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Thread: Dimension W

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure the point of this arc at all.
    Was it only to reinforce the "deep coils can do [literally] anything!" premise?

    Mira said a whole bunch of mumbo-jumbo that I'm pretty sure had zero purpose.

  2. #22
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I'm not really sure the point of this arc at all.
    Fanservice. How else would you get a superpowerful robot tied up by chains while in a towel?
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  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - HS


    There's not really much else to discuss this episode since it was kind of all over the board.

    Does Loser have one 'daughter' or three? It's starting to bother me that it appears to be a different girl every time. The only thing consistent is they all share an eye color.

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No man with three beautiful daughters would call himself a loser, right?

    I'm not sure where this is leading. It looked like a call to a tournament, but this hardly looks like that sort of a show. In any case the foreign robot manufacturer was a total scumbag.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS


    The entire second half of this episode made zero sense. The only thing that made sense was Loser's daughter is in fact, just the one. She's normally brunette as seen in the sub, but her primary disguise is the blond goth loli.

    I did like SEELE Gendo Steve Jobs, the head of the NT council of 60!

    Should we speculate from the flashback that Mira will somehow be Miyabi? Her head dredged back from the deep to form the basis of Mira's brain? Too cliché? Who can say?

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Yeah I got nothin'. Nice, short flashback that actually didn't feel that tragic, because somebody is usually 'screwed' by an evil party to gain their trauma; but here it was presented as an equivalent exchange and an accident.

    As for the plan itself, I'm with you and have little idea what is going on. I am ashamed of how little I follow the plot of this show. Yay for more collectors, I guess we needed someone to die in the next few episodes.

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The collection of collectors was straight from some comedy or shounen fight show. But I suppose on one hand it makes sense people doing dubious work of high physical risk for uncertain income wouldn't be ordinary officer worker look-alikes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Should we speculate from the flashback that Mira will somehow be Miyabi? Her head dredged back from the deep to form the basis of Mira's brain? Too cliché? Who can say?
    When they said the head was destroyed, I assumed that's it. But indeed it wouldn't be impossible in this show that it was Miyabi. At the moment I don't consider it likely, though. In the first place since she doesn't think so herself nor does she have any such memories, would it make any difference? Since Miyabi was being experimented on by Mrs Yurizaki and Mira was created by Mr Yurizaki, I guess that would create an opportunity if nothing else. She might as well be something that Yurizaki created to replace her murdered real daughter. In the end Miyabi really shouldn't matter that much to Yurizakis even if she was the most important thing in the world for Kyouma. She's just a patient lost.

  8. #28
    Just watched all the episodes that are out, I'm being quite entertained by this one... even though the plot seems quite disjointed so far with no real direction.

  9. #29
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The plot needs more PLOT to bind it together.
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  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - HS


    I've got a better series to compare this to now: Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil. Pretty, but that's its only virtue.

    This will be the second series I've seen that contradicts itself, changes the plot, rules and characters...mid-episode. It's rare that I've suddenly felt that I missed an episode when the scene changes. Plot threads dropped, characters portrayed differently, plots threads sprouted from nowhere. Erratic motivations for things even occurring.

    Even the much-maligned Guilty Crown had overall plot consistency, and the characters held the same motivations and attributes within individual episodes.

    - Nothing is alive on this island, not even bacteria, so anything that should be decomposed crumbles to dust...except that one guy, because humans might randomly be zombies. Oh, and unless a bunch show up in the facility, he's going to be the only one.

    - The white-haired prince was a full cyborg, and not heir to the throne when he was introduced...except now he's naturally born and heir to the throne, his older adopted brother has been demoted to regent when he was clearly the ruler when he was introduced. Might be a cyborg still? Not sure, because now he's using synchronized mechs via some kind of waldo.

