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Thread: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

  1. #141
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes, because I'm a very logical person. That doesn't mean I don't feel emotions, but I always think before I act, and part of that thinking process is making sure emotion isn't clouding my judgment. If it does, then I'll reevaluate if I'm fine with that outcome. If not, repeat the process until it resolves.

    The problem with Subaru right now is he isn't thinking calmly despite given many chances to do so. Most people can only screw up once. He has done so for many times now. Learn from your mistakes, dammit. Gather information, make calm decisions, seek advice from the right people, stop ranting and raving like a maniac/child.

    Resets negate the effects of tragedy because it negates all the consequences. Why do people get traumatized when they see their loved ones murdered in front of them? Because those loved ones die. If they are fine again the next day, that's not a tragedy. That's a dream.

    That's exactly what Subaru has been experiencing thus far. Dreams. The "tragic reality" always vanishes like nightmares until he gets the happy end. That's happened twice now.

    How am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy again? It's one thing if he tries his best and does all the right things and still fails (like Okabe). It's different if he rants like a kid, gets shamed again and again, blames everyone else except himself, does all the wrong things, gets people involved, and STILL doesn't get any results.

    He really should get Betty's help. She can teleport shit for crying out loud...

    Oh, and the crazy guy with invi hands scene was a repeat from Rem's cycle. It's like the author went Bleach on us with that one.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 07-24-2016 at 05:16 PM.
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  2. #142
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What Iīm not sure about: The general that got killed by the wale, as the coachmen told Subaru, was that supposed to be Reinhard?
    Whoever he is, he's alive. Otherwise, no one would remember him.

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  3. #143
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Whoever he is, he's alive. Otherwise, no one would remember him.

    good point!

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  4. #144
    He could be dead. Just not killed by the whale.
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  5. #145
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Poor Subaru, killing Emilia just because he wanted to tell her the truth.

  6. #146
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The amount of cliffhangers are killing me at least as painfully and often as Subaru has died in this show.

  7. #147
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Irrelevant cliffhangers because we all know he's gonna reset.
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  8. #148
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    It never was about whether he does or does not reset for me.

    Big suprise, the MC will most likely win at some point.

  9. #149
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The problem is all this "tragedy" and "suffering" is pretty much meaningless. Just die and do over.

    That doesn't really work in other stories. People die when they are killed.
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  10. #150
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Itīs really not meaningless. Seeing loved ones die, over and over again, takes a toll. And no, knowing that itīs not real does not make it better. I can factually tell you that, as I had a nightmare last year, a really shitty one that included something bad happening to family members of mine. I woke up and knew it was a dream. But I felt ill for almost a week after that night. And Subaru isnīt just dreaming. He experiences as if it were real AND he doesnīt WANT to reset! Youīre forgetting that Subaru isnīt exactly eager to commit suicide. That actually only happened once, and last episode displayed his desire to stay alive.

    Do you think Okabeīs mental worsening in Steins;Gate was unwarranted? Because he should have kown that he can always reset?

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  11. #151
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    This entire post is Okabe spoiler. Let us know if you haven't seen this show and would like us to stop:

    Well Okabe was despairing because nothing was working, but at the same time he was trying everything. He'd let Mayuri die in his runs to learn more about his enemies. He consciously uses his lives to plan ahead.

    At the same time though, he doesn't actually die traumatically. He just jumps.

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  12. #152
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Buff is right. Okabe was smart about his loops. Subaru isn't.

    @Mfauli - But Subaru already killed himself once. That means he can do it again. That suicide jump was relatively painless, so why doesn't he just do it instead of continuing a timeline where Rem isn't there? I don't get that part. So he's so afraid of dying that it's okay for Rem to cease to exist as long as Emilia is saved?

    And I'm pretty sure knowing that things will reset DOES make it better. This might sound cruel, but forgive me because I'm just trying to make a point. What if that dream you had wasn't a dream? According to you, it being a dream doesn't make it better. So that means, you'll feel exactly the same if whatever happened in that dream actually happened. I really don't think that's the case.

    Also, anecdotal evidence isn't fact.
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  13. #153
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Exactly that was the case. The feeling of the dream transferred into my reality and stayed with me for 2-3 days. Was terrible.

    Also, buff isnīt agreeing with you, shinta. Heīs saying that Subaru has even worse mental stress than Okabe. The latter only had to jump back in time to try again. Subaru has to DIE to accomplish that. Itīs on a whole different level. "He can do it again" you say. I guess weīll have to agree to disagree, because that is nothing anybody can prove or disprove. I stand firm that nobody would get used to dying. Not after a single time, anyway.

