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Thread: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

  1. #121
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He doesn't know either, but what other choice does he have? He has to abuse his power to amount to something.
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  2. #122
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    New ep is out!

    Subaru will be Subaru I guess. Got a lot to learn.

  3. #123
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It really is strange how his persona has changed SO much ever since that big meeting ceremony with all the canidates and knights and whatever. Ever since than and what happened shortly thereafter, it´s like we have a different hero. To be frank: If that is supposed to be "character development", it´s super bad. Way too abrupt, too rushed, too extreme. If a girl gives you a "no", you don´t change THAT much, come on.
    I´m still hopeful that this is meant to be insight into the "real" Subaru, and that the Subaru of the first 13 episodes was fake in nature, as in him thinking "cool, I´m in a fantasy world! I don´t care about anything! This is what I always wanted, me, a hikkikomori! Whatever happens, I´ll just try to have the most fun!". Now we´re seeing the real Subaru, somebody who´s struggling with people and social situations.

    Besides that, I´m really scared that there aren´t enough episodes left to tell a proper story. This episode really didn´t drive things forward, it was simply an episode telling us "you cannot change what´s about to happen by making some pre-emptive move". That´s what this episode told us. Subaru HAS TO deal with the cult, he has to find a way here. And it´s rather obvious that way will consist of finding out exactly what the 3 girls want to have, so they grant him their support. Then Subaru will also make sure to ask for Reinhard´s help on the very first day of the cycle.
    But that´s at least another episode of fullfilling that. Then we have to get to fighting the cult. Then whe have to save Emilia. Then we have to find out about the witch. Then we have to find out about Subaru. And then there´s those Fullmetal Alchemist-esque special cult members named after the biblical deadly sins, that we have to find out about.
    Seriously, there´s a 50 episode story to be told, but we only have less than 10 episodes left ...

    Also (pardon the repetition): If Subaru doesn´t end up with Rem, fuck him. She´s so great. I rewatched ep 15. She´s got the aura of a main character already. She´s gorgeous, she´s cute, she´s loli, she´s got boobs, she´s strong, she´s devoted to her love, she´s strong-willed, and so on. Emilia´s got NOTHING on her.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #124
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This show is ending at the LN's 3rd arc. The LN is much longer than that, I think, so this won't solve all mysteries. It will only end this new save point cycle.

    Subaru is absolutely pathetic, but all those other royal candidates are scum. I found the animal girl's scene hilarious. She actually said that you can't change the past, lol! That's the one thing Subaru can do. Talk about a shameflag. She'll get whooped by Subaru before this show ends, I'm sure.

    Subaru really should become OP through the witch's time magic and pawn all of them to make Emilia top dog and then marry Rem.
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  5. #125
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    This show brings out the most excruciating frustration I have ever felt (that I can bring to mind) at watching a person make poor decisions and mistakes. It reminds me of the court hearing scene in the movie Southpaw; I just roll my eyes at a man-child screaming to get his way when the reality of the situation isn't so stiff that a better goal couldn't be achieved with a level head. I guess because I don't typically explode like that I cannot relate to it and don't really find it 'realistic', leading to a disconnect. Subaru is almost getting worse at reading atmosphere and thinking logically even though its the last option he's forced to try, since every other kind of temper tantrum has failed his cause. I am now officially at saturation and want Subaru to show some kind of growth or I'm certain my frustration will become annoyance and overpower my enjoyment of Re Zero.

    All that even overshadows the mist dragon development for me.

  6. #126
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also (pardon the repetition): If Subaru doesn´t end up with Rem, fuck him. She´s so great. I rewatched ep 15. She´s got the aura of a main character already. She´s gorgeous, she´s cute, she´s loli, she´s got boobs, she´s strong, she´s devoted to her love, she´s strong-willed, and so on. Emilia´s got NOTHING on her.
    Didn't you want him to kill her?

  7. #127
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Didn't you want him to kill her?
    Yes. And now she developed in a way that made me forget about that. Great, isn´t it? Or did you think you discovered a "gotcha!" moment? lol

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #128
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    also, i reeeeally hope Rem is killed. Would be absolute bullcrap if Subaru forgave her killing him once/attempting to do so a second time, just because she´s a cute girl with a sister.


    fuck this shit!
    Subaru is the most masochist character I´ve ever seen. This is such bullshit that he tries to help those psycho bitch sisters. If it weren´t for Subaru´s skill/curse, he´d be DEAD ... by the hand´s of Rem!!1
    When stupid Ram was kneeling next to Rem´s bed, glaring at Subaru, I so hoped he´d yell at her "you dumbfucking cunt-sister deserves all this and worse!".