    - The glowing sphere-ball black hole attacked everything before, now it's a man-eater! And undoubtedly a representation of Miyabi or whatever, because it is tasting all the men to find the right one, Kyouma. Or it's Loser's wife, who we saw this episode in a flashback, conveniently blonde not for any real reason, but just to match Ellie's disguise.

    - Evil black guy giving mysterious surgical operation betrayal to a rival...when there were still two active kill-bots right around the corner.

    - And no I didn't forget, Picture Drama flashback! Conserving budget! Had to waste it all on that stupid scene of Kyouma Dance Defeating that robot Snowspeeder vs AT-AT style...that Mira finished off anyway.

    - Mira connects the tail to coils directly, now she just touches optical sensors to shut them down. Okay.

    - Mira sacrifices her body to save kids (in what was probably the last good episode of this series), and now she's terrified of death. Which coil is she using nowadays? A normal one, or her super powered one?

    - Dead zones stop all coils and all life...oh wait, it's really about 10 seconds.

    Dimension W's infinite possibilities even extend to the anime studio's writers, direction, and budget. Quite the commitment to the concept.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 02-29-2016 at 05:29 AM.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You really went all out to analyse this. I didn't bother. I just keep being fascinated by Mira and her interaction with Kyouma. I think she was written quite well and the VA is pulling it off nicely. She's almost human but there are some small nuances that feel off all the time, like how she keeps being so positive and optimistic and no matter how many times Kyouma calls her ponkotsu, she never gives up trying to form a good relationship with him. That's the behavior of a machine, alright.

    What comes to the plot, I've largely given up. It's been evident earlier than Dimension W and the coils are just an excuse for the author to write whatever he wants. It's no wonder that mentality starts to corrode other elements of the story as well.

  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I agree, Mira is the only good thing about this show at this point.

    The way the VA says English words is quite unique and rather charming.

  13. #33
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This show needs more naked Mira. They can actually just make a slice of life show with her and Kyoma going around recovering coils and it'd be better than what we got.
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  14. #34
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just finished this finally.

    Unfortunately, my final word could be summarized with a simple "style over substance". The production value was phenomenal. Great artstyle, smooth, fluid animations, great music, great voice acting. So what happened? No story happened. I really had to force myself finishing this, watching the last 6 episodes over the course of three weeks, always combining watching an episode with dinner. The story never managed to grab me. The first couple episodes felt like small filler stories, then suddenly we get this meeting on the Easter Isles, where all those crazy coil hunters gathered. And then it becomes som clichee-ridden psycho-philosophical wishwash, introspective all over the place, and it completely loses any grab it might have had at this point.

    If I had a chance to change things, there´s two main ones: 1.) Make this a 26-episode series. We needed more time with these characters to really CARE about them. Especially those coil hunters at the end deserved more time of their own. 2.) Better handly of plot progression. A story needs to start strong, but it needs to get stronger at any given moment. This anime had a great first episode, then got reaaaally boring with its ghost arc, and never really recovered from there. And the showdown at the end didn´t feel grand at all, even when the bad guy said "I´ll make this planet into a lifeless void!" where did that come from? was what I thought.

    It sucks when such production quality is met with such a lousy story. Someone should have given Ajin this production team.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, pretty much so. I only remembered I hadn't watched the last episode when I saw you bump up the thread. I really liked the MCs, Kyouma and Mira, especially their combo, much more than I like characters in most shows with actually acceptable stories. Seameyer was a pretty successful and nasty villain on the other side. The action was good like you said. But the story did so many things wrong that it's a huge pity. They should have built the whole dimension W more carefully and that way build a clearer path to the conclusion. I don't think the ghost arc did any good. A more technological approach might have been better, even if weird things happened. It would have held together much better.

  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And amnesia stories are terrible in general.

    Imagine if Kyoma didn't have amnesia. That alone would've improved the story greatly.
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  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Indeed. Amnesia is such a beaten to death plot element that it would be best left to excellent stories that can pull it off nicely. This wasn't one of those obviously.

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