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Thread: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (TV)

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (TV)

    Alternative title:
    Kōtetsujō no Kabaneri (Japanese)
    甲鉄城のカバネリ (Japanese)

    Genres: action, drama, fantasy, horror

    Themes: fighting, post-apocalyptic, steampunk, superpowers

    Plot Summary: On the island country Hinomoto, humans hide themselves in fortresses called "stations" against the threat of zombie-like beings with steel hearts known as "Kabane." Only armored locomotives known as "Hayajiro" go between the stations. -ANN

    Links: ANN, AniDB, MAL, Official

    Download: HS - Episode 01


    Highly entertaining. Steampunk meets Attack on Titan with a lead character who has some brains to his balls. I totally expect him to have some form of superpower after this. And if the similarities weren't enough, Sawano Hiroyuki's doing the music again. Maybe it won't be exactly like our other friend who survived a pathogen attack, but they've already shown evidence of physiology-enhancing features of the virus already.

    The art itself is attractive. Overall it's older school. The girls themselves seem oddly ero to me however. Maybe they're remnicense of porn where poor budget meets cool-in-theory designs? Anyway, they look good.

    I'm not sure what's so special behind his pile-driver gun and why no-one else thought of it prior. If they have explosives they should just use that instead of steam.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I liked this more than Titan, preliminarily speaking. The zombies are more interesting than the naive looking, mindless giants appearing out of nowhere, with the exception of the even more unexplained human-titans. The fact humanity isn't all in a single city is also a big plus, especially when it's combined with those train trips between them. Train trips can be good stuff, like Baccano taught us. Funnily enough even though Titan's setting should have been closer to me culturally, I liked this show's world better. The social class issue is more or less the same, but somehow it was more interesting here.

    Of course after just a single episode it's unfair to compare the shows so much as this could still turn into a (literal) train wreck at any point, but how could one not compared these?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill
    The girls themselves seem oddly ero to me however. Maybe they're remnicense of porn where poor budget meets cool-in-theory designs? Anyway, they look good.
    Well said. I was actually wondering why those girls looked kind of peculiar, but only after reading your post it all made sense. I'm not complaining at all either.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 04-10-2016 at 04:51 PM. Reason: Meaning altering typo

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    When the virus recedes in a silly-fast manner (a conceit I'm willing to give for suspension of disbelief and pacing), you see it finally flash around his heart and primary veins/arteries. I'm certain he will have an iron-encased heart for extra combat durability.

    The gem strapped to his hand seems to hold some significance in his miracle recovery. The virus spread right to the point where the gem contacts his hand, though the auto-asphyxiation obviously had a huge, yet brutal, effect on that as well.

    The character designs really are attractive, but I wouldn't call it hentai. It's just classic Gainax. The original character designer for this series, Mikimoto Haruhiko, worked on the original Macross, Macross 7, Orguss and Gunbuster. The last two being the most influential here, with Ayame having that strong similarity to Kazumi (and all Meiji era women characters). There's also a bit of Murata Renji/Tony Taka in the design, but maybe that's more in just the clothing.

    As for the pile driver gun, I'd guess that they just decided to give up. The Bushi class are the only ones allowed to fight as the ruling class obviously, used to easily winning over the lower classes, and when they couldn't win with even guns, they decided that the monsters are simply unbeatable. The lower class people like Ikoma aren't stuck on one particular set of weapons, and have the craftsman know-how to build, study, and ultimately innovate.

    Explosives are used for suicide and demolition. They apparently never thought to actually use them as a propellant. The Bushi gave up when their lead bullets splattered on the heart cages. Ikoma (and anyone with common sense), would notice an exposed, pulsing, guarded heart is their weakness. His gun focuses the force of a steam/explosive blast to pierce, when the Bushi never thought beyond cut/shoot. Ikoma studied the targets instead of being fearful of them, where the Bushi studied only their own combat skills.

    Mumei obviously has a different approach, but one that only works with incredible skill.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 04-10-2016 at 05:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah I think the Bushi and their guns can injure the Kabane but his weapon has enough force to pierce/destroy the heart.

  5. #5
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Ikoma (and anyone with common sense), would notice an exposed, pulsing, guarded heart is their weakness.
    Yeah. I assumed that the iron cage being the heavily fortified weakness was common knowledge, and that everyone should be working should have worked on a way to crack that.

    I guess not.

    All that said, criticising them while living in the 21st century is perhaps slightly unfair.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 04-10-2016 at 07:18 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #6
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aaand we have this seasonīs must-see. Good.

