Episode 2.


So it's confirmed that Subaru is an idiot. While I'm not a fan of his character type, I liked almost everything else the 2nd episode presented, particularly Felt. DFC, tube, wakilicious, and a tomboy!? I really felt it with her (pun intended).

Elsa is freaking scary. She is like a boss character that the protagonist meets at the very start of an RPG. It doesn't help that none of the name characters so far seem to be anywhere near her level, with the possible exception of Sakamoto, I mean, Reinhard. Fortunately, she didn't dig too deeply about his reaction and "let it go."

I wonder if there's a limit to his looping ability? If there isn't, he can just gather info for now and pick the best possible ending. History can in fact be changed, proven by his encounter with Reinhard.

His first step in the next episode should be convincing "Satella" to trust him. While a tsundere, she seems to be the most reasonable of the lot. With his lack of communication and negotiation skills, it'd be impossible for him to persuade Felt, a born street rat and an ambitious thief. Good intentions are meaningless to her type.

Looking at the opening, Subaru is eventually gonna get a harem. I wonder if his reset ability will ever get nullified? The OP suggests that the looping will last throughout the cour. If so, is it really gonna be a harem? Or will he have to lose his previous conquests when going for a new one in a new loop, much like Keima?