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Thread: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

  1. #541

  2. #542
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Forgot that even happened.

  3. #543
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    S2 - Episode 10:

    Well, I can't wait for THOSE h-doujins. ;>

    About the episode: At long last a bit progress. And stfu, Elsa, nobody cares about a psycho murderer's past, you stopped being a victim when you started murdering people. Honestly, I hate how Garf's sister only snatched Elsa's sister away instead of killing her. That brat deserves death just as much as her big sister.

    The Roswaal-Ram fight confuses me just about in every way. Why keep fighting after the love confession? Why did Ram cough blood after retrieving the book? Why did Roswaal think he stands a chance against Puck? And are they dead now? Because bringing back Rem, only to have Ram die would suck a lot.

    And the blonde witch is now Emilia's real mom or what was that scene about? I interpreted it that way, because she didnt want her to see the face of a mother that isn't Fortuna's.

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  4. #544
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And the blonde witch is now Emilia's real mom or what was that scene about? I interpreted it that way, because she didnt want her to see the face of a mother that isn't Fortuna's.
    Everyone is secretly Emilia's mom!

  5. #545
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    That brat deserves death just as much as her big sister.
    Absolutely this.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The Roswaal-Ram fight confuses me just about in every way. Why keep fighting after the love confession?
    Because Ram wants to destroy the book to "free" Roswaal, and Roswaal just wants to get rid of obstacles to his goal.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Why did Ram cough blood after retrieving the book?
    Roswaal damaged her as she grabbed the book. She wouldn't have been hurt and would've killed/hurt Roswaal if she didn't go for the book and attacked him directly instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Why did Roswaal think he stands a chance against Puck?
    Because Puck in his non-berserk form is not stronger than Roswaal. Puck can't seem to return to normal once going to berserk form (never has in any of the loops), so Roswaal was banking on beating his chibi form.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And are they dead now?

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And the blonde witch is now Emilia's real mom or what was that scene about? I interpreted it that way, because she didnt want her to see the face of a mother that isn't Fortuna's.
    Possible, but might be a red herring.
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  6. #546
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    So honest question, I've mentioned this in the other seasons too, but aren't Subarus speeches completely random, extremely long and they feel like they make nearly no sense?
    Not sure if this is intentional or if they always go completely over my head. I literally didn't like a single speech of his. They always feel extremely dumb and repetitive.

  7. #547
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    ROFL, I almost burst out in laughter when the little maid just slapped Otto to tell him that there's something happen. xD So casually, like it's totally normal to slap someone for notification, roflcopter.

    Episode felt really long, not in a negative way, just unexpectedly so.

    Man, I'm already dreading the wait for season 3. Is anything known whether that one is planned already or are we in for another multi-year wait? :/

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    So honest question, I've mentioned this in the other seasons too, but aren't Subarus speeches completely random, extremely long and they feel like they make nearly no sense?
    Not sure if this is intentional or if they always go completely over my head. I literally didn't like a single speech of his. They always feel extremely dumb and repetitive.
    Tbh these speeches never make much sense. Let's remember Naruto, eh. The issue is that the people Subaru is talking to are too stubborn and Subaru is too nice, so it quickly repeats itself to some degree. I agree that this speech was especially "whatever", because it almost felt like another "i love you" speech, except I knew that cannot be it. But it was a good episode overall, so I can forgive it.

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  8. #548
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    So honest question, I've mentioned this in the other seasons too, but aren't Subarus speeches completely random, extremely long and they feel like they make nearly no sense?
    GOD YES! It feels like half the time he's just stringing random shonen lines together and hoping that the end result is "target inspired!"

    And they just go ON and ON until the target finally just acquiesces out of what I can only assume is confusion and boredom...

  9. #549
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post

    Tbh these speeches never make much sense. Let's remember Naruto, eh. The issue is that the people Subaru is talking to are too stubborn

    I actually have not even remotely the same problem with Naruto Speeches or just about any other speech in anime.
    It's not like I remember most of them when I think about Naruto, but the one I do remember (the canon ones) are actually pretty neat, often very sad, and inspiring.

    My all time go-to when it comes to Naruto.
    Naruto talking to Zabuza to convince him that Haku gave his all and everything to him.
    Zabuza realising that even Ninja's aren't tools, they are human too.

