Yes. I don't even mind stupid characters, to be honest. I loved Konosuba, for one. The problem is this show's execution is very poor, for reasons I've already stated. It's half-assed. It tries the same comedic style as Konosuba but also wants to deliver a serious story with stratification and deaths. It's annoying to watch a character die repeatedly because he's stupid if the deaths are supposed to be taken seriously.
EDIT: I don't particularly want him to be a boring, cowardly person. He can be a charismatic and analytical guy like Manato. He can be weak and kind like Bell. Heck, he can be an ass like Kazuma. I just don't want slapstick comedy driven by a stupid protagonist wrapped in a high budget "serious" story.
BTW, no one is losing their shit, well, except you. I only listed down and explained my complaints. Relax and enjoy the show without getting too carried away by opinions of other viewers.