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  14. #154
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm not saying Subaru shouldn't feel anything about the loops, actually. I'm saying WE shouldn't feel anything as viewers. Because we know he's gonna reset.

    That said, I'll be the devil's advocate and continue arguing about how much of a pussy Subaru is. There is in fact evidence that he CAN do it again. He's looped several times now, and if it's repeatable, that means it's reliable. "What if it suddenly stops and he dies?" That's like saying what if gravity suddenly stopped and we all die. There is nothing to suggest that the loops are gonna stop so far, so chances are leaning very heavily on the loops continuing. That, and this guy knows about anime and stuff, remember? He knows about stories like this. He even named his ability to loop. He pretty much relied on it several times throughout the story, thinking he can just go back to fix stuff. Now, he suddenly seems to have forgotten all about it.

    Fuck Rem! I dun wanna die! Yeah, after that girl sacrificed herself for you so many times. What the fuck.

    Also. an ill feeling staying with your for 2-3 days is different from it actually sticking with you forever because the bad events were real and immutable.

    Buff was making 2 points, one leaning towards mine about Subaru being a dumbass, and one towards yours, about traumatic deaths. I just agreed with his first point.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 07-28-2016 at 08:39 AM.
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  15. #155
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The only positive fact is that by staying longer, he can grab more details and data about several places, friends and enemies.
    But it's only useful if he can somehow get over his mental stress.
    One thing to note about his character: he's a shutin teenager. Of course it hurts and its difficult to deal with life and death situations in a violent environnement ruled by powers you don't understand, facing people who have survived this for all their lives...
    It's like suddenly living in a country plunged in a civil war when you never ever encountered violence... Even at 40, I'm not sure I would like and tolerate the experience.
    And since the reset only heals his body, I can understand why behaves that way.
    Doesn't mean I wanted to watch that in my anime list...

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  16. #156
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    And since the reset only heals his body, I can understand why behaves that way.
    Doesn't mean I wanted to watch that in my anime list...
    This. Understandable is different from entertaining, or even tolerable.

    Just a note, I never said Subaru's condition is unbelievable or unrealistic. It's just fucking annoying.
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  17. #157
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Iīd say it has become annoying by now, because they spent 3 or more episodes on showing us his "new" pathetic side. Episode 15 was enough. Episode 16 emphasized it, gave it more breadth, okay. But did we really need episode 17? We get it, thatīs how Subaru really is or has become or whatever. Now go on, tell a story!

    Since David mentions it: Iīm still curious, if his shut-in status plays into whatīs happening at the moment. Itīd be interesting, as it would explain why that was mentioned at all in episode 1, because Subaru NEVER behaved like a shut-in until ep 15. But itīs also difficult to judge, because the current Subaru could easily simply be the result of dying and witnessing death again and again - something that would break most peopleīs mind.

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  18. #158
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Subaru's behavior should be perfectly understandable by now (and it's perfectly realistic too). It's time to show us that he can overcome this somehow... or not, if they wants to go for a tragic ending similar to what happened after he got kidnapped by Mr.Sloth. (which is very unlikely of course).

    The reason why I'm not bored yet is because the things going on so far are very interesting. And the resets are still exciting and suspenseful, I have no idea why someone would write them off as "he can just start again", because he or we never know at what point he'll be brought back to life. Right now for example, what if his savepoint is @ post white-whale encounter when he woke up next to Ram? Even if he respawns in the capital, it's still interesting to see what Puck will do and how he'll react, how it will influence him and it's also interesting that he can see Sloth's "invisible hands", suggesting that he got a powerup. It might even have to do something with his condition of not being able to tell anyone about his ability... after all, it looked like the "shadow-hands" embraced him this time around, instead of restricting him or squeezing his heart.

    The resets tell us so much about what each of the characters think about Subaru and since he remembers that, it's always interesting to watch their next encounter.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 07-28-2016 at 11:13 AM.

  19. #159
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    We know he'll reset before the tragedies because it's Re:Zero, not Grimgar. If they were going for a tragic story, they would've permanently killed one important character already.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I have no idea why someone would write them off as "he can just start again", because he or we never know at what point he'll be brought back to life.
    But we do. He always goes back to the same save point until he overcomes the trials. That's what the entire first half of this show has hammered into us. I'm more surprised people are actually in suspense that this might randomly change for no real reason.
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  20. #160
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    That's some stupid logic.

    On top of that, his reset is after their breakup too, which got him in this mess in the first place.

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