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Thread: Mayoiga

  1. #1
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    A shady bus tour of young men and women is headed to an elusive village called Nanakimura. A destination where people can partake in a utopian existence, free of the world's obstacles... or so goes the rumor.

    Heading deep into the mountains, the bus is carrying 30 different individuals, each harboring their own expectations and troubled hearts...

    What they had arrived to was an uninhabited village with faint, lingering scents of life as it was falling apart.

    Just what is the secret of Nanakimura?

    episode 3 is out

    Tbqh I don´t feel confident calling this a good anime or a must-see as of now. However, its whole reliance on intrigue is working so far.
    The situation at hand makes no sense. An entire village in Japan that nobody knows of? A bus tour organized there? And then the biggest qualm: most of those protagonists are angsty, emo teenagers. When teenagers are "sick of life" and such, it doesn´t warrant this drastic of an action. They´re teenagers! Feeling like the world sucks is normal at that age. So when the organizer of that tour accepts all these kids on this tour, it doesn´t sit quite right with me. I understand why it´s done (to appeal to a younger audience), but it really doesn´t make much sense.
    EXCEPT if it has a direct connection with the unfolding plot. There´s a chance that the author is aware of that, so maybe these kids have been accepted and brought there as some sort of pawn, a sacrifice. Since at least one of them appears to be dead and another one got lost, that chance definitely is there.

    For now, I´ll keep watching because I wanna find out what happens next,

    Oh, but FUCK that psycho bitch who wants other people executed. Seriously, fuck off.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think all of them are teenagers. There's at least that giant lady and the software engineer, oh and the slut. Which is why it makes no sense for the bus driver to wanna supervise them, but that's just an excuse. Remember how the bus driver got surprised by something before coming to the village? Something is up with that.

    I think it's quite logical to prey on teenagers when doing a tour like this. They are at a sensitive age and easily swayed. If you're looking for much older people, they'd either be psychopaths or suicidal. Oh wait, even the kids are already like that. The two organizers are as shady as hell. They are too calm considering the situation.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    They are too calm considering the situation.
    Yeah, the whole thing gives me "Hänsel and Gretel" vibes. Especially when they mentioned in the latest episode that the village and the field looks as if the previous inhibitants had been there until the day before. Very odd.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #4
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Mayoiga means, or could be translated as 'lost'?

    Feels right with teenagers or young adults unable to find their place in society and trying to find a way out.
    And naturally, the end up lost in a lost village. They are not survivors of an oceanic plane crash on a lost island... But you get the point.

    As for the show till now, I feel it's slow, the intro gets too long and it still is a bit difficult to get who's who.
    And we had to wait 3 eps to get the first victim. Of course if the guy is dead as he appears to be.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I find the reaction of the people amuzing when it comes to the 'bear'. What did they expect? To arrive somewhere with a 5 star hotel and people that will take care of you for the rest of your life? If you go for something like this, you should know that you need to get your hands dirty, that you'll be in the wild with all of it's dangers.

    I agree that the bus driver is in on this whole thing. Either it's a whole 'rehabilitation' thing that is set up behind the scenes, or a means to purge misfits.

    What I found weird, was that a few hours ago they were scared shitless from the claw marks (no way that's a bear, but we all know that) and the very same night they go out alone and unarmed for a stroll.

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