    Great first episode. It introduced us to completely new world, but didnīt throw lots of dry exposition at us. The characters all have a certain quality to them which makes them instantly likeable/interesting. The hero also is a healthy mixture of normal guy/competent guy. He knows some stuff, but heīs not presented as some know-all prodigy character.

    Only preemptive complaint: I hope this anime QUICKLY explains what happened at the end. This whole world lives in fear of the Kanabe, and our hero knows a way to heal yourself from that infection? There better be a good reason why he doesnīt make this widespread information, and also why he knows about this method, considering he doesnīt have experience facing the kanabe.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #7
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Only preemptive complaint: I hope this anime QUICKLY explains what happened at the end. This whole world lives in fear of the Kanabe, and our hero knows a way to heal yourself from that infection? There better be a good reason why he doesnīt make this widespread information, and also why he knows about this method, considering he doesnīt have experience facing the kanabe.
    He appears to take a scientific approach to things and also studied how to kill them for years. Most people seemingly believe it's a "curse" while he tackles it by calling it a virus/disease. This is steampunk (usually based on the Victorian era), the idea of viruses may not be commonly accepted to be true.

    I don't see his "fix" to be a big point of contention though. He's been working his ass off such that people can stop killing each other. That involves finding out how to kill Kanabe, and finding out how to stop their pathogenesis.

    He may have never fought one off first hand, but it appears that he's seen the transformation of one and observed keenly.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    (edit: What buff said, but wordier)

    He didn't know. He guessed. If it progressed to his brain, the jury-rigged asphyxiator would have just killed him, because he wouldn't have the brain power left to turn the damn thing off.

    Ikoma has been actively studying their remains for months, if not years. Both he and his mechanic buddy concur that it isn't something supernatural, it progresses from bites and is related to the blood. He's seen it infect people first hand, most people probably have. He's a scientist at heart. He examines, he studies, he iterates. He tries again and again. He knows it spreads from bite to brain before their glowing heart comes out and they become monsters. So he did what he hoped would work, or would kill him if it didn't.

    As for why no one listens to him? He's just a mere craftsman, not a Bushi. What does he know!? He could very well be working with the Kabane! He might even be one himself! All this was explained if you paid attention. This is a heavily stratified society. The ruling Bushi class is paranoid and weak, but since they have all the guns, they enforce the rules and live off the work the lower classes perform for them. When they fail, they use fear and paranoia to cover up their weaknesses. They couldn't have been more blunt about that.

    I bet all his craftsmen class friends know about his theories, whether they dismiss them or not, and his one buddy definitely believes him. When he shows up, all of them will.

    Ayame has already shown hints of thinking there is something wrong with their world too. She wants heroes too. She respects knowledge and skill, no matter who exhibits it. She admires standing up for others, even when you don't know them. She was horrified at the way the Bushi handled the inspection, and was shaken to the core that people wanted to fight instead of just run.

  9. #9
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Mumei = delicious.

    I love the retro art. It's really refreshing after all the cut and paste we've been getting recently. That's also the reason I enjoyed UBW's strange faithfulness to the original. I don't even like the art style, but it's valuable by virtue of rarity alone, not to mention the attention to detail is awe inspiring. The action in the ED is very promising.

    I only have praise for the execution of this first episode. Similar to Orphans, it's just hard to find things to complain about, which is honestly quite rare for me.

    I wonder if these zombies can still move around after getting beheaded. Mumei, which means unnamed funnily enough, beat one that way, but I wonder if it's a temporary measure.
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  10. #10
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ikoma being interested in science still doesnīt explain why his infection instantly regressed, once his apparatus had done its job. Keeping the infected blood from reaching your head is one thing, but you canīt just treat it as if itīs a one-time thing ... the infected blood should still be inside his body. Yet, we see him returning to normal in an instant. Weird.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So is your problem:

    1) the fact that he tried what he did, or

    2) the fact that the virus regressed?

    We explained 1, and you know all about a certain other parasite that needs to reach the brain in due time before it has to settle down. Ryll suggested the gem had something to do with it. The asphyxiation may have too.

    For all we know, perhaps he is a Kagane with a human head. I really don't think they're going to skip on an explanation for this.

    edit: beat you again Ryll.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    @Mfauli: It's definitely still in him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    When the virus recedes in a silly-fast manner (a conceit I'm willing to give for suspension of disbelief and pacing), you see it finally flash around his heart and primary veins/arteries. I'm certain he will have an iron-encased heart for extra combat durability.
    @Shinta: When Mumei smiles, especially in the scene where her priest-buddy kills himself, the retro-art has a distinct I"s style to it. Or really any of Katsura Masakazu's work. It's really nice.