    While it FEELS like the plot progresses, I simply cannot overlook that Ram or Rem killed Subaru. It is inexcusable. Seriously. If it weren´t for his special curse/ability, he´d be gone. Forever. Because some shitty loli killed him. It feels so wrong that he forgives that. Fuck. I won´t be satisfied until Rem or Ram are killed, preferably in a gruesome way

    What exactly happened, for you to make a 180° with a backflip on top of it? I didn't really "think" I discovered a "gotcha!" moment as you put it, I'm just calling you out on your tantrums and how worthless your older statements seem to be.
    You became what you hated, Subaru.

    Rem didn't even have any kind of significant character development that somehow justifies her alternative-timeline behavior. She was mad in one ep, and super-kawaii in the next for no real reason. Even cute AND batshit crazy in one of them.
    Even Subaru pretty much stayed the same throughout all the timelines that "made her change" - I always wondered why they decided not to kill him this time around.

    The sisters were alot nicer during the third attempt for no reason imho, but since I liked them anyway, I was actually glad about that.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-18-2016 at 12:42 PM.

  9. #129
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I disagree. The evil Rem loop was because Subaru did not interact with the maids at all. He chose to be a guest and locked himself in his room, and then chose to leave the mansion after.

    They were nicer in the succeeding loops because Subaru already knew their quirks and how to handle them. He was also better at his job and therefore more useful.

    Rem is only batshit crazy when she's in battle mode. That's a logical divide, I think.

    Changing one's opinion on a character is normal, especially in a show like this where they really do change significantly. Rem fell in love with Subaru and became super devoted, a big change from her old cold self.

    Heck, I used to like Emilia, but after her fight with Subaru, I honestly don't give a fuck about her anymore.
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  10. #130
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Here´s the deciding difference, Kray:

    Rem is now in love with Subaru.

    That single fact changes EVERYTHING. I couldn´t forgive her the murder on Subaru before, as she got to live on without any repercussions from Subaru´s side. He had all the reason to be mad, but her simply ignored that that loli girl murdered him. But that changed. This loli girl now is absolutely devoted to him. It´s not just the "i love you"-scene from episode 15. Even before, she was there for him, kept supporting him, head on lap, smiling, all that stuff. There´s nothing cheap about their relationship, she honestly loves Subaru. And that has me forgiving her. Seeing her follow through her affection towards Subaru by going full-Guts and coming to save him only cemented that feeling. She´s genuine, not some stereotypical moe-loli character type that she was before that.

  11. #131
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I disagree. The evil Rem loop was because Subaru did not interact with the maids at all. He chose to be a guest and locked himself in his room, and then chose to leave the mansion after.

    They were nicer in the succeeding loops because Subaru already knew their quirks and how to handle them. He was also better at his job and therefore more useful.

    Changing one's opinion on a character is normal, especially in a show like this where they really do change significantly. Rem fell in love with Subaru and became super devoted, a big change from her old cold self.

    Heck, I used to like Emilia, but after her fight with Subaru, I honestly don't give a fuck about her anymore.
    I might confuse episodes here and I'm pretty sure he was a butler twice and a guest once.
    He got killed by them/her in all 3 timelines (and he survived the 4th? or did he survive the third already, I can't remember. Edit oh yeah, the third time was when he locked himself up @ loli library, that one was fair game.)

    When he was a butler, he interacted with them just as much as he did later, but he wasn't as good at his work.
    He went to town with Rem, playing with children and made her smile, the viewer at this point most likely thought that she fell for him (when he came up with this demonically possesed talk).
    Didn't matter, he would've died from the curse, yet it was Rem who finished him but certainly not out of mercy.

    He was *barely* more useful during the time he survived, in fact he seemed to be much more useless to me, he was ill, he couldn't work because he overworked, he made *a lot* of mistakes and troubled them more than anything.

    I really think that they did a poor job in developing them. You'd think the time where he went to town with Rem (and got unknowlingly cursed) or the talk with Ram (blue/red ogre story) was just as impactful as his "dedication to work" later on. We have to keep in mind that the battle in the forest happened AFTER the day they went to town together (so he would've been dead before the fight where he proved himself worthy in all other timelines), unless they went 1 day early in what is now the current timeline?

    Rem is only batshit crazy when she's in battle mode. That's a logical divide, I think.
    When he was a guest, I thought he handled Rem quite well and what triggered her was his "witch aura", which he never lost/did not have in any of the other timelines. I consider her behavior when he killed Subaru in that timeline crazy. I wasn't refering to her loss of control when she goes berserk.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-18-2016 at 02:05 PM.

  12. #132
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    His witch aura is like a default kill stamp on him. The twins were attacked and orphaned by witch cultists as children, so they hate those who belong to that group with a passion. It was on Subaru to prove himself trustworthy. That only happened when he fought with Rem and for the children.
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  13. #133
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    That pissed me off to no end.

    "You have a witch aura and you're freeloading. You're fucking dead."


