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Thread: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

  1. #161
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why is it stupid logic? It's been the pattern so far. That's how people learn and progress. They read patterns and use them for prediction. Saying "things might randomly change because we have no absolute proof it won't" seems more illogical to me.

    The breakup is hardly a tragedy compared to Rem and everyone else dying. And that breakup has nothing to do with Emilia getting killed by cultists. That said, I'm pretty sure that save point was selected for the drama.

    I think the main difference between our views is I'm approaching this story as a story, not immersing myself in it. I can easily predict what will happen because I've read/seen stories like this before. I totally welcome a surprise, but right now, I don't think the possibility is high.
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  2. #162
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Okay, then, since you´re calling the story oh so predictable please elaboriate on what´s going to happen, from here towards the end. I´m being serious. Because so far this hasn´t been predictable at all imo. Episode 14 where Subaru suddenly changed his entire behavior. Episode 15 where a whole new group of super villains (deadly sins, akin to Fullmetal Alchemist) was introduced. Episode 17 where a whale monster was introduced that erases those it eats from existence. Subaru crying for his life, instead of instantly killing himself to bring back Rem. None of that was predictable.

    Here´s what would be predictable: Puck kills Subaru; Subaru asks Reinhard to kill the whale to bring back Rem; then there´s a big chunk of unpredictable plot; then the witch´s identity is revealed. Then Subaru´s fate is revealed.

    THAT is what is predictable. If there´s anything else, please do us the favor and tell us. And no, simply calling certain elements or tropes "predictable" doesn´t count, because you never WHICH trope will happen. Maybe Subaru calls Reinhard for help. Maybe he unites everybody he knows for help. Maybe he decides to train his magic abilities by continuously killing himself to gain time. Maybe ... But simply naming these options doesn´t make them predictable.

    Sorry if this posting coms off as too harsh, but I´m tired of such smug attitude, calling a great, exciting anime "predictable", when it´s done everything to stay fresh and surprising. Even at the cost of proper plot progression, it´s not entirely something positive, lol.

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  3. #163
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's predictable in the sense that Subaru is gonna die and Rem's disappearance and Emilia's death are gonna get reset. We can even bet on it.

    I'm not saying the entire story is predictable. I'm saying that a looping story is predictable by nature. It's not really dissing this show in particular, nor am I saying the specific events are cliche. It's mainly a response to Krayz saying that we (and Subaru) can't know if his save point is suddenly gonna change for no reason whatsoever. I'm saying we can, based on the pattern so far and the usual development of time looping stories.

    You guys need to calm down. My replies have been really congenial despite how tempting it is to not be, so I'd appreciate it if you lay off the attitude. Calling my logic stupid or challenging me to precognition contests aren't exactly what I would call playing nice.

    What would be completely unpredictable is if Subaru really did load a new save point. That'll be an awesome surprise, and I'll give props to the author if he can salvage a story without Emilia and Rem. But we all know that's not gonna happen.

    BTW, since you're asking for a prediction, I'll go ahead and throw one out there.

    I think Subaru will eventually get over his psycho phase and start working to get help to save Emilia. My bet is that he'll use the info he gets from the cycles to manipulate the queen candidates and get their assistance to save Emilia. The loop where he got shamed by those princess bitches suggests as much. He needs to at least get back at them somehow for the story to have a satisfying end.

    Being the hero, Subaru will win back everyone's trust and be all cool in the end. I really don't see him becoming a powerful knight or wizard. That would deviate from the theme of the story so far.

    I think he'll get help from the knight dude who beat the shit out of him. That's just how anime stories work. The hero always makes up with the secretly kind bully and gets him as an ally.

    I'm pretty sure this will end with the entire cast alive and well. But who knows.

    That's my 2 cents.


    As I was writing that prediction, I thought it sounded familiar. Then I remembered I made a similar guess a few days ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    But I'm sure the anime will take the more roundabout way of him getting help from the other nobles through negotiation, get some real power for himself, and pawn crazy clown guy in the last episode.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 07-28-2016 at 03:32 PM.
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  4. #164
    My current prediction is that Reinhard is the ultimate badguy (or working directly under the ultimate badguy).

    There are a few reasons for this:
    The ultimate villain should be introduced early, and not just be some random new character.
    He's way too nice and way too strong.
    He's supporting Felt, who wants to overthrow the kingdom, for somewhat mysterious reasons.
    Supposedly he's as good as this Swordmaster guy, and the Swordmaster supposedly died to the whale that erases your existence when you die to it. Yet, we know about the Swordmaster. Reinhard probably is him.
    It would be interesting and also present another good tragic/suffering moment for Subaru.

  5. #165
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Reinhardt can't be the ultimate badguy. Why? He's too weak.

    Subaru has witch time looping powers. If the witch isn't the ultimate bad guy, Reinhardt is just plain irrelevant.
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  6. #166
    If Reinhard is the direct accomplice/subordinate for the witch, then that can be worked around.

    I will be somewhat disappointed if "mysterious witch we haven't seen" is really the mastermind. If there even is a mastermind. Maybe I'm just giving the story too much credit.

