"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Certainly would be interesting to see the aftermath of that. They'd know they got their asses saved by the Alliance Subaru made for them. They would be in debt to him thus kinda forcing Roswald's hand. But I think Roswald knows a lot more than he let's on. I mean that look he gave when Subaru declared he was Emilia's knight was a bit odd in that place and time.
Now that you mention it, Roswal´s entire existence is way too weird. I´m now convinced that Roswal and that magic girl that also lives in the house are part of the "sins", they´re also servants of the witch. Which is why they were helping Subaru. The whole show will be revealed to have been seen from the villain´s side, Emilia aka Satella as the mastermind, Subaru as the unknowing servant.
Will also put a nice spin on first encounter with that hot female assassin. She´ll basically be part of the heroes at that point.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Then why would they save the twins from Magic Cultists?
And why would Rem be so wary of people with Witch auras? I find that pretty unlikely. Roswald also blasted the shit out of the Mabeasts in his forest while Betty defused Subaru's curse.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It´s all the witch´s plan. Didn´t you know?
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Glad to see Subaru finally contribute and manage to negotiate on more or less equal terms with the candidates. He learned more than enough hard lessons, so seeing him put them to use is satisfying. He's going to be very popular with many folks if they manage to kill this white whale that is so hated it has people coming out of retirement just to get a swing in. Also, Subaru didn't mention the 'erasure' effect of the Whale's victims. Does he not know? I suppose it can't be the only way it kills, because of all these people who want it dead, but it seems odd that that fact didn't manifest itself in Subaru's mind as something worth a mention, at least.
Also, I'm glad that the show didn't go the juvenile 'take that' retribution against the candidates who showed Subaru up in previous loops. It would be too indulgent to jeopardize this alliance with a petty grudge no living being would understand or sympathize with anyway. Shrewed enemies make better allies, in my opinion.
Based on the info so far, I don't think the whale is the cause of Rem's disappearance from existence. Most of these people had their loved ones killed or eaten or whatever by the whale, yet all of them remember that fact and want to get revenge. Rem is the exception.
We don't see Rem getting eaten by the whale. She just suddenly disappeared from existence soon after engaging it. A large number of things could've happened in that period, like another enemy, possibly a sin, making an appearance. The Rem disappearance feels like a red herring by the author to bait the audience into thinking the whale was the cause when it is actually something completely different.
One thing is really weird about Roswald, he's always going to meetings and other stuff whenever something comes up...
I always thought that someone is forcing these things on him and that someone is probably trying to get Emilia killed. (or to get Subaru going)
He wasn't there when Emilia lost her emblem (not by her side, nor at home at the mansion), he wasn't there when the witchfiends showed up in the forest and he isn't there when the cult is killing everyone.
We already know what he is trying to do, so I doubt they make him a "sin". He might be evil in his own way, but he wants Emilia alive from what we can tell so far.
It's also worth mentioning that he is the only character that somehow didn't do the same thing/or didn't follow the same schedule when Subaru repeats the timeline and I think that is very important (at least I hope it is).
Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 08-09-2016 at 12:17 PM.
Yeah, I really hope that wasn't just for plot convenience. Because let's face it, having Roswald in any fight scene would just result in him pawning everything aside from sin enemies.
Actually wouldn't be surprised if the Sin's were actual fragments of the Witch. Like the stronger they get, the closer so gets to reviving or something.
Episode 20:
Time for the hunt.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
What the actual fuck.
Subaru, if you haven't noticed yet... this is what I call "Game Over!"
I guess this is what happens when your lures are too strong.
Subaru thought he was in some kind of RPG. Though I never played one, some anime told me bosses have two sets of paterns and become far troublesome when in the second phase (was already working that way in shmups I played almost 30 years ago...)
So I was waiting for that second phase and was sure that attempt to get rid of the whale would fail as they were not able to finish it, eventhough it's not that fast and not that active in attacking power.
But the huge shout clearly felt like a call... equivalent to the one the whales we know irl use.
The reset Subaru used seems to have changed the save point right mid battle. So it's now impossible to prepare for multiple whales, or even persuade people there's more than one.
Feels like a timeline with no way out, even with reset by death...
Because I do not see what can be changed that will give Subaru and the others a way to win. They need a way to kill the whale quickly enough so that there's no call to others.
And no one there felt strong enough for that feat.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
What makes you say his reset changed his savepoint to mid battle? He just made himself a bigger target by getting more of that witch's smell. Nothing indicates his save point changed. Thought it would be interesting to see. But what I like is that now we got a partial view of the witch's face.
This is like a fucking Dark Souls game. You chop the boss to pieces and wonder why it was a little easier than you expected. Then the boss revives with 2 other friends to beat your ass up. Ruin Sentinels and Abyss Walkers, FTW!
He's gotta reset now. The charismatic elites just died, but he got tons of good information from that battle. The fog, the smoke, the the scream, and the three whales.
Gotta say Wilhelm was an idiot. If you can carve the eyes out, DO THAT FIRST. And do both fucking eyes lol.
They need to kill the beast from inside. Fortunately, it likes chowing on anything in its path, including the ground, so just bomb that shit.
The dimensional sword was severely underused. It's pretty imba and seems to have a charge time, but you gotta come closer and aim for the eyes or mouth, not the obviously tough skin.
Yeah, David, what´s this talk about changing the reset point? When has Subaru gained the ability to willingly change it? I agree with Neo, Subaru gathered more "curse smell" to lure the whale.
As I see it, there´s a clear path to victory: Get Reinhard, reveal to him that Wilhelm is his father (which is beyond obvious now), and the father-son-tag team will fuck up three whales by themselves, unleashing the most murderous sword combo in all of history.
And damn, why is Rem so good? When Subaru said "Sorry, Rem, we´re going where it´s the most dangerous", she just smiles and says "wherever you go". Fuck Subaru, fucking idiot.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court