    And considering my first anime ever was Iria...I think I finally understand why I'm so drawn toward the art style of this series.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually like that guy's art, well, except for his latest Garo crap.
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  14. #14
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    So is your problem:

    1) the fact that he tried what he did, or

    2) the fact that the virus regressed?

    We explained 1, and you know all about a certain other parasite that needs to reach the brain in due time before it has to settle down. Ryll suggested the gem had something to do with it. The asphyxiation may have too.

    For all we know, perhaps he is a Kagane with a human head. I really don't think they're going to skip on an explanation for this.

    edit: beat you again Ryll.
    I meant the latter. The method of preventing the infection reaching his head is okay. What doesnīt make sense atm is that as soon as he keep the infection away from his head for a moment, it all regressed. Like, if Iīm infected and I stop the blood flow from my arm, as soon as I release the pressure to my arm, the infection will continue to spread. Thatīs what doesnīt make sense. Hope weīll get a satisfying explanation for that, because this show is great otherwise.

    I also agree, this is even more enjoyable than Attack on Titan so far. AoT suffered from dumb, over-dramaticized characters. The characters in this one appear more balanced, specially the hero.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Considering this infection turns people into an abomination that hasn't got anything to do with humans anymore, apart form a humanoid shape, I wouldn't mind even if there was such a condition for the disease that it had to reach the brain in 1 or 2 minutes or the person would be saved. That disease, or curse, can't be compared to any normal disease that we know of, obviously, so it shouldn't be subjected to the same standards in any way, good or bad.

    It wouldn't be all too strange that nobody would have discovered the conditional lightning cure if it was such. It's pretty crazy, after all. It didn't exactly look like the MC knew precisely what he was doing, as if he had seen it numerous times before. It was more like it was a solid theory of his, and he was prepared to try it out if needed. But then again, I do share the feeling that he's somehow special, with the stone and everything.

  16. #16
    Yeah I didnt understand the disease "retreat", nor the bolting his shoulder or trying to asfixiate but I guess we must judge that according to other things showed in the show and its lore. Its pretty clear that it makes no sense to us.

    Couple of things I didnt get. How is a weapon that needs a steam furnace for 1 shot gonna help and why did they say that the ones suspected of infection must stay 2 or 3 days in quarantine and this time the infection happened in seconds to the MC, in minutes to the priest guy and the citizens.

    I actually liked how the "guard" were just common thugs and even the lord couldnt force himself to stop them. Thats pretty much real life like.

    Also how the hell could the girl severe a head with a blade that doesnt seem more than 2 inches long? That was unnecesary bullshit right there. You need several hits or a blade at least the same width of the neck to achieve that in any universe that has the slightest sense.
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  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The 2-3 day quarantine is due to the irrational fear of infection. The fear factor (lol) was very stressed in the first episode. People have lost their sanity and intelligence because of it. The protagonist even stated that out loud.

    The gun development is merely a first step. He succeeded where everyone gave up. That will lead to new research and new weapons that can actually kill the enemies. It's like how there were no electronics until someone lit the first light bulb.

    The kick beheading was clearly for style points. If you watched the ED, a lot more unbelievable stunts are waiting. But hey, it looks fucking bad ass.

    Also, the lord didn't stop the thug guards because he agrees with them, unless you meant the girl, who clearly couldn't oppose her father.
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  18. #18
    I was worried this was going to be too similar to AoT, but I think it is different enough to stand on its own, which is great.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This is great, I was on edge the whole time - the music, action and animation felt right throughout the episode.

    I've yet to understand whether they can be stopped by cutting off theird heads or not. Or is the head/body even "stronger" than the heart? Are they made of iron, I wonder if we even get some answers to that, I'd be fine either way but it would be nice to get some more info about the virus/curse.

    And holy crap, that roundhouse kick was amazing, that kick alone made her go up and high in my character rankings... and it was so amazingly animated too.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-11-2016 at 12:21 PM.

  20. #20
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And the geta got stuck to the torii. Talk about Japanese culture incorporation. Delicious. I found myself crouching to get a peek of what's underneath her kimono.

    I think only the heart has a cage. The body is normal durability. The problem is, does it regenerate? Otherwise, they can just chop the legs off and leave them be.
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