exciting development. A one-armed hero. Considering that All-Might was too strong anyway, having a successor with only one arm would level the field.

  12. #632
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Wait, why?
    Because that should be the consequence of putting 100000000000% through and already broken arm. It broke with 100% because his body couldn't take it. To then apply way more force through it again should destroy it beyond repair, not just have it patched up with some extra scars.

    It's like every other character or machine that goes "beyond the limit" - you lose something in return. It's the character's willingness to accept this which makes it meaningful. Think of Iron-Blooded Orphans, for example.

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  13. #633
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oh you mean in terms of story development, that's what should've happened to make it more meaningful and interesting?

    I thought you were analyzing it from a logical POV, which in this story is utterly meaningless. You literally can't go above 100%, after all. People who say that don't understand basic math. It's the same with going "beyond your limits." That also doesn't make sense. If you go beyond your limits, by definition, that wasn't your limit.
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  14. #634
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Because that should be the consequence of putting 100000000000% through and already broken arm. It broke with 100% because his body couldn't take it. To then apply way more force through it again should destroy it beyond repair, not just have it patched up with some extra scars.
    As others have already said, 1,000,000% was obvious hyperbole on Deku's part. That attack was cool and all, but it CLEARLY wasn't 1000x stronger than All Might's attacks.

  15. #635
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I agree that %1,000,000 smash was a poor move name. I seriously doubt that that signified anything more than his resolve. After all, All Might isn't actually throwing around American states with each dramatic punch.

    It wasn't satisfying; I get that, because most other fights in MHA so far have had more thought put into them. For a one episode fight, I'll take it and assume this won't be the norm because it hasn't been the norm. A sub-par encounter: MHA is in good company. Naruto had years of filler. One Piece has less material to work with each episode than a single manga chapter. Bleach was Bleach. Hunter even had some boring episodes and overwrought concepts. I'm not worried about MHA in the least. Any disappointment is a direct result of expectations which have been risen by a great series!

    That said, if this is enough to 'break' the show for you, there's not much that can help that. There's plenty of great animu out there to try.

  16. #636
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    As others have already said, 1,000,000% was obvious hyperbole on Deku's part. That attack was cool and all, but it CLEARLY wasn't 1000x stronger than All Might's attacks.
    But 100% Deku punch isn't necessarily 100% All Might punch. Nemu could take a 100% All-Might Punch and he was designed for shock absorption, not just a large muscle that happened to have some shock absorbing properties. All Might required 300 punches then, when in his prime he would have required 5. That's a 60x power variation within All-Might himself there. I'm not sure Deku even matches the lower output right now.

    On a related note, I really hate how they dropped the plot point regarding Deku's one successful punch during the first League of Villain fight. The logic was that his arm didn't break despite his 100% punch because his brain knew he was punching a living being and subconsciously limited it's power just enough. This is what Deku thought anyway, but he should have really built on this idea.

    In reality it was probably just Nemu absorbing all that power but whatever.

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  17. #637
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    But 100% Deku punch isn't necessarily 100% All Might punch.
    I think the entire point is that it IS. That's why Deku keeps injuring himself, because Deku's body can't handle All Might's full power.

  18. #638
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Deku also explicitly said that in the episode. He said 100% is in fact All Might's full power.
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  19. #639
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well then.. fair enough. I'll take that as a 100% All Might Punch then.

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  20. #640
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    New ep is out.

    Time for the others to shine. Midoriya is useless now when it comes to combat. Time for the rest!

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