Lol, wtf, that ending?
WTF indeed
First we get a SUPER WHOLESOME story that I want as its own series.
And then a 5 minute-movie quality "kidnapped by aliens, life on another planet" side-adventure that I want as a full movie lol.
Great episode.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Next episode: The isekai starts!
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Thu, 12-08-2022 at 07:18 AM.
Ah, Mobu, you sleek bastard. Going for the pity-strategy. "Aww, are you okay, Mobu?! I'll stay with you, poor doggo."
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Season 3 - Episode 10:
oh myThe overall episode was surprisingly mediocre ... mediocre-good. But the ending! Bringing back the villain of season 2 to stop Mob, nice
Although I still have no idea what's going on with him. Tbh I would have prefered if he had actually been hurt seriously by the car and then we got to see how the people around him truly care for him. More wholesomeness, you know. But seems the car crash triggered something in him. Will be fun when he meets up with Tsubomi-chan.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Why are you acting surprised? This has always been in him and has been alluded to many times before in the show, in particular when he saved his brother when they were kids or some such.
To me this episode was awesome, all-time favorite to me. I'm still hurting from Dimple's last episodes, and I don't know how Mob can move on from this event after all is said and done. Feels like we're reaching the end of the rope with this series. I don't know how far along the manga we're though, but I just don't see where Mob will fit after all this destruction... unless we get some restorative BS maybe?
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Season 3 - Episode 11:
Well, I'm glad the series is coming together nicely. This is the final season afaik, so it would have been unsatisfying had Reigen not gotten a bigger part anymore. Looking forward to a nice speech next week ^^
Oh, the father-son tag team was great, some real "Vegeta and Trunks fighting Cell" vibes.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Final episode:
Alright, I think watching "A Dog from Flanders" opened my tear canals or something, but I was crying at several points during this episode. >_>
Reigen's final speech that brought back Mob was a bit weak, but other than that it was a great episode to conclude this series. I wouldn't mind a slice of life-sequel anime that further progresses things (where does Reigen's agency go now with the new member? When will Mob and Tsubomi start dating properly?), but it's not necessary I guess.
That there were no casualties from all the destruction Mob caused to the town was lol, but I can forgive it.
Giving it an 8/10 on my MAL list, have to think if it's worth even a 9.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Not as good as a final episode as I was hoping, but many of the things that occurred were on point. Really loved this series from start to finish. The highlight for me was when the brought back the 1st op song for the Reigen scene, love that song.
Overall, a satisfactory conclusion to story and seeing Mob acting more natural and confident, which I guess was the point of this whole journey, was nice to see.