
The story follows the East German Army's 666th TSF Squadron in its battles and political conflicts during the BETA's westward push in 1983.

The East German Army 666th TSF Squadron "Schwarzesmarken" (Black Marks) are a special-forces unit tasked with assaulting BETA forces through unconventional tactics; specifically, they target Lux and Magnus Lux to deny the BETA the advantage of ranged firepower. Their orders are given the topmost priority, such that it is common practice for the 666th to ignore allied distress calls that will result in deviation from their original mission, even if only for a short moment.

Source: Muv-Luv Wiki

HorribleSubs Episode 01


I've been fascinated by the Muv-luv alternate universe ever since I read the VNs back in the day. That no doubt plays a part in my enjoyment of this. Part of it is how every new story seems to be completely unconnected to any others except for the universe itself. They even go out of the way to occur at different time periods.

This iteration carries on the general themes of hopelessness, regret, PTSD, an uncaring world and political intrigue, though that facet is usually saved for until the latter parts of the previous stories. In Schwarzesmarken, the juicy era of espionage during the iron curtain in divided Germany makes for an interesting backdrop.

Excitement aside, the last series had a strong first few episodes itself before devolving into largely formulaic harem hijinks, so a warning there. Cautiously recommended for fans of Sci-Fi apocalypse style stories.