    There are a lot of plot threads dangling around: someone had to hire Elsa, Felt's background, Roswal, Emilia's background, the witch cult, the Swordmaster, the Dragon, the Witch, etc. I hope they're all at least somewhat connected and don't end up being random/unanswered.

    I will reconsider my stance on mysterious witch if she is at least as good as Rem.
    If mysterious witch is Emilia, then I think it'll be pretty stupid.

    Mysterious witch being Subaru could be interesting, though I'm not sure how you would explain that.

  7. #167
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    .. Subaru was threatenned with death when telling his secret. When he stopped giving a shit about that, the witch decides to kill listeners instead.

    If Subaru tells his secret to the witch's servants, who does she kill?


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #168
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The servants most likely, I don't know what the witch is thinking, but they made it pretty clear that the witch "embraces" Subaru for one reason or another in the last episode. (Or Subaru subconsciously embraces the witch's teachings)
    I say she made him one of the Sins by now.. a champion of hers, so to say.

    If that guy is Sloth, Subaru would clearly be Superbia or Ira. Seeing how they kept talking about his pride and all that, it's probably the first.
    And if that is anything to go by, Pride is the 1st (MC) and Sloth is the 7th (first evil boss) on Wikipedia, suggesting a hierarchy
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 07-29-2016 at 01:10 AM.

  9. #169
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, my prediction is that Emilia is the witch, after all. She gave Subaru her core powers to get rid of the smell that now haunts Subaru. But since everybody is convinced that Subaru cannot be the witch and is just some stranger idiot, that doesn´t matter. At the same time, the witch made sure to flirt with Subaru in a way that has made him give it his all to support Emilia. It´s really atypical how Emilia is accepting of Subaru´s constant flirtatious approaches, no matter how cringingly direct he is, she takes it and neither blushes nor gets angry.
    My guess is that the witch cannot, for unknown reasons, accomplish something on her own. She needs to become the land´s ruler. Therefore she uses people from our world as her unknowing servants. She infatuates them with herself, then watches as they go through hell to try and make her happy. The time reset makes sure that nothing can truly go wrong, it´s a both a "tool" to use for her servants, as it is also a fail-safe for her.
    What happens when she realizes that her servant has failed, can be seen with Betelgeuse, who i suspect to be a former servant of hers. Having gone through hundreds if not thousands resets, that guy has completely lost his mind. And we had the first signs of Subaru losing it, too, in ep 15. There we also saw Emilia reacting in a disappointed manner towards him.

    I think the ending will be tragic no matter what. Either the witch wins because nobody suspected Emilia OR Subaru has a final mental breakdown once he realizes he needs to kill Emilia and end her curse to make it all stop.

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  10. #170
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    If mysterious witch is Emilia, then I think it'll be pretty stupid.
    I think the witch hasn't been introduced yet. The story is far too expansive. I've already mentioned this, but from what I've read on reddit, the anime will end at the 3rd arc of the story. I believe that's not even halfway through the released novels.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    If Subaru tells his secret to the witch's servants, who does she kill?

    Subaru. The only reason the witch killed Emilia was because Subaru valued her life more than his (because he loops).
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  11. #171
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Could it be that Subaru himself killed Emilia instead of the witch? I mean his Miasma gets stronger whenever he dies. Before it couldn't manifest outside of himself. and only squeeze a heart. The closest one. His own. Now he accidentally summoned those hands himself and focused on Emilia. Sure he wanted to tell her but thanks to that he focused on her and this his own Unseen Hands killed her. My crazy little theory anyway.

  12. #172
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think the hands come from his body, though. I think they just pop out close to him.
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  13. #173
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    But we didn't see what happened did we? The only ones who can actually see the hands are the ones from the cult and Subaru. But we will have to wait until Sunday.

  14. #174
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I wish I had invisible hands like Joker guy. I'm pretty sure he can feel what those hands touch, so that'll be like the most awesome ero ability.
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  15. #175
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    New ep is out!

    Won't say anything yet.

  16. #176
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I´m almost thinking about dropping this show.



    the fuck ...?!

    I wanted to punch him in the face so hard when he said "that". Fuck.

    Cant even think about the story-hints we got. That was too much. Subaru is the biggest failure of a main character ever. I´ll take 100 gay Ichikas over this fucking asshole.

    Hope he´s caught in an eternal cycle of dying.

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  17. #177
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Texas, where else?
    At least it looks like he's finally back on track with a concrete goal, and he didn't even have to die (again) to learn this cycle.

  18. #178
    Believe in the me that believes in you. With this episode the show just touched bottom and is now complete garbage. Wich could be a good thing cause now it can only get better (or stay the same).

    Luckly not many eps left so if I endured this shitshow thus far im confident I will see it end. Im not pussy like Subaru.

    Puck is OP.
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  19. #179
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You guys are nuts.

    This episode is one of the best anime episodes ever created.
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  20. #180
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    You guys are nuts.

    This episode is one of the best anime episodes ever created.
    Only if you´re a complete psycho.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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