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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #161
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You are clearly mixing up intelligence with morality. Those two aren't the same thing, and not even related.

    A lot of smart people become criminals. Just look at politicians and serial killers. Heck, Kayo's killer is a great example.
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  2. #162
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm not mixxing it up, I'm not even aiming in that direction. I'm calling you out on saying "he's stupid" when your own plans arn't even close to being flawless or helpful.
    You have problems with him acting naturally, without considering why he does things the way he does.
    On the other hand you don't seem to have that much of a problem to understand his reasoning when it's pointed out for you.

    This is literally a "penalty shot" situation, where the scorer decides to kick the ball in the bottom left corner... too bad the keeper jumped in that direction. Yet there is this one guy saying "He should've shot in the right corner".
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 02-21-2016 at 01:58 PM.

  3. #163
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    My plans are better than his, at least. I already stated them in my previous posts, so I'm not gonna repeat them.

    If you specifically mean killing the mother, it's actually a good idea. He just has to do it without anyone catching him. Pushing her off the stairs will actually suffice IF there weren't any witnesses. The thing is, he didn't even check, because as you said, he acted on impulse. Just to be clear, this scenario assumes that she'll actually die from the fall. If the stairs aren't high enough to ensure that, then the entire thing is a no go.

    If the mother dies, the police will have to step in. Kayo might get sent to a facility, but at least that keeps her safe. Safer than being alone in a bus, at least.

    The best part is Kayo will be free from her mother's abuse.

    And I do consider why he is acting like that. I even understand it. But I don't like it, nor do I think it's the right course of action. It is certainly stupid.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 02-21-2016 at 02:56 PM. Reason: Deleted my murder fiction. It's irrelevant.
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  4. #164
    Not going to write about the master plan of leaving Kayo alone for long periods of time and not even trying to hide traces or the 10 steps killing push of her mother. Nor the alibi for the night that nothing happens for Yuuki.

    I actually wonder why he thinks that this is the last time he could use his "power". Going from 1 to 2 is harder than going from 2 to 3 in any experiment. He already achieved a 100% increase with his 2n chance. Getting a 50% increse could be imposible but doesnt seem logical to think that way.

    I think that the guy going into the bus its actually a friendly. Its strange clothes to be Satorus mother but I doubt its the killer.

    Did we get any hints to why its so fking vital for the killer to kill Kayo first? They even said he did it in some other town previously so she isnt the trigger. I also didnt understand why killing the girly boy after the 1st time travel change was any clever move.

    It feels like if some characters aknowledge of someting being clever spectators will think its clever. That could work with dumb people (like satoru) but is crappy writting.

    ps: Did the news reporter say that kayos mother was jailed for beating her daughter and leaving her to die of freeze in the shed? But then they said that the boot prints on the shed matched Yuuki and that led to him and some pedophile content he had or was his fathers pedophile library or was the killer (that goes around town into every crime scene over and over again, very clever, to say hi?) that planted it? I must admit that im no longer even thinking when watching this series. Its like a Clusterfuck of nonsense actually.
    Last edited by Edort4; Tue, 02-23-2016 at 06:35 AM.
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  5. #165
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Unless this is somehow a part of Satoru's plan, I almost hope it's the killer and Hinazuki disappears/dies again, even though I want nothing as much as her ending up happily ever after. Because if it's not a part of Satoru's plan, then this whole situation is even worse than the untouched timeline or his first attempt. There's still some risk for the killer to carry a body away from the housing area and later return it, while there's absolutely no risk visiting an abandoned bus in the middle of nowhere. It would be a different thing if Satoru had made a bigger effort of involving more people, especially adults, but in that case Hinazuki living in the wreck of a bus would be quite unlikely. No sensible adult would leave a little kid there all alone. Oh, right, Satoru is actually 29 years old, but we all know he's not overly sensible.
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 02-23-2016 at 07:44 AM. Reason: Typo

  6. #166
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Did we get any hints to why its so fking vital for the killer to kill Kayo first? They even said he did it in some other town previously so she isnt the trigger.
    It's vital for Satoru to not let her die, and that's what this is about.

