Mine was Mimi setting up to allow Garf to cry. I was mildly surprised that she was a girl, since I've only recognised her as a kid.Originally Posted by MFauli
Mine was Mimi setting up to allow Garf to cry. I was mildly surprised that she was a girl, since I've only recognised her as a kid.Originally Posted by MFauli
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Gotta say, it's weird seeing a child-sized person with a childlike mentality and way of speaking try to seduce Garf, even though canonically she is 14-15.
I have no idea. I checked the wiki, and the height seems static, although different depending on source material:
As for why they shortened her in the LN and anime, who the fuck knows.
That height difference is the same as mine and James Harden LOL.
Season 3 Episode 4:
ROFL. Ending the episode in a way to get woke-tards outraged on social media"Are you a virgin? That's all that matters". Lol. What a question and thing to say.
As for the episode, I'm still bothered that the story is getting split up so much. Subaru is the only one who can reset time, so if, say Otto is dead already, nobody can bring him back :/ So don't show me Otto >_>
On one hand I like the progress we made, on the other hand it feels like this could all be done much more intelligent. Especially if Subaru was willing to kill himself. So many people were already killed.
Also, the slimmer, sword-using cult-member is totally Wilhelm's dead wife, isn't she? At least she's the only one I'd accept being able to keep up with Wilhelm.
The dragon design was kinda nice. It was somewhat generic, but then also had weird traits and at the end went full "demon dragon". Creepy.
Not sure about Julius, Subaru and Crusch being the forward-team. Also anime, don't make me ship SubaruaXCrusch.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Judging from those egg sacs, there's going to be a bunch of reaminated corpses to fight.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Season 3 Episode 5:
I need to get this out first: The designs of all the new female characters have been atrocious in this season. Everyone is some trashy looking loli. And now this Lugunica is just completely insufferable, both in how she looks and how she talks. Ugh.
Other than that I'm annoyed that they keep waiting for Subaru to die. Apparently he'll even survive the end of this episode, because otherwise it wouldn't make sense that we saw Felt send Reinhard to the fight. But with all the people being turned into monster flies and the town being flooded, what sense is there in staying in this iteration of reality? Really would have wished for a reset already.
Best scene of the episode: Crusch's boobs getting squished. God, they looked really tasty.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm finding this season really messy. Stuff happening everywhere. I don't even remember Gluttony.
I wonder who the dragon is. Guess is going to be one of Garf's half-siblings. If so, that's pretty good insight for a kid, who just got owned but Crusch and Subaru but realise they're not the bad guys and should be saved.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Having regeneration is a real problem for Subaru, because it means it's WAY harder to trigger a redo.
I don't understand anything that's going on rn. Too many people died, Subaru should have resetted ages ago.
My biggest criticism is that the multiple povs don't work for this series. We get to see so many different characters' viewpoints, but Subaru is the one who resets all of them when he dies. So either he's not gonna die for dumb reasons anymore, or we'll see a lot of meaningless stuff.
And Regulus is just the weirdest character ever. Literally "toxic masculinity" as a character.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
He is not gonna die and reset the past few episodes. The reset point will either be right after he swears to save everyone or a little after that.
Episode 57:
That was kind of a whatever-speech. It was nice and uplifting, sure, but I don't understand what it really did towards defeating the Sin Archbishops. I expected more of a direct provoation, like "You will never marry Emilia, Regulus, because I'm the only man for her!" and such.
Also, if the purpose of the speech was to get people's mind in a more positive spirit, why not have the songstress sing into the mic? That's what I was sure was gonna happen.
Oh well. Reinhard appearing at the end was kinda lame, because ... duh, of course, you'll have to help, my friend.
3 things I'm still wondering:
- why didn't Emilia just run? "For the safety of the other wives" cannot be a good reason when Regulus will casually kill them for the slightest, random thing anyway.
- so Subaru is still infected with Lust's dragon blood. That's bound to cause some bad suprise at some point.
- how tf do you fight Regulus? Every scene of him fighting so far has been him doing overpowered telekinetic bs that's impossible to dodge and he himself appears to be invincible.
Also, kinda disappointed the witches from season 2 are completely absent in season 3. Would be better writing if stuff that happened earlier still is relevant now.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Yeah, way too much build up for little pay off.
Btw did Emilia hit her head at the start of the beginning or did her boob growth reduce her IQ? I find her honestly dumb at many times in this 3rd season. Starting with the "I don't know what a virgin is", but even further she talks like someone who was just born :/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Yeah the walk was boring and uninspiring for me.
I know Subaru is great at talking out of his ass. Reinhardt is now here to actually put some muscles behind those words.
Subaru's winning ability is that he can figure out the enemy's plan/mechanics and plan beforehand with each subsequent life. Right now that hasn't happened and I'm really left with "well what good is he for?"
As for the dragon blood, we've established that it doesn't work anywhere else other than his leg, so dying is still easy.
Priscilla is my favourite character right now. She's just built different in a slightly less OP way than Reinhardt is. She's also selfish, so that makes her more interesting than him.
Regulus going "I knew you'd look good in white".. like Emilia hasn't been dressed in mostly white forever.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I actually got teary eyed while listening to the speech, not because of some unique content or masterful wordsmithing, but because it was exactly what I needed to hear more than a week after the US elections. Things are very bleak with signs of worse to come, but I looked beside me to my wife, who was planning her 3 "hear me out" cake picks for her incoming birthday, and realized that I don't have time to be depressed or to give up. Gotta fucking fight.
I wonder how they're gonna split forces for the 4 towers. Subaru would want to go to the wedding aka where Regulus is but I see NO way of him beating him. Even with Betty with him (who.he's tasked to.watch for), I don't see it. It must be Reinhard. Lust I see getting a revenge fight against Crusch, accompanied by Felix who might be able to somehow suppress the dragon blood effect. Not sure if those 2 are enough for Lust. Wrath I see either unexpectedly crash the wedding or attend it as a spectator, so Emilia would fight her again, maybe with her feline spirit awakening again. That'd leave Gluttony for Wilhelm, Garfiel and the Wolfguy, with Wilhelm taking on thar cloaked girl again who I'm still sure is his wife. My hope is that Reinhard's father has a change of heart and comes to help them, when things start going in the wrong direction.
Rofl, that actually kinda fits the mood. And Ivanka is Trump-Regulus' Emilia. 💀🐧