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Thread: I made a new wallpaper...

  1. #1
    beautiful. just..amazing. where is that art from?

  2. #2
    Thanks for your comments. Well, for some reasons, i decided to remove the link.

  3. #3
    awesome! I love it! you make really good wallpapers

    good job

  4. #4
    Looking good

  5. #5
    The Sakura-chan is nifty, but what I really liked was your Hatake Kakashi. Yum.

  6. #6
    Ohhh that's pretty o.o *yoink!*

  7. #7
    it looks good! your good at making wallpapers. keep up the good work

  8. #8
    That looks REALLY great!

    One of the better wallpapers I've seen..

  9. #9
    Thanks all.
    The picture of Sakura is a scan of my mousepad. It is not a fanart. Thanks again, I'm glad you like it.

  10. #10
    1) nice scanner
    2) even nicer mousepad

  11. #11
    Wow i looked and said to "MYSELF" Dude that is REALLY GOOD.

    Its a beutiful looking wallpaper good job

  12. #12
    dude that is the nicest sakura wallpaper i had ever seen.

  13. #13
    Its perfect, I love i, I am using it.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    thats really good (= i love all your wallpapers though

    nice work

  16. #16
    good work i luv it

  17. #17
    sweet wallpaper, it's now mine (as in i'm using it as my background, not stealing it or anything )

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