Ok, about the episode: My biggest complaint is still the lack of any tangible danger. This was the same with last week´s sword-kabane. This week, I see this weird, giant smoke monster. I should feel terrified, creeped out. But I´m not. All I do is wonder "hm, how will the get past it? Is it a real smoke monster or is it made of 10000 of kabane? Also Mumei will be all tsundere next week, for sure!"
Since this series is clearly related in spirit, Attack on Titan did this so much better. From the very first episode, the titans were terrifying. And any time later, they were terrifying again. Kabaneri fails to evoke a true sense of danger, ever after the first 2 episodes (that were fantastic).
Now I fear that the entire first season might be a train trip. Really hoped we´d reach the central city at the end of this week´s ep :/