    Or in Grimgar, I completely understood what is happening and what is being meant with certain statements and/or certain visuals during these speeches and discussions. I think the scene where MC spoke to priest-character's ghost for the last time was one of the most amazing dialogue scenes in my opinion, it had this nice "is he actually only talking to himself" touch to it, where you start to realize that the priest-character never said *anything* MC didn't already know himself. It's as if that "ghost" was just MC giving an image to his inner monologue

    So...I really can't say that they never make much sense, because they actually do make sense in other shows in my opinion.

    I have *serious* problems following Subaru whenever he talks and it's the most problematic when he tries to hold an argument or speech. I'm not exxagerating when I'm saying that I do nearly not understand a single thing other than "I like you, be my friend" or "I love you" but that's something I understood from his actions more so than from what he is saying in that situation.

    If we take this speech as an example. All I understood (or think I understand) is that Subura kinda thinks Beatrice is looking for a lover? And he obviously says no because he wants Emilia.
    But does Beatrice even look for someone like that? And not just a friend or a very dear person? I think she made it pretty clear that she is scared of befriending someone, because that would mean she might lose him/her again.
    It seemed to me that she needed a reason to get out of the libary but no one would "free" her from her promise.
    And Subaru didn't free her either, it's more or less him convincing her that she should just do it herself, isn't it? I really don't know.
    I really, really, don't know what the heck he was talking about all the time.
    I know the purpose, but I do never actually understand his arguments or reasoning.
    He is a horribly written character in my book because he is always *super* annoying.
    I always blamed his insecure character for this (as seen during his butler-training) in the past but it never gets any better.
    I really understand that he goes through freaking hell all the time and everyone would just break if they had to endure what he is enduring. But it's all so weird whenever he tries to argue something.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 03-18-2021 at 02:46 PM.

  10. #550
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    If we take this speech as an example. All I understood (or think I understand) is that Subura kinda thinks Beatrice is looking for a lover? And he obviously says no because he wants Emilia.
    The fuck?! That was not my takeaway at all!

    I read it as "Echidna gave you a made-up prophecy to keep you busy/safe/doing her bidding after she was gone. You want me to be "that person" to fulfill her prophecy. But I can't be "that person" because there IS no "that person" because the prophecy is made-up bullshit."

  11. #551
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Again, I agree that Subaru's speeches are kind weak. BUT: That makes them more realistic, more relatable. I often think about how I would never be as eloquent in the heat of a dramatic situation (or ever ...) to shout out some perfect speech. I'd also use a lot of generic stuff and repeat it in different ways. And to be fair: Irl that would probably work - or have no chance to work, because irl people don't require a "trigger" to their tragic past, lol.

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  12. #552
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    The fuck?! That was not my takeaway at all!

    I read it as "Echidna gave you a made-up prophecy to keep you busy/safe/doing her bidding after she was gone. You want me to be "that person" to fulfill her prophecy. But I can't be "that person" because there IS no "that person" because the prophecy is made-up bullshit."
    I'm talking about what Subaru thought Beatrice is trying to say.
    I don't think he ever understood what Beatrice is actually looking for, until maybe right at the end - probably - when he mentioned that Beatrice is always sitting right in front of that door as if she is waiting for someone to drag her out of the library.

    His speech was basically so unmemorable and just pointless brabble that I literally can't remember anything other than him "rejecting" her and that part at the end.

    If he understood that Beatrice is just supposed to choose "that person" instead of "that person" actually showing up, I'd have guessed he would choose a different approach and line of argument.

    "why do you think the book is empty"
    He made that very same question in one episode but said "BECAUSE MAYBE IT'S BROKEN DUUUUUUUHRRRR".... Seriously?
    What about
    "maybe you are supposed to fill the pages yourself"
    "the future is for you to decide"

    I don't know, anything but his: "IT'S PROBABLY BROKEN!"
    I think he said that even though Echidna told him before that she herself gave Beatrice that order just to see whom Beatrice would choose to be "that person"....unless the order of events in my head is wrong.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 03-18-2021 at 02:56 PM.

  13. #553
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    "why do you think the book is empty"
    He made that very same question in one episode but said "BECAUSE MAYBE IT'S BROKEN DUUUUUUUHRRRR".... Seriously?
    What about
    "maybe you are supposed to fill the pages yourself"
    "the future is for you to decide"
    Or, "Your mother is an incomprehensible witch and she's fucking with you."

