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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #201
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's a red herring. They're making it too obvious for him to be the real killer.
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  2. #202
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The teacher could still be the killer in my book, red-herring or not. The mum's keeping him in the loop of things too. She's supposedly a good judge of character but I don't think she's foolproof.

    Everybody thought that the killer was angry and just randomly kicked that box in the bus and dropped his shit there. I thought he did it on purpose. He bailed on the killing because things didn't go according to plan. Even if he killed Kayo right then and there, he couldn't set up his scapegoat (Yuuki) this time since Satoru ruined his first attempt.

    I interpreted that as a "Fuck you, I'll be back".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #203
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That'd be fucking awesome if true.

    The only thing better is some clubhouse sandwich futon action.
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  4. #204
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The teacher could still be the killer in my book, red-herring or not. The mum's keeping him in the loop of things too. She's supposedly a good judge of character but I don't think she's foolproof.

    Everybody thought that the killer was angry and just randomly kicked that box in the bus and dropped his shit there. I thought he did it on purpose. He bailed on the killing because things didn't go according to plan. Even if he killed Kayo right then and there, he couldn't set up his scapegoat (Yuuki) this time since Satoru ruined his first attempt.

    I interpreted that as a "Fuck you, I'll be back".
    That sounds strange. If he was so analytical and free of passion, why would he be killing in the first place? It's not like he'd be murdering the abused daughter of random addicts for some higher political reason. If the target is offered to him on a gold platter right after he failed to snatch her after going through more trouble, I'd find it unlikely he wouldn't seize the opportunity.

  5. #205
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That sounds strange. If he was so analytical and free of passion, why would he be killing in the first place? It's not like he'd be murdering the abused daughter of random addicts for some higher political reason.
    Isn´t that THE big question, though? We´re watching a show about a boy who can leap back and forth through time, we´re at episode 8, only 4-5 episodes remaining. And somehow we´re being told a story about tragic, but not that special murders. With how obsessed the murderer is to kill Satoru´s friends and incrimate him, it almost feels as if these past murders have a deeper meaning than just "duh, I felt like killing some innocent brats".

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  6. #206
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That sounds strange. If he was so analytical and free of passion, why would he be killing in the first place?
    I don't know why he kills, but given everything we've seen so far across the years, I'd say calling him analytical is pretty spot on.

    At the very least he loves to make sure someone else takes the blame for his acts.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #207
    If I recall correctly it was stated that he had killed before and did so after this series of crimes. The "obssesion" with Kayo may be that he is just plainly psycho and its his target cause she fills some characteristics and had a plan to do his "thing" with her. Most serial killers choose victims and stick to them even if they get an easier target/chance with some1 else.

    He knew they left her alone in the shed and planned along for the 2nd time murder (she is no longer staying alone in the park, 1st time murder) so he should be planning a 3rd time murder. If he knew she was in the bus he would have done a new plan based on that info and not ruining this new chance.

    Yuukis alibi would work for the night the window was broken and the father (and neighborhood) woke up and made a ruckuss. The night the killer went into the bus was another one.

    I still have troubles with the smart friend. He is too fking clever, composed, methodical, considerate. We can assume that just happens to be a normal functioning genius (part of that 0,1% of population) to be there by sheer luck (and didnt skip grades cause whatever) but im not buying it. ¿What if Sastoru isnt the only with the power of going back in time?
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  8. #208
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wasn't Yuuki's alibi police protection? I think the death threat Satoru left under the rock was supposed to trigger that reaction. So the cops are gonna be watching Yuuki for a week or so to make sure he doesn't get killed.
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  9. #209
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Isn´t that THE big question, though? We´re watching a show about a boy who can leap back and forth through time, we´re at episode 8, only 4-5 episodes remaining. And somehow we´re being told a story about tragic, but not that special murders. With how obsessed the murderer is to kill Satoru´s friends and incrimate him, it almost feels as if these past murders have a deeper meaning than just "duh, I felt like killing some innocent brats".
    The girl from the other school where the bus is isn't related to Satoru, and the next girl in the first timeline too.
    Then in the second timeline, it's true the killer targeted satoru's trap friend.

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  10. #210
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't know why he kills, but given everything we've seen so far across the years, I'd say calling him analytical is pretty spot on.
    Well, yeah, analytical is the wrong word. Though I don't know which one to use. I meant to say that he's killing for no intelligent reason. Like not eliminating business/love competitors or anything. So, while killing for no particular reason but his own urge to kill, I don't see why he would spare Hinazuki simply because she wasn't in the shed but already in the very bus he would have carried her. Sure, framing Yuuki might not have worked, but is framing somebody more important than killing for him?

    Looking back at the mom's murder, I find it hard to believe he could 100% count on managing to frame Satoru (because that whole incident relied on Satoru acting like an idiot), yet he wanted to kill the mom right then and there. Getting rid of Satoru was merely a bonus under those circumstances.

  11. #211
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Since he's a serial killer, the method is just as important as the target. They don't kill just because of opportunity. They enjoy how they pull off the deed, including how they get away with it. There's a method to the madness.

    Framing Satoru for his mom's murder was not a sure deal, but that goes for any frame up. There was a pretty good chance of it happening, so the killer took it. This time, there was no one else to take the blame for Kayo's death, except maybe Satoru kid version for putting her in that bus, but no reasonable judge would conclude that.

    I'll be really, really impressed if Buff's theory turns out correct.
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  12. #212
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't know why he kills, but given everything we've seen so far across the years, I'd say calling him analytical is pretty spot on.

    At the very least he loves to make sure someone else takes the blame for his acts.
    I'm starting to think the latter part is what he actually enjoys. His abduction and killing methods are so mundane and...dispassionate? He's really separated from the act of murdering (for the most part, until he stabs Sachiko). Spraying a beaten unconscious Kayo until she freezes to death and picking her body up later, or smothering another girl with charcoal briquettes in a bus, or whatever he did to Hiromi and all the other children.

    It's the framing others part that he truly likes. He was present for when Satoru got picked up by the cops, smirking, taking it all in. That's the compulsion.

    The game is framing someone else so completely that suspicion never falls on him, and being there when the person he framed gets caught is the sick pleasure that he basks in. It's almost like the kidnapping and killing children is just the means to an end. The murders are secondary, the framing of another is the actual goal.

    Sachiko and the professor both believe he sets a pattern before moving on. It seems to be getting someone else caught. When Sachiko spoiled his latest plot in the present, he switched to framing Satoru for stabbing and arson.

    I realize I said it about three times in this post, but it really is starting to build up that way.

  13. #213
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I don't think it's a red herring.

    We know it's an adult male, and I don't know many other adult males in this show that could be a suspect. I also doubt they're going to make the villain someone who has not yet been introduced in the show given how late in the game it is.

  14. #214
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, I mean, if that guy that went to the bus is the perpetrator, then that only leaves the teacher as the murderer. What other adult do we know? Kayo´s dad, but he was a bit fatter than what we saw of the guy at the bus iirc.

    Tbh, either options would be disappointing, because they´re too obvious.

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  15. #215
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Let's not forget the age... After all, in 29 years old Satoru's present, the culprit feels quite young.
    So in kid Satoru's present, the culprit really is young, but already an adult. So around the early 20's.
    That's if we have only one culprit.
    At some point, I thought it was the journalist, he had his red eye scene too, and he can get lots of data on anyone to prepare for his crimes.
    But the culprit apparent age did not match.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Sachiko and the professor both believe he sets a pattern before moving on. It seems to be getting someone else caught. When Sachiko spoiled his latest plot in the present, he switched to framing Satoru for stabbing and arson.

    I realize I said it about three times in this post, but it really is starting to build up that way.
    Wasn't he trying to abdcut a child in plain day? Its possible to do that and whatever you have planned and frame others afterwards but... aint that way too risky if your goal and satisfaction is just to frame others? Im pretty sure that there are easier ways to do it than abducting a child in plain day infront of a supermarket even in clueless Japan.

    Also I still dont know if the killer is just 1 guy. I swear that at fisrt episode it looked young (30s) and had like a moustache and the shady official looks like and old satoru (late 40s-50s). Maybe is just bad drawing or that I'm reading too much into it dunno.
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  17. #217
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Btw wouldn´t it make sense for the killer to be Yuuki after all? The murderer was angry. Somebody here assumed it was because Satoru made Kayo´s original murder impossible. But what if it´s because Satoru caused the murderer himself, Yuuki, to be unable to go out and go through with his plan?
    It´s kinda over the top to be this angry about a missed opportunity, unless the perpetrator is a chess-mastermind, who values a well-thoughout schedule over anything else.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  18. #218
    I think Satorus mother ruled yuuki out when she recognized the guy and remembered who he was. See tought about how she should have listened to Satoru when she was dying and life passed in front of her eyes.

    It could be like a double twist but I hope not. This show really needs coherence even if its just once.
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  19. #219
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yuuki is in jail in the future.
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  20. #220
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, then the murderer is the teacher. Good job, anime, at keeping it a secret for the twist! ;>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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