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #134
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's like finding a spy in your home base. Kill it with fire.
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  15. #135
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    It feels more like finding a "Spy" in TF2.. shoot everyone, if it takes damage, it's a spy!

  16. #136
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure without the witch aura, the maids wouldn't have hurt him. That childhood event traumatized them a lot.

    Better safe than sorry. It's not a logical or praiseworthy attitude, but it's definitely plausible and understandable, especially in a world where touching someone can put a curse on them. Rem, in fact, died from a curse in one of the iterations. They're just afraid of that happening.

    IIRC, the curse was supposed to be irreversible after getting activated. How did the children survive..?

    I keep hoping Subaru will be the next Slaine, only not get NTRd twice. Shoot my girl, I become the next Lelouch!

    Instead, we get the hulk, only without the powers and all the stupidity and rage.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Tue, 07-19-2016 at 01:47 PM.
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  17. #137
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 17 is out

    that was ... tortue porn. Seriously wtf.

    Since I just finished playing Steins;Gate for PSVita, I had some MAJOR Steins;Gate flash when the coachmen asked "who is Rem?" Serious chills. It´s obvious that this is linked to the Hakugei. It´s probably something like "whoever gets eaten by the White Wale ceases to exist". Similiar to dying while being dead in Dragon Ball. My BIG fear now is: Subaru´s reset won´t fix that. It´s pure speculation, but I have feeling that Rem is now removed from all planes of existence, so jumping back in time won´t fix anything. It cannot end like that, so I guess we´ll see some wale hunting action soon.

    And then there´s Betelgeuse. I googled and indeed, it´s Kirito´s voice actor. Why that matters: Betelgeuse gives me the impression of not being a genuine villain ,but that of a fallen hero; in which case choosing Kirito´s voice actor would make a lot of sense. When Betelgeuse got angry because Subaru could see his invisible hands, I actually thought to myself "huh, maybe Betelgeuse IS Subaru". Again, coming from the Steins;Gate flash from earlier, I´d imagine that this is a Subaru who has died 1000s of times already, thus having descended into darkness. Like when Okabe in Steins;Gate at some point thinks "hm, I could rape Suzuha for fun and it wouldn´t matter, because by jumping back in time everything would be okay". Losing himself. It´d also fit Subaru´s shadow magic, which those hands appear to be of familiar origin. Again, that´s all speculation and just something that came to my mind. A friend of mine said that maybe Betelgeuse is another candidate from reality. Or that Betelgeuse represents one of Subaru´s inner weaknesses. I guess we´ll have to wait and find out.

    What I´m not sure about: The general that got killed by the wale, as the coachmen told Subaru, was that supposed to be Reinhard?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  18. #138
    I dont know this series makes no sense to me no more. Writer has a list with numbered situations and he goes rolling a dice to tell whats going to happen next.

    Its like reading those books about choosing your own path, that send you to different pages depending on the choices you make, just straight from page 1 to the end not giving a f.. to the instructions.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  19. #139
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And a lot of it makes little sense to move the plot. This episode revealed absolutely nothing new, just presented random bad events to make us feel "bad" for Subaru, which we don't because it's been overdone now, and we STILL know the reset will fix all this.

    The very concept of a reset cheapens the concept of tragedy. It's like watching The Edge of Tomorrow knowing the bullshit hollywood ending.

    The funniest part was, instead of Subaru explaining that the Cult is coming after Emilia, he decides to risk his own life to explain his resurrection powers (which are by FAR harder to believe than some anonymous tip of an attack). Well, obviously, that didn't end well.

    Things on any person's checklist to do after experiencing all these resets:
    1) Learn of a way to mask the witch's aura to avoid getting hunted by anything and everything. (Optional)
    2) Go straight to animal eared noble to get a dragon carriage on the first day. Who cares if she brags like a bitch. Just smirk because you already knew she would lol.
    3) Hurry back to Emilia without passing through the sandstorm.
    4) Get to the village and evacuate everyone. Lie about the reason if necessary.
    5) Stop being a pussy about it and talk to Emilia properly. Explain what you can without touching on the witch's reset ability. According to the rules, he can talk about everything he's seen in the previous cycles, just not the power itself. In that case, the info he gained, such as puck becoming a giant mofo and calling Emilia his daughter is proof enough that he "knows" stuff mysteriously.

    This is the simple way. But I'm sure the anime will take the more roundabout way of him getting help from the other nobles through negotiation, get some real power for himself, and pawn crazy clown guy in the last episode.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 07-24-2016 at 04:13 PM.
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  20. #140
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    A lot of what you complain about can be explained with a lacking personality/unrest state of mind. Subaru has been clearly following a path of misery for many episodes now. It´s not too hard to believe that he doesn´t realize certain situations.

    Also, as I mentioned above, I´m doubtful that a new reset will fix "everything" this time. And even if it does, it also doesn´t negatve tragicness. Did it do that for your in Steins;Gate?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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