  14. #554
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Subaru is long winded and rambles a bit, but I've never had any issue understanding his points. He isn't eloquent or concise, but the message makes sense for the situation.

    In this episode, Subaru basically said:
    1. I can't help you because I suck, but I do need you and your help because you are capable, so help me instead of dying.
    2. I am not "that person" you are waiting for, but fuck that, choose me anyway because I will make things fun for you.
    3. You are a kind girl, and I know that because of all you've done for me. And I refuse to abandon you.
    4. I may not be immortal and will die like you are worried about, but I'll make our time together so memorable it will be worth the pain of that loss.
    5. You seem to think you've lost purpose because the book is blank, so let me provide you a new purpose, being my ally, instead.
    6. Despite your bravado, you have always been lonely and wanted someone to take you out of this library. Let me be the one to do that.

    I wrote all that down from memory, so I didn't have any trouble remembering what he said.
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  15. #555
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Subaru is long winded and rambles a bit, but I've never had any issue understanding his points. He isn't eloquent or concise, but the message makes sense for the situation.

    In this episode, Subaru basically said:
    1. I can't help you because I suck, but I do need you and your help because you are capable, so help me instead of dying.
    2. I am not "that person" you are waiting for, but fuck that, choose me anyway because I will make things fun for you.
    3. You are a kind girl, and I know that because of all you've done for me. And I refuse to abandon you.
    4. I may not be immortal and will die like you are worried about, but I'll make our time together so memorable it will be worth the pain of that loss.
    5. You seem to think you've lost purpose because the book is blank, so let me provide you a new purpose, being my ally, instead.
    6. Despite your bravado, you have always been lonely and wanted someone to take you out of this library. Let me be the one to do that.

    I wrote all that down from memory, so I didn't have any trouble remembering what he said.
    Your memory is impressive. No sarcasm.

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  16. #556
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You know, you seem like a nice person, when I'm drunk.
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  17. #557
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Subaru is long winded and rambles a bit, but I've never had any issue understanding his points. He isn't eloquent or concise, but the message makes sense for the situation.

    In this episode, Subaru basically said:
    1. I can't help you because I suck, but I do need you and your help because you are capable, so help me instead of dying.
    2. I am not "that person" you are waiting for, but fuck that, choose me anyway because I will make things fun for you.
    3. You are a kind girl, and I know that because of all you've done for me. And I refuse to abandon you.
    4. I may not be immortal and will die like you are worried about, but I'll make our time together so memorable it will be worth the pain of that loss.
    5. You seem to think you've lost purpose because the book is blank, so let me provide you a new purpose, being my ally, instead.
    6. Despite your bravado, you have always been lonely and wanted someone to take you out of this library. Let me be the one to do that.

    I wrote all that down from memory, so I didn't have any trouble remembering what he said.
    When I really invest time analysing it, I'm getting roughly the same stuff, but I'm never getting it when he is actually saying it. Except for the "I suck and I'm helpless" part (because he actually says that all the time in every speech)
    I have no idea why I'm not getting this when he is actually holding these speeches.

    I had no idea what he was talking about when he confessed to Emilia ~10 episodes earlier either.

    "I'm suffering for you here, at least try to look as cute as I hoped you would!" - That line for example... "What the fuck..?" is all that came into my mind when I read that.
    Or when Emilia complains that he is selfish and je doesn't think about her feelings at all when he gets in trouble all the time, he says:
    "How WOULD I know? I'm just doing it! I want to look good in front of you"
    This would actually work if Emilia wouldn't constantly warn Subaru to not do it, so he actually does know.
    I have the same issues with his random references and emotional outburst (especially in season 1), even when he is happy
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 03-19-2021 at 03:57 PM.

  18. #558
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's because he rambles a lot and repeats a lot of the same ideas. It also doesn't help that he is bad at explaining himself and chooses vague words and analogies.

    I work in IT so I'm used to such speeches, though, so it only makes sense that I understand him.
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  19. #559
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I glaze over a bit when Subaru rambles as well. He doesn't have much as far as substance goes. He reminds me of companies that sell a vision or an idea rather than a product. I guess Subaru does deliver results after exchanging his lives, so I'll give him that.

    Take away for me this episode:

    Roswaal's book is destroyed.
    Snow bunny is here
    Clone woman is gone
    Betty about to own bunny

    And that's about it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #560
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    And I think this is the first time I actually thought Emilia was cute.
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