    I also didnt understand why killing the girly boy after the 1st time travel change was any clever move.
    Then you should rewatch that scene where it was explained.... or actually start thinking, which you've given up on as you said yourself.

    Because if it's not a part of Satoru's plan, then this whole situation is even worse than the untouched timeline or his first attempt. There's still some risk for the killer to carry a body away from the housing area and later return it, while there's absolutely no risk visiting an abandoned bus in the middle of nowhere
    True, but at the same time, he can't really target her. First of all, he can't (from what we know) make it look like someone specific killed her and that seems to be "his thing", (is it not?) and I wonder if a killer like ours would risk an open investigation.

    Then I wonder whether the "Clubroom" is actually as abandoned as we think it is...I too think it's weird, but then again' it's next to a grade school or something.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 02-23-2016 at 08:51 AM.

  7. #167
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - HS

    - - - - -

    Holy shit, Satoru actually did beat the murderer in pure luck. It's actually quite funny that the visitor was the murderer all pissed off after failing to retrieve Hinazaki from where he thought she is, only to miss her by three meters at the last place he would have expected her to be in.

    It's unbelievable how much I enjoy watching good things to happen to poor Kayo.

    Man, that "Yeah". What a smooth operator.

  8. #168
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Omg, I canīt! When I was about to start watching, I remembered last weekīs cliffhanger and honestly pondered for a moment, if I actually WANT to watch this :/ Then I did and first was like "ok, not a bad person, itīll turn out fine". Only for it be revealed that it WAS the murderer! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
    And this confirms that Satoru really had no smart plan in play, it was sheer luck that Kayo survived in the bus. Truth to be told, the murderer should have noticed the warmth and smell coming from somewhere inside the bus that should have been ice-cold.

    But Satoru made another mistake, although itīs only the 2nd biggest problem: Instead of simply forsaking the bus, he should have made an effort to find out who the murderer is! Something could have been done, since he knew the murderer would return to the bus. Which, however, leads us to the number 1 problem:
    HOW can Satoru EVER stop the murderer, when no murder has been committed? Unless you catch him right in the act PRIOR to murdering the victim (which would be way convenient), there has to be at least one victim to convict somebody. Taking a police officer to the bus, confronting the to-be murderer and pointing at the tool wonīt work. Bullshit excuses will be made with ease then. So if Satoru truly intends to stop any killings from happening, thereīs only to options imo:

    1.) Kill the to-be murderer
    2.) Confront him by himself and do the best Naruto-speech that has ever been given

    Both options leave a lot desired.

    Sidenote: Satoruīs mom is totally hot. Would love to take a bath with her, too. And since she didnīt age in 20 years, sheīs the perfect woman lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post

    Man, that "Yeah". What a smooth operator.
    Best fucking scene, LOL. Really makes you wonder if heīs brain capabilities revert when he jumps back in time. Itīs so weird. He simply shouldnīt have any such thoughts or turning red; itīs a little girl, a grade school girl. If these scenes continue, this animeīs final episode will end with Satoru having turned a pedo criminal himself from all the contact with Kayo. Only half-joking here.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #169
    Maybe I was to hard on this show. It could actually be somewhat a master piece. This last episode took a turn into full Fargo mode. The bad guy getting mad and staying 2 meters away from his victim felt a lot like Justified/better call Saul.

    Almost everybody is stupid in their cores, people dont think before acting, your normal joe works on impulses and luck and police are utterly obnoxious and lazy. Criminals arent smart, not even this suppossed evil genius, is just everybody else that cant reason added to a corrupted system by mediocrity.

    This could be a great satire and a critique of Japan and their traumatized, phobia filled and dumbed society.
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  10. #170
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Nice turn of events.
    I also wanted them to keep an eye on the bus to see who the killer was (they still might), since it's a golden oppertunity.
    It seems Kayo is going to be okay now, but that would end it there, unless the focus shifts to finding the murderer, since the 2nd victim was shown this episode, and Satoru mentioned that she'd be killed soon. Gave me the thought that he'll 'use' her to find the killer. Given the fact that his mother is now involved in saving Kayo, the murderer might still hold a grudge agains her for taking away his prey.

    Besides all that.. damn Kayo's life sucked. Besides getting the crap beaten out of her all the time, her breakfast was Kenny McCormick level...or even worse. It's surprising that she's able to smile at all.

  11. #171
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Aside from the dumb ass killer and the fact that Plan B should've been Plan A, this episode took this show back on track.

    We got more sweet Kayo moments, and a fucking bath scene involving 2 of the hottest anime girls this season, and both are in polar ends of the hotness type spectrum!

    Kayo's VA is doing a godly job. Her voice is cute as hell and fits Kayo's kuu/dandere looks and personality. Not only that, the subdued crying scene was absolute excellence. You can really feel that the child has been abused when she can't even cry in earnest.

    Seriously, what was the point of the previous episode? See how cool yokai mom is? See how much Satoru trusts her? What the hell was with that dumb ass bus plan? If they take out the entire bus idea, this show would be blameless. I could even forgive Satoru's impulsive killer instinct.

    Speaking about dumb things, did you know that the English title for Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (A Town Where I'm Gone) is "Erased?" What the hell is that?
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  12. #172
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    and a fucking bath scene involving 2 of the hottest anime girls this season, and both are in polar ends of the hotness type spectrum!
    Thereīs nothing "hot" about Kayo ...

    Speaking about dumb things, did you know that the English title for Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (A Town Where I'm Gone) is "Erased?" What the hell is that?
    Yeah, I knew, and i hate it. But I hate all english titles of anime. Last I remember I absolutey hated was Sakamichi no Apollon, something "Kids ... Slopes ... whatever".
    Either keep the Japanese title or make it a more literal translation. But donīt make up bullshit. When a friend of mine complained to me he cannot memorize the japanese title, I told him to call it "Gelöscht" then (German translation of "Erased"), to make fun of how bad the English translation ist.

    Ah, ffs, now I keep fantasizing about bathing together with Satoruīs mom. Help.

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  13. #173
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Thereīs nothing "hot" about Kayo ...
    Look at my sig and say that to my face.

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying you should find lolis hot. I'm saying I find lolis hot. To each their own.
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  14. #174
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Look at my sig and say that to my face.

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying you should find lolis hot. I'm saying I find lolis hot. To each their own.
    Okay, sorry. Admittedly, Iīm already 30, so finding lolis "hot" would be awkward for me, compared to the attractions of a youngun like yourself ;>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #175
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Dang, you're actually 30?? I always thought that was a fake age and you're actually 15 or something.

    I don't expect to suddenly find lolis not hot in the next 4 months, so I don't think it has anything to do with age (see Satoru, the 29 year old). Lolis are immortal! Kayo is immortal!
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  16. #176
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Isn't Satoru in love with Kayo? It would be pretty sad to love someone romantically without finding them attractive. He keeps telling himself he's 29, but in fact he's not 29. He's... Well, whatever those kids' age is currently. But then again, it might be better this way since it perhaps allows him to treat Kayo in a more suitable way fitting a victim of heavy abuse. Despite his awesome answer to the mom, I don't expect him to make any strange moves.

  17. #177
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Heīs a cheater, though. Assuming he manages to get rid of the murderer, heīll have used his 29 yo wits to make a 9yo girl fall in love with him. Thatīs not right! And I also wonder if, when he jumps back at the happy end, his brain will suddenly be filled with new memories, because of course heīll have been married to Kayo for the last 20 years ... that he didnīt actually experience!

    @shinta: Iīm actually 16 on the inside, but yeah, my passport says 30. See ya soon!

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  18. #178
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually hope he doesn't jump back at all. He catches the killer and then lives his life all over again, this time more meaningfully thanks to Kayo.

    Kayo can become his adopted sister with benefits. Then he can hunt down pizza girl in the future and make her the legal wife. Then he can woo the Yokai into bed and make himself the ultimate clubhouse sandwich harem.
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  19. #179
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Speaking about dumb things, did you know that the English title for Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (A Town Where I'm Gone) is "Erased?" What the hell is that?
    What's wrong with it. Short and fitting. Fits even better than the original if you ask me.

  20. #180
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    btw, it should be "A town where only I am gone/donīt exist".

    and goddam, shinta. I didnīt even know about the term "sister with benefits